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anti-tank class help pls?

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  • anti-tank class help pls?

    Is it just me or does anti-tank really suck? You have to stand there and guide the (relatively slow-moving) rocket, and on top of that you've got a trail leading right to you so pretty much any tank that you're shooting at is gonna blow your head off before your shot even reaches it. At least in 1942 I could shoot at a tank and then take cover. Also it seems like in order to do anything to armor you've got to get behind it, which is a bit lame to me...Special Op is far better anti armor than the anti armor class and that's kinda wierd. Am I doing something wrong? I am pretty new, I only have about 900 points but still I am always pooped on by the tank I'm trying to hide from and kill, and I very rarely see any other anti tanks in the server, even on a 64. ?

  • #2
    Shoot from behind cover, so only the top part of your body is exposed if possible. And move out of the line of sight as soon as your shot hits. Also if you know where the vehicle is you can still guide the rocket from behind cover. Make sure it's turret is pointing in another direction before going out to take your shot. You can dumb fire the missles too but I seem to get problems with the rocket not exploding when I do that sometimes.
    Basically what you need to do is keep yourself behind cover so the tank can't see you, and don't show yourself to the tank. Be quick too.
    Oh and rooftops are always nice to get a tank from, they'll have no idea what hit them.


    • #3
      Re: anti-tank class help pls?

      Try aiming a little bit higher then you need to, that way after you fire and your rocket has made it most of the way, you can prone and still have the rocket hit the tank from behind cover.


      • #4
        Re: anti-tank class help pls?

        I've been doing all that stuff pyschosnow, and it just isn't effective at all. On top of that if they got an engie nearby or inside I can just forget about it unless there is another anti on my team nearby, but like I said I only see another anti tank in maybe 1 of 3 games. It's just incredibly dumb to me that spec ops is so much better at it, given that they can get close but that isn't too hard most of the time. If I get close, though, I don't get any damage increase or anything, and I definitely don't have 1 hit armor killing C4 in my pockets so I'm pretty much just asking to be shat on if I do that ;/


        • #5
          Re: anti-tank class help pls?

          Originally posted by sdlacero
          I've been doing all that stuff pyschosnow, and it just isn't effective at all. On top of that if they got an engie nearby or inside I can just forget about it unless there is another anti on my team nearby, but like I said I only see another anti tank in maybe 1 of 3 games. It's just incredibly dumb to me that spec ops is so much better at it, given that they can get close but that isn't too hard most of the time. If I get close, though, I don't get any damage increase or anything, and I definitely don't have 1 hit armor killing C4 in my pockets so I'm pretty much just asking to be shat on if I do that ;/
          the best way i have found is to have teamplay. with you and a couple of buddies, but you need to have 2-3 anti-tank hit the target at the same time. unless i am playing with friends i will usually not use anti-tank. although the anti-tank is very effective against the trucks...


          • #6
            I think all I have left to say is practice. You should get better at it after a little while. And if you think that spec ops is alot better at taking out tanks why not just play as that class?
            You can use it against other things too though, it's awesome for taking out snipers, and troop transports.


            • #7
              Re: anti-tank class help pls?

              Don't play AT unless you have to or you enjoy it (MP5 is lame...unless you have the DAO-12, limited role, not for the points that's for sure). When engaging, wait for a good shot before firing off your 1st shot. By good, I mean: top of tank, in the wheels, rear/underside of tank. Also helps if the vehicle isn't moving. I prefer to engage at a medium to far distance. Usually if the tank is bigger then the crosshair when zoomed, GG you. And FFS....take cover after the missile is away.

              We all know noob-ops is easy to play. It is pretty much anti-infanty and anti-armour in one guy.


              • #8
                Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                i wouldnt go as far as saying spec ops is better, they both work well, if you use them the right way, and depends on the situation too. what the guys above works, i just hide behind corners until the tank starts moving or looks away, then peek shoot, and then duck back again. best place i like to hide at is on karkand, as a MEC, just run across the street over by the river and get onto that building and wait for humvees and tanks to drive by, they usually dont look up, maybe they will now....


                • #9
                  Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                  Ok well I didn't know I could guide it with a wall between us. But I noticed that when I get scared and hide when I still have a missile off and it is right about to hit, I don't get a red x if I get behind the wall just then. Is it just curving off suddenly or what cause it's literally like a split second before a direct hit and nothing ..


                  • #10
                    Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                    Originally posted by sdlacero
                    ...and on top of that you've got a trail leading right to you
                    Yeah! who came up with that? completely weird


                    • #11
                      Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                      Wish the RPG was in BF2 vanilla.


                      • #12
                        Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                        Originally posted by rtgbs7k
                        Yeah! who came up with that? completely weird
                        ya dude let's start with the sarcasm and ****. ****in grow up, i swear to god every single thread on every forum has some jackass yelling his ****. ANYWAYS


                        • #13
                          Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                          Originally posted by sdlacero
                          ya dude let's start with the sarcasm and ****. ****in grow up, i swear to god every single thread on every forum has some jackass yelling his ****. ANYWAYS


                          it takes a little to move the missile, if you think your gonna move, just shoot a little over so that when you move, the missile will still hit, ie. if your gonna shoot a missile, then move left behind a corner, shoot over towards the right of your target, that way when you move, the missile hits the middle.

                          you know what im saying?
                          *thinks of andy milonakis*


                          • #14
                            Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                            Yeah ok I'll try that ty. Also I read somewhere that if you hit a really small target on the turret like right where the barrel is it's a one hit kill? Read it on a faq somewhere is that right?


                            • #15
                              Re: anti-tank class help pls?

                              not to my knowledge, then again ive never shot a tank there i know that the treads sometimes give me a one hit kill, i thought they fixed weak points in a patch, but then again i could be mistaken....

