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New forum disclaimer

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  • New forum disclaimer

    (to the tbf2 admin: PLEASE STICKY)

    Buyer Beware -

    If you haven't been paying attention to the "success" of BF2, or any other BF game for that matter, you should lose your right to complain on these boards if you are dissatisfied with the Special Forces expansion. You paid money for an unfinished product that will most likely receive the same amount of attention and repair from EA/DICE as the vanilla version received--too little too late.

    If you are dissatisfied with the product and wish to post a complaint thread, please refrain from doing so. Your fellow community members have already expressed their dismay over the regular BF2 game and equal skepticism over the expansion. If you failed to heed their warnings, you buy the product at your own risk.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: New forum disclaimer

    Oh god another "BF2 sucks" and "BF2:SF sucks" thread, you guys breed like rabbits. If you don't like the game, don't play, go troll some other games forums.


    • #3
      Re: New forum disclaimer

      Originally posted by [47R]Saureco
      (to the tbf2 admin: PLEASE STICKY)

      Buyer Beware -

      If you haven't been paying attention to the "success" of BF2, or any other BF game for that matter, you should lose your right to complain on these boards if you are dissatisfied with the Special Forces expansion. You paid money for an unfinished product that will most likely receive the same amount of attention and repair from EA/DICE as the vanilla version received--too little too late.

      If you are dissatisfied with the product and wish to post a complaint thread, please refrain from doing so. Your fellow community members have already expressed their dismay over the regular BF2 game and equal skepticism over the expansion. If you failed to heed their warnings, you buy the product at your own risk.

      Thank you.
      How about they just ban morons who troll forums and seem incapable of not talking about something they apparently hate.

      I mean, i hate the guy accross the street from me... but i dont go around talking about him like a sycopohantic child.


      • #4
        Re: New forum disclaimer

        You people are so pathetic. This expansion is so much fun. Instead of trolling and whining like a 3 year old save up money and buy this great expansion.


        • #5
          Re: New forum disclaimer

          Expansion rocks!!! Don't like it, don't buy it, don't play it and please don't bitch about it.


          • #6
            Re: New forum disclaimer

            Originally posted by Ben Dover
            Expansion rocks!!! Don't like it, don't buy it, don't play it and please don't bitch about it.
            beat me


            • #7
              Re: New forum disclaimer

              There was bound to be problems anyways, but all the ones that I see are just a desperete try for people to say they like to complain.


              • #8
                Re: New forum disclaimer

                Read the original post and quote where I said I hated the game, whined about SF, or where I am "trolling". If you cannot quote any such statement, then it is you who is trolling and hijacking a thread. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.


                • #9
                  Re: New forum disclaimer

                  Originally posted by [47R]Saureco
                  Read the original post and quote where I said I hated the game, whined about SF, or where I am "trolling". If you cannot quote any such statement, then it is you who is trolling and hijacking a thread. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
                  It's not that hard to read between the lines. You are trolling pure and simple.


                  • #10
                    Re: New forum disclaimer

                    You know what.. I really don't mean any disrespect to the teenagers and very early 20 age people in here. Especially the people that come in here and act mature for their age. HOwever, I really want to say something. Why don't you see alot of 35+ year olds complaing about this game?? Is it age, and we should know better? Not really. Its because we grew up with games. We were 10 years old or better when Atari, Colleco Vision and those games came out. Pong was a rockin game in the day. We were the first to play Frogger, Donkey Kong, Pitfall, Techno Bowl etc. We literally saw a 3D game come out. The main reason we don't complain as much, is that we literally saw a complete and drastic change in the way games are made and played. We are human, and humans are going to make mistake in the way a game looks and is coded.

                    Most of you guys here between the ages of 12 and 21 started out with Nintendo type of games. You complain that a graphic doesn't look right, that you can't jump high enough. A person is jumping too high, a weapon is too powerful. In other words, you are stuck up little freaking brats that are ungrateful. You have know idea what you have until its gone!

                    Words of advice from an older gamer.

                    Get over your measley little complaints. Take the hard road every once in awhile, you might be suprised how easy you have it in life.


                    • #11
                      Re: New forum disclaimer

                      And we had to walk up hill in the snow both ways to play our Ataris -- hell, I didn't even have an Atari -- I had the Sears version. HA

                      Seriously, you're absolutely right. BF2 and BF2SF are good games. Do they have bugs -- sure, what game doesn't. Are there things I wish they had done differently -- sure, that's why I'm waiting on the mods.

                      But where else can I spend less than $100 and end up with literally thousands of hours of fun and enjoyment. Most of these guys complaining about the game will move on to the next big thing in a couple of months anyway. Hell, I'll still be playing BF2 and its mods 3-4 years from now.


                      • #12
                        Re: New forum disclaimer

                        I think some of you guys aren't understanding the intent of the thread.

                        If you don't like SF, don't post a complaint. Pure and simple. People here have already voice concern over it, have bought it, and have confirmed displeasure for the product. If you read that info, buy the game, are displeased with it, who is to blame?

                        That said, the original post remains intact in terms of purpose. Hence, the "Buyer Beware" comment.


                        • #13
                          Re: New forum disclaimer

                          Originally posted by [47R]Saureco
                          I think some of you guys aren't understanding the intent of the thread.

                          If you don't like SF, don't post a complaint. Pure and simple. People here have already voice concern over it, have bought it, and have confirmed displeasure for the product. If you read that info, buy the game, are displeased with it, who is to blame?

                          That said, the original post remains intact in terms of purpose. Hence, the "Buyer Beware" comment.

                          At what point are there any posts here in this entire forum where somebody has blamed others for them buying an expansion they didnt like?

                          Quit being such a complete tool.

                          Dont ever cross the road, you might get hit... dont blame anybody but yourself if you do!


                          • #14
                            Re: New forum disclaimer

                            Originally posted by [47R]Saureco
                            I won't be playing it at all. I've sworn off BF and EA/DICE like drinking gasoline, not quitting smoking. You go back to smoking. You don't go back to drinking gasoline because the first time around was pretty convincing enough that it was a bad idea.
                            Since you quit playing and all, and you've made several other threads on the "Buyer Beware" and "Don't Complain" subject, when can we expect you to leave and not come back? I think we all know by now how much you dislike the game, can't you just go away instead of trolling amongst those of us who actually enjoy the game?


                            • #15
                              Re: New forum disclaimer

                              You don't understand, still. I'm simply trying to prevent the forums from being clogged with "OMG, SF sux and I never knew!!!" threads. Despite your self-proclaimed titles of All-knowing BF2 Gurus of the Inifinite, quoting some obscure post in a thread that most likely has nothing to do with this one does not make your argument any more valid.

                              Don't cross the road? Still analogically way off. Stop trying to be smart and go backt to school.

