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grapple vs zipline

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  • #31
    Re: grapple vs zipline

    Originally posted by alkajazz
    Snipers Should Have Grappling Hooks
    They should have both, as they are a bit underpowered, same with engys. For sniper, you need to get on to places where nobody would expect (no ladder). And after u snipe somebody u should move, so the zipline is great going buildin to building.


    • #32
      Re: grapple vs zipline

      Originally posted by PimpYo
      Grapple wins for usefulness

      Zip wins for convenience
      I would say that Grapple wins for usefulness

      Zip wins for fun

      plus the one time i actually ziplined in behind loads of enemy on the airfield map with C4 ready selected, landed, spun around and threw loads before jihading...... SIX KILLS!! ... will bring back good memories for a while, and a little smile :laugh:


      • #33
        Re: grapple vs zipline

        Originally posted by Teaves
        I would say that Grapple wins for usefulness

        Zip wins for fun

        plus the one time i actually ziplined in behind loads of enemy on the airfield map with C4 ready selected, landed, spun around and threw loads before jihading...... SIX KILLS!! ... will bring back good memories for a while, and a little smile :laugh:
        Yeah, zip line is fun to use. And what you did was AWESOME, nice kills man.


        • #34
          Re: grapple vs zipline

          grappling hook over all, however on more open, NON urban maps zip line seems more useful IMO. And both of them just make this game more like tribes, why still not giving into actual jet packs. it gives almost every soldier the chance to get out of stick situations.

          Even though 3 kits don't have any vertical movement capabilities those are the 3 that shouldn't have it anyways, game balance wise. medic and engi you'll always need anyways, medics for squads, engi for armour. Support gets decent ammo points already but it got gas instead, the slowest troop, gets to slow every one else down for a change, gasing then opening up into it has turned into a deadly combo. cause every one that isn't gassed is slowed down by putting the mask on. but again gas is only useful on urban areas, but thats most of the expansion.

          so the 4 attack classes get to move things along faster, which means medics, and support that tag along to keep the squad prepared, which means the whole squad. there's incentive to keep it varried now. Cause atleast for me most of the time I'm engi or medic, but I've gotten to use all my freinds and random people's zips and grappling hooks, more hooks though.

          the tops of buildings are now dealier then before, cause the chance of some one up there being along are slim to none, and thats a problem. one that can be solved by being in a varied squad.


          • #35
            Re: grapple vs zipline

            grapple is cool but i found some tactics and it only works with zip my vote is..they are both good...i would like to have both in ANY kits


            • #36
              Re: grapple vs zipline

              Hook. No competition here.


              • #37
                Re: grapple vs zipline

                Grapple for up.
                Zipline for down.


                • #38
                  Re: grapple vs zipline

                  I dont play the sniper kit very often but I feel that they got it the wrong way round TBH you need a grapple as a sniper to get to high places not an instrument that makes you travel down to places, just doesnt make sense to me.

                  Grapple for the win, Im like spidey in ghost town with my trusty webslin...I mean grappling hook.


                  • #39
                    Re: grapple vs zipline

                    I voted grapple hook because I find it alot more usefull the zip line does not even work half the time on most of the maps because it requires the target to be lower from the spot you start at. Only a few things i wish they could do.

                    Give sniper,engineer grapple hook

                    give all classes grapple/zipline

                    make all the reguler bf 2 maps compatible with grapple/zip line i think strike at karkand would be even more fun if i could use grapple hooks nothing like climbing up the roof and shooting enemy tanks with my rpg.


                    • #40
                      Re: grapple vs zipline

                      Zip is fun, but the hook seems to be more useful. Most places you zip to, you can get to with the hook, you just have to run your lazy ass across the map to get to the area to climb first.

                      Zip shows its colors in the speed of distance transport.


                      • #41
                        Re: grapple vs zipline

                        Completely depends on what you want to do...

                        If you want to do general assult a point like the TV station... Grapple

                        If you want to play defence of a point... zip line mainly due to c4+zip... C4 the flag and zip to a overlooking position where you will not be seen=death to any "stupid" (if they were smart SL never tries to cap a flag) squad that wants to take the point.


                        • #42
                          Re: grapple vs zipline

                          Hook definatly. I find it annoying that the sniper dont have the hook, as there is so many times when i have found uber spots for sniping but only anti-tanks and assualt's can get up there...


                          • #43
                            Re: grapple vs zipline

                            Originally posted by -{DFA}-Brak710
                            They are two completely diffrent things... Thats like comparing an SUV () to a hybrid.

                            ...Grappling hook.

                            you know they have hybrid SUV's, right?

