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Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

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  • #61
    Re: Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

    Originally posted by ptegan
    Probably get flamed here but for the past 2 weeks EA have being saying that this patch would do nothing to fix any bugs in BF:2

    There have been a dozen threads on this site explaining the same thing for ages now and all we get now is complaints. Didn't you see the discussions about this already? The next patch which *will* include fixes is being worked upon at the moment, comfirmed by EA, and will be out when ever it's ready. No one knows when but it'll come.

    Be sure to drop by to bitch about it just before and afterwards ok ?
    lmfao! this post is gold!

    dude you just dont get it do you? I DONT GIVE A F*** ABOUT SF.

    A SF PURCHASE. Now which part of that do you not understand you mental

    Basically what youre saying is to 'stop bitching' because this patch is a
    primer for SF players.. Well, whoop di fukkin do. They didnt give a rats
    @ss about putting time into fixing the bugs, but rather are rushing the SF
    to market (PROBABLY UNFINISHED AS WELL...........) so they can get some
    more money, eh ??

    Dude you need to get a brain.


    • #62
      Re: Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

      If you don't care about SF then don't post in a thread about the SF patch.

      Hundreds of thousands of people are most likely to buy the SF expansion.
      BF2 will probably get patched at some stage in the future. EA said that DICE hadn't even begun to look at the bugs left in the game until last week.

      I think that BF2 is one of the best games I've ever bought since my Amiga games. Even with all the bugs it still kicks ass and I and it seems the majority are happy to give EA more cash to get more options (weapons and maps).

      My comments weren't even aimed towards you but those who foolishly believed that this patch was going to be a gift from God when most people (or so I think) knew that it was going to contain no bug fixes.


      • #63
        Re: Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

        Guys there are actually a couple of stuff added in the new patch for us who dont have SF. By that I mean the patch fixes/changes a couple of things in vanilla BF2, stuff that never made it to the patch logg ( I dont know why tough)

        I started a thread on that look here..


        • #64
          Re: Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

          If you don't Buy BF2:SF will you be able to spawn with the SF weapons? Or will only the people who own SF beable to spawn with SF weapons in Vanillan BF2?


          • #65
            Re: Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

            I think alot of you guys are overreacting about the power of the sf unlocks... I doubt they are much more godly compared to the vanilla weapons and unlocks.
            Compare the vanilla bf2 guns and its unlocks... not much difference in power.
            Anywayz, I'm guessing that a player who doesn't have the expansion can still pick up a dead guys kit who has the sf unlocks so you can still have a small taste of the new unlocks.


            • #66
              Re: Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

              [QUOTE=ptegan]If you don't care about SF then don't post in a thread about the SF patch.[\QUOTE]

              I'll post as I please, thank you..

              EA are scam artists. They are also idiots who dont know how to make
              their partners finish a game...but yet want people to buy a "expansion"
              pack before they fix the original game..

              be their sucker, dont matter to me..


              • #67
                Re: Patch 1.12 **Official Release**

                Originally posted by peekj
                So why cry? As far as I can tell, we get new unlocks...
                True (I Guess) but I am at 43,000 points.
                I will only get one more unlock at 50,000 and then no more unlocks till 200,000!

                I wonder if the ranking system has changed since the new patch was released. Seems kinda dumb if not because I will never be able to unlock any (except 1) of the new toys.

