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project reality worth it?

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  • project reality worth it?

    hey guys, im a long time forgotten hope player, and i was wondering how project reality stacks up. i realize its only in the minimod stages but i was wondering how much it helped the gameplay. did it slow it down so its more of a methodolic pace of gameplay? id like a little slower pace so theres time to ambush/setup choke point, probe the defenses, not just spawn, kill, die, spawn type of game play. i need something with squads to tide me over till FH2 comes out and was thinking prmm might be the thing. any feedback?

  • #2
    Re: project reality worth it?

    Originally posted by charlesbian
    hey guys, im a long time forgotten hope player, and i was wondering how project reality stacks up. i realize its only in the minimod stages but i was wondering how much it helped the gameplay. did it slow it down so its more of a methodolic pace of gameplay? id like a little slower pace so theres time to ambush/setup choke point, probe the defenses, not just spawn, kill, die, spawn type of game play. i need something with squads to tide me over till FH2 comes out and was thinking prmm might be the thing. any feedback?
    Simple answer, yes.

    The weapons are extremely accurate and leathal in PR so those who don't take their time in moving around will not last long. Methodical playing will be definately rewarded.

    In the end though what's stopping you from trying it? It's free and easy to download and setup. I can definately say that PR is not for everyone but you'll never know until you see for yourself.

    Drop by our site and get it today.

    Remember that you must download and install the mini-mod AND the recently released hotfix.

    Have fun and make sure you share with us what you think of it on our forums. The devs are always happy to hear suggestions from the community.


    • #3
      Re: project reality worth it?

      When it got released a couple of months ago I thought it was OK .. but no1 was playing it when I checked


      • #4
        Re: project reality worth it?

        Got it the other night, was definately surprised at people *gasp* USING TEAMWORK. The gameplay is definately different than the normal noob tubing point hungry people you see in the ranked servers. The only trouble is finding a server, but when you find one, seems fairly fun to me.


        • #5
          Re: project reality worth it?

          IMO No. It was one glitchy ass Mofo for me. The USMC kits had Unlock weapons as the icons. And even some MEC weapons. The Hud was all Effed up. Ill post some screens of what it looks like. Plus I found 0 servers.


          • #6
            Re: project reality worth it?

            Not worth it. Much LESS action and funny moments. I prefer more "fast pased" than the more "ratarded".


            • #7
              Re: project reality worth it?

              I like the concept, but some elements/design choices encroach on enjoyment and gameplay.


              • #8
                Re: project reality worth it?

                Originally posted by UH60BHPilot
                IMO No. It was one glitchy ass Mofo for me. The USMC kits had Unlock weapons as the icons. And even some MEC weapons. The Hud was all Effed up. Ill post some screens of what it looks like. Plus I found 0 servers.
                Ahh, you should try it again. This was a problem that occured when the 1.12 patch was released. Our latest hotfix has now corrected those issues. Because of these problems all PRMM servers stayed on 1.03 which was probably why you couldn't find any.

                Due to the messed up BF2 browser the best way to be sure to find PRMM servers is to uncheck all of the filters except for "same mod". Exit the game and then start it again and you'll see the list of servers.


                • #9
                  Re: project reality worth it?

                  Im sure folks worked really hard on PR. With that being said, I tried the Mod, and the problem for me is it wasnt fun. BF2 is not meant to be a war sim, and when its turned into one, the fun-factor goes right out the window. Sure stuff is more accurate, etc, etc but the entire concept that makes BF2 so fun is gone. BF2's game design was carefully thought out. Its meant to be frustrating, as its part of the game play. Its what keeps you coming back for more. Aspects of BF2 are meant to NOT be real, by design. We all post here with what bugs us about BF2, but if it was changed on a wholesale basis, it would not be as fun. (IMO) that is what PR did, and for me at least, thats why I didnt enjoy it.


                  • #10
                    Re: project reality worth it?

