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night vison is retarted.

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  • #31
    Re: night vison is retarted.

    I like the nightvision, once you get to know the maps it will be easier


    • #32
      Re: night vison is retarted.

      Originally posted by viper1431
      If you havn't changed the keys then try pressing 7 or 8 when in the vehicle. It should turn the NVG on or off.
      I think it's a tad buggy because it keeps changing the keys on me, when in vehicles sometimes 8 will turn it on or off and all of a sudden it will change to 7, that's even though nothing has changed in the control options.
      Make sure weapon 7 and 8 ect is still bound to 7 and 8 in the land vehicles control options.
      OMG I didn't even to think about that. I will check that out next time I log back in. Thanks


      • #33
        Re: night vison is retarted.

        Originally posted by =HPSF=Doctor Doom
        once you get to know the maps it will be easier
        Thats true. Until then we are doomed to bump into fences and trees and hear "Are you going AWOL Soldier? Get back to your post OR YOU WILL BE SHOT!"


        • #34
          Re: night vison is retarted.

          lol, i LIKE night maps and night vision. its pretty cewl


          • #35
            Re: night vison is retarted.

            I feel that all the night maps have awesome potential, if only they got rid of nightvision and just made the map really light with floodlights and such. Very irritating switching nightvision on and off every two seconds because its either too dark or too light.


            • #36
              Re: night vison is retarted.

              This may seem ironic, but RETARDED has 2 D's and 1 T.


              • #37
                Re: night vison is retarted.

                Nightvision is a tad wierd because everything white glows like a mofo and its hard to see guys.. mayb there is a way to change the brightness of it.


                • #38
                  Re: night vison is retarted.

                  Originally posted by Daz
                  I feel that all the night maps have awesome potential, if only they got rid of nightvision and just made the map really light with floodlights and such. Very irritating switching nightvision on and off every two seconds because its either too dark or too light.
                  Eh?? Doesnt that defeat the purpose of having a night map to begin with:hmm:

                  I like the night maps and cant see what the problem is, try mapping ure NV goggles to a mouse button or a key which is easier to use.


                  • #39
                    Re: night vison is retarted.

                    i like the night maps myself i find myself doing better on the night maps. on one i had 28 kills and 8 deaths with a ETR score of 71


                    • #40
                      Re: night vison is retarted.

                      The night maps kick ass, your just mad cuz ur kill death ratio is 0-10 n ****...
                      Has anyone ever told you to STFU...!


                      • #41
                        Re: night vison is retarted.

                        Originally posted by Daz
                        I feel that all the night maps have awesome potential, if only they got rid of nightvision and just made the map really light with floodlights and such. Very irritating switching nightvision on and off every two seconds because its either too dark or too light.
                        Boo Hoo, go play an easyer game for your simple lil mind... Oh its too much to turn it off & on, STFU...! Grow up...!


                        • #42
                          Re: night vison is retarted.

                          Originally posted by scott111
                          Yeah be careful what you ask for, you might get it.

                          I for one NEVER wanted night maps.
                          Night maps are pretty ****ty, they were on DC, 1 or 2 were alright just for variety, but other than that they sucked.

