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The Best Anti-Air

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  • The Best Anti-Air

    I have found that when yer using an IGLA/Stinger the best way to eliminate enemy aircraft, or simpley make them leave the area is to simpley follow them, while locked on, with the turret. The pilot gets an annoying bleeping noise, and has no idea(unless he/she sees you) where the threat is coming from. Best choice of action for the pilot? Get the hell out. It works wonderfully on wake, and since most helicopter/jet pilots hate getting shot down, you have nothing to fear from the air. It really a treat to watch the jets squirm and dodge the invisible threat.

  • #2
    Re: The Best Anti-Air

    You must've been playing against some amateur pilots. Most of the experienced ones totally ignore the beeping and just strafe the fixed AA sites, since everyone knows where they are.


    • #3
      Re: The Best Anti-Air

      True, but its a human nature issue. One might be able to do something if presented with death in front of them, shoot death dead for example(bad example i know), but when death is something in the back of the mind, an elusive matter, and nothing can be done about it, its a much more terrifying experience


      • #4
        Re: The Best Anti-Air

        The problem is that most jet pilots don't fear AA, because it sucks ass.


        • #5
          Re: The Best Anti-Air

          Which is a shame, because simple anti-aircraft arty is damn effective. Hell look at Vietnam, look at the AAA defenses around Hanoi. What we need is radar, like Desert Combat mod, where the anti-air sites and vehicles had little mini-radars. Look at the carrier, dont you think it would have a radar on it?


          • #6
            Re: The Best Anti-Air

            Originally posted by ||ass||variable
            The problem is that most jet pilots don't fear AA, because it sucks ass.
            They also dont fear it as they know how to take the AA out before they get taken out, if the AA had 4 or 6 missiles instead of 2 before it had to reload they would be alot more worried as now they can drop flares turn around and spam the are with bullets before the AA can reload, but if the AA had more missiles then the AA wouldnt have to reloas, thus making it harder to the jets.


            • #7
              Re: The Best Anti-Air

              Planes also need to be a bit weaker, armor wise


              • #8
                Re: The Best Anti-Air

                This is actually the reason I came to the forums today, looking for AA tips.

                Everytime I use it, rarely do I actually shoot anything down. The planes are so fast they fly out of range and you lose the lock, even when they fly right at me the missiles just go straight past the plane in search of the rear of the plane, and the bullets/shells that come out the the gun attached to the aircraft carrier dont seem to do much damage.

                It really sucks, and I cant see any real point in using it. As soon as a good pilot hears he is being painted he just turns around and comes straight for me.



                • #9
                  Re: The Best Anti-Air

                  the best anti air is sitting in a vehicle with a 50 cal and hide somehwere close to a base you know the chopper will come at.

                  i take down choppers all down with that method if i dont get them it chase them away smoking. sometimes they get me but hell at least i made an effort to take em out.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Best Anti-Air

                    Originally posted by C77.Meyer
                    the best anti air is sitting in a vehicle with a 50 cal and hide somehwere close to a base you know the chopper will come at.

                    i take down choppers all down with that method if i dont get them it chase them away smoking. sometimes they get me but hell at least i made an effort to take em out.
                    Good luck taking a jet out with a 50 cal.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Best Anti-Air

                      Random stinger sites would have been a lot better imo rather then the same old fixed positions(suicide cans)


                      • #12
                        Re: The Best Anti-Air

                        Originally posted by HicRic
                        Good luck taking a jet out with a 50 cal.
                        lol yeah it might be hard to take out a jet but taking out helo's with 50 cal is a really good. especilly blackhawks on mashtuur


                        • #13
                          Re: The Best Anti-Air

                          The best way, find a mobile AA and then just move after every 2 kills. So just jump in one and sit somewhere hard to see but easy to up and out of and just wait...


                          • #14
                            Re: The Best Anti-Air

                            If you are going to use the mobile AA remember to spawn as Support because those things can run out of ammo fast...

                            I am having a general issue with the accuracy of AA missiles in the game, even the ones on aircraft are as bad. Last night I am flying a jet and drop in behind an enemy plane and get a lock on, I fire three missiles and watch (in horror) as they all fly stright past (he did not drop flares) and proceed to take out a friendly helicopter taking off at our base!?!!?!??

                            In the game the best way of dealing with the enemy aircraft remains the friendly jets. At best they will keep the enemy aircraft occupied so that you don't have to worry about them on the ground...

                            Not the right forum but, SF is having a balance issue with attck helicopters. It is so infantry focused that on some maps if the enemy get a couple of helicopters going the game is as good as over...


                            • #15
                              Re: The Best Anti-Air

                              When flying i don tuse the ATAM (Air-to-Air Missiles) i just use the machine gun, i stay on bomning view so they dont know if someone is behind them or its a mobile AA or some very skilled person with a 50. cal maching gun.. .lol.. but it works like a treat

