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Is Ea The Dumbest Publisher There Is Or What?

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  • #16
    Re: Is Ea The Dumbest Publisher There Is Or What?

    Originally posted by Syx
    Why would they give nonpayers the weapons when payers payed for them?
    Because the nonpayers are for some reason allowed and obliged to play in the same server as the payers instead of having their own servers.


    • #17
      Re: Is Ea The Dumbest Publisher There Is Or What?

      Originally posted by IRONxMortlock
      In future developments I see with modded BF2 is a community run ranking system. The scripts are already there and I will be playing around with them to get my teams server running with its own ranking system soon.
      Yeah, I would love to see something like BFTracks for BF2 when the mods come out. BFTracks is so much better than the EA ranking system, and it actually gives a decent formula for calculating a score, not a guage of how much time you play the game (although time is SOME of the formula, it's not ALL). All the 1-map only people would be out of luck as a variety of maps is also required, as well as doing a variety of tasks rather than noobing it up in one kit or one vehicle, or not helping capture or defend flags, etc. I look forward to the day the community outshines EA, as they did in 1942. It'll happen, no matter no much EA continues to screw the modders over.


      • #18
        Re: Is Ea The Dumbest Publisher There Is Or What?

        BLAH BLAH BLAH why dont we make a complaing section for the forums lmao cause thats all i ever see now most of it true tho

        i only want to complain about not having custom maps for rank servers


        • #19
          Re: Is Ea The Dumbest Publisher There Is Or What?

          Originally posted by Noobzilla
          Jeez.. what a total joke.. release a crappy expansion pack that
          allows one set of game owners to have advantage on another set
          with the expansion pack weapons?

          And then, you see here in this forum how people are killing their own
          teammates for their SF weapons.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..

          Is there any doubt now EA is the biggest scam artists there are??

          Buy SF is what they want you to do.. they will ruin the original BF2
          owners fun in order to force them to comply and buy SF.. Cmon, people,
          is there any doubt here?

          And the ranked servers.. Ive been asking for 2 months why ranked servers
          cost twice as much as unranked? anyone EVER gonna answer this
          question? HUGE SCAM.

          People, wake up, EA are crooks. DICE I dont mind as much, as they are
          just some idiot programmers who couldnt program their alarm clocks without
          needing several patches to do so.. but Christ Almighty! Have you ever seen
          a more idiotic set of examples proof positive of EAs scams ?

          Or... are they just really really really really really really really stupid ?

          One or the other, theres no doubt.

          What a shame..BF2 had potential.. but EA released it, and thats its downfall.

          flame me all you wish, pro-EA peeps, but the writings on the wall, and its
          in permanant cant hide their idiocy and scams by flaming me any

          Someone call the Whaaaaaaabulance.


          • #20
            Re: Is Ea The Dumbest Publisher There Is Or What?

            Originally posted by DieFledermaus
            Someone call the Whaaaaaaabulance.
            nine whaa whaa, what seems to be the emergency sir?

