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project reality worth it?

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  • #16
    Re: project reality worth it?

    I LOVE the PR MOD. Like one person said its very slow & methodical game play. I really enjoy its realism. =)


    • #17
      Re: project reality worth it?

      I'm a noob when it comes to setting up these BF2 mods ... so bear with me

      Basically if I install this, is this going to change my original BF2 client and prevent me from playing on regular, ranked BF2 servers? I have the 1.12 patch installed -- so will I have to patch to an older version to run this?


      • #18
        Re: project reality worth it?

        Its not too bad. Brings a lot of realism with the strict view modes and kits have taken a huge beating, generally promotes a more team work environment and not just solo noobers. BUT can't find any servers that are populated MAJOR DOWNSIDE!


        • #19
          Re: project reality worth it?

          Originally posted by Damanexor
          I'm a noob when it comes to setting up these BF2 mods ... so bear with me

          Basically if I install this, is this going to change my original BF2 client and prevent me from playing on regular, ranked BF2 servers? I have the 1.12 patch installed -- so will I have to patch to an older version to run this?
          This mod will not alter your original BF2 game in anyway. It runs completely seperately from BF2 and after installing the mod you will be able to play the mod or play regular BF2 as you always did. Just run the mod's install then click on the icon it creates to play PRMM. When you want to play regular BF2 then do what you usually do.

          For your second question: No you do not need to roll back BF2 to play PRMM, our latest hotfix has made PRMM compatible with the v1.12 patch.

          Make sure you download and install the mod (PRMM v0.2) AND the hotfix (PRMM v0.2 Rev 1).



          • #20
            Re: project reality worth it?

            I just wish there were servers running PR - none down here in australia/new zealand region.. and playing with a half a second ping sucks! otherwise I would only play this!!! GET IT, its wicked.


            • #21
              Re: project reality worth it?

              People are talking about tanks and APCs. I dont think the reality aspect of the game would suit there being tanks and APCs running around. How does this mod deal with the already invincable armour whores?


              • #22
                Re: project reality worth it?

                Originally posted by IRONxMortlock
                I'm glad you tried it! You tried it and it wasn't for you and I respect your opinion. You're right, BF2 isn't meant to be a war sim but PRM IS. It's a matter of taking a game engine and changing it to suit a certain niche of players. In PRM's case, it is the realism niche.

                We have always said that PRM isn't going to be for everyone. This is the purpose of a mod, it allows players who are looking for a certain type of gameplay to get more from their game without the need to force their beliefs onto everyone else. Some mods for BF2 will be about realism while other BF2 mods will be based in WW2 or the wild west or space or fighting the living dead. The posibilities are endless. This is what is fantastic about mods, they are free and they bring in diversity and allow everyone to get more out of their favourite games.
                Thanks, and I will say again, you guys did a quality job. For the folks who want more realism, you're right on the mark.


                • #23
                  Re: project reality worth it?

                  Originally posted by WrAth2110
                  People are talking about tanks and APCs. I dont think the reality aspect of the game would suit there being tanks and APCs running around. How does this mod deal with the already invincable armour whores?
                  Simple answer to your question: There basically is no such thing as whoring in PRMM and armor has been properly balanced. Armor is both stronger and weaker. They are lethal vehicles but they are also vulnerable.

                  Long Answer: I think one of the first things you need to look at is how Project Reality tends to eliminate the entire concept of whoring in general. It is a mod so of course it is unranked which automatically removes the motivation for most of the stat-whoring seen regular BF2. In every game I’ve played of PRMM it seems as though most players are in it for the team victory rather than personal score. What makes PRMM even less attractive to “whores” is the fact that all indicators displaying hits or kills have been removed. You don’t know if you’ve killed someone unless you actually see them drop or you find their corpse. This prevents a lot of spamming choke points with grenades etc as you can never be sure of its effect. As there are no enemy tags you also never know who you’ve killed which takes away the “Ha ha ha! I pwned you noob” mentality and assists people to concentrate more fully on team objectives rather than racking up kills.

                  From a game balancing perspective the tanks and APCs are both weaker and stronger than in BF2. Their offensive capabilities are stronger with the addition of different ammunition types and huds that can zoom. Yet this can also be a weakness. For example, a tank using HEAT rounds to combat infantry will lose when it comes across another tank which has preloaded sabot rounds. The coaxial MG on the tanks as well as the turret mounted .50cal although now more powerful have limited ammo and must be reloaded. Infantry based AT weapons (except C4) are also now very effective. Tanks without infantry support will not last long. Two AT rockets will usually polish off a tank.

                  Download it, give it a try and see for yourself by visiting

                  Let me know what you think.

                  Originally posted by Falkeye
                  I just wish there were servers running PR - none down here in australia/new zealand region.. and playing with a half a second ping sucks! otherwise I would only play this!!! GET IT, its wicked.
                  Mate, I'm pretty sure there's at least one PRMM server running in Australia. I'll see if I can dig up the IP or the contact details of the admin for you.


                  • #24
                    Re: project reality worth it?

                    Originally posted by falkeye
                    I just wish there were servers running PR - none down here in australia/new zealand region.. and playing with a half a second ping sucks! otherwise I would only play this!!! GET IT, its wicked.
                    As promised, an Aussie server.

                    Originally posted by Project Reality Forums
                    Server is called

                    PRMM - AJO OZ

                    Port 16568


                    • #25
                      Re: project reality worth it?

                      sounding like i might give it a try. anyone who plays forgotten hope can comment on this? i really enjoy forgotten hope with its 1-hit rifle kills and tank balance. i might jump on it but im hittin my bandwidth peak again this week for college so thats why i am hesitant to dl it.


                      • #26
                        Re: project reality worth it?

                        I really like this mod. The tank zoom is god! Only problem I had was firing the AK47 from the hip not 2 yards away from a guy and completely missing. The recoil effects are a bit harsh imo.

                        Spec ops is the only kit with a parachute, if I recall. So if you like to get into the air at all, there's your kit of choice. But the c4 is muuuch weaker now.

                        I too am a huge fan of Forgotten Hope. Give this a try sometime, you will probably like it. But I do have problems finding populated servers, especially since I play at odd hours.

                        Bottom line: excellent mod if you like more realism, just might have problems finding populated servers.


                        • #27
                          Re: project reality worth it?

                          Originally posted by bjack
                          Bottom line: excellent mod