                    Originally posted by scott111
                    Im sure folks worked really hard on PR. With that being said, I tried the Mod, and the problem for me is it wasnt fun. BF2 is not meant to be a war sim, and when its turned into one, the fun-factor goes right out the window. Sure stuff is more accurate, etc, etc but the entire concept that makes BF2 so fun is gone. BF2's game design was carefully thought out. Its meant to be frustrating, as its part of the game play. Its what keeps you coming back for more. Aspects of BF2 are meant to NOT be real, by design. We all post here with what bugs us about BF2, but if it was changed on a wholesale basis, it would not be as fun. (IMO) that is what PR did, and for me at least, thats why I didnt enjoy it.
                    I'm glad you tried it! You tried it and it wasn't for you and I respect your opinion. You're right, BF2 isn't meant to be a war sim but PRM IS. It's a matter of taking a game engine and changing it to suit a certain niche of players. In PRM's case, it is the realism niche.

                    We have always said that PRM isn't going to be for everyone. This is the purpose of a mod, it allows players who are looking for a certain type of gameplay to get more from their game without the need to force their beliefs onto everyone else. Some mods for BF2 will be about realism while other BF2 mods will be based in WW2 or the wild west or space or fighting the living dead. The posibilities are endless. This is what is fantastic about mods, they are free and they bring in diversity and allow everyone to get more out of their favourite games.


                    • #11
                      Re: project reality worth it?

                      For me, Project Reality was a bit of a yes/no.

                      Parts of it were excellently done and polished, including the crosshairs etc, and other stuff.

                      But it was also seemingly too realistic - I just kept dying as a bloke down the street with an M16 was going on a rampage.

                      But if you like that sort of thing - and bear in mind its a minimod, the full mod should be immense, if you like Americas Army, then you will love Project Reality. Its so darn realistic its mad.

                      I only played it for a short while but its easy to see how important teamwork is. You don't work together - you die. Its that simple, and I found this out quite painfully. Even if you do work together you will still die, so thats a bit annoying.

                      As for ambushes and surprise attacks, im sure these would be hugely effective, as basically if the enemy can't see you and you can take shots at him he will be dead in seconds.

                      I don't have Special Forces but I do think this mod would be so much better on that - vehicles in the mod are a massive annoyance because you seem to run into one around every corner! Maybe not special forces, because I like the idea of infantry and not elite infantry running around, but I would like to see less vehicles.

                      But the PRM team must be congratulated - they have made an excellent, balanced game where you die. A lot.

                      But also as said above there seems to be no 'fun factor' you just die. all the time. My longest time alive was something like 30 seconds before i bit the bullet, it just gets frustrating.


                      • #12
                        Re: project reality worth it?

                        I loved it....when I could get in one of the two servers I found


                        • #13
                          Re: project reality worth it?

                          Originally posted by Fu11force
                          My longest time alive was something like 30 seconds before I bit the bullet, it just gets frustrating.
                          Wow! I've been killed many times in a row in PRMM but I've also definitely managed to stay alive for a lot longer than 30 seconds! I'm not sure if you tried this or not but if you make sure you move very slowly and methodically and work as a team you will find you stay alive a lot longer. To be successful in PRMM I've found that you need to alter the play style you've become used to in BF2 completely.

                          Anyway, thanks for your well written comments and I will pass them along to the dev team.


                          EDIT -
                          Originally posted by Auto-ER-
                          I loved it....when I could get in one of the two servers I found
                          There have been quite a few servers running PRMM for awhile now. The BF2 browser just isn't exactly useful when it comes to finding them From above
                          Originally posted by IRONxMortlock
                          Due to the messed up BF2 browser the best way to be sure to find PRMM servers is to uncheck all of the filters except for "same mod". Exit the game and then start it again and you'll see the list of servers.
                          Good luck and let me know how you go.


                          • #14
                            Re: project reality worth it?

                            Originally posted by IRONxMortlock
                            There have been quite a few servers running PRMM for awhile now. The BF2 browser just isn't exactly useful when it comes to finding them From above Good luck and let me know how you go.
                            I guess I should have clarified, I could find four or five servers, two were always full, one completely empty my and a couple clan mates sat there playing hoping it would fill...but it didn't , and the other appeared locked. We did get into some of the active ones though eventually, and had a blast


                            • #15
                              Re: project reality worth it?

                              I would like to try it....but im out of space in my HD...only few MB left.
                              Once i get another HD, ill try that out.

