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A day in the life of a BF2 player.

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  • #16
    Re: A day in the life of a BF2 player.

    Hey bivomit: I appreciate the time you took writing that whole essay.

    I'm not being sarcastic.

    I can relate to everything you're saying.


    • #17
      Re: A day in the life of a BF2 player.

      Originally posted by Magical Poop
      SOUTH AFRICA?? but thats where all the "Hei ren" lives!!
      No that's were Mr. Click Clik Zooga Zooga lives!

      (South Park)


      • #18
        Re: A day in the life of a BF2 player.

        Originally posted by KC.JADE

        About the 10 minute connection, dude, I had that problem before but i just figured out how to fix it. PM me if you want and I can help you fix it up
        it's alright, it doesn't really take me 10 mins to connect, although it is a long wait either way. i was just taking my time smoking my magic cigarette.

        Originally posted by Noobzilla
        The game attracted the childish of players, in my opinion. Other games
        I have been involved with for long periods of time NEVER had this many
        little imature kiddies running around. I dont know why BF2 has the lamest
        player base in the world, it just does.

        I took my BF2 back to the store 2 days ago, demanded a refund, then
        purchased the REAL BF2. Battlefront II. This game runs flawlessly,
        and surprisingly to me, its LOADS of fun..and Im not even a Star Wars geek.

        As far as (EA)BF2 goes. Its 90% kiddies, 5% unfinished code & bugs , and 5% ok.

        It had potential, but you cant find a decent game anywhere these days.
        i know what's wrong with BF2. it's rated TEEN. i don't see what kind of idiot would rate BF2 as teen anyway. even if there isn't any blood, the game is extremely violent. it seems that M rated games don't have quite as many kids. although some parents will still buy kids their toys anyway (ratings my ass). i can almost always find a good game of CS 1.6, CS:S etc without having to have to worry about n00bs taking over the server.

        the lame kiddies are really dragging the game into the ground. even if you can find a server with good admins, i wonder if it is even possible for admins to keep the peace in such a chaotic game with so much crap going on. how do you figure someone is tk punishing people for jets at the airstrip when you're too busy bombing commander toys? atleast in CS (and most other smaller games) you can be a witness to alot of the lame crap that does happen.

        BF2 still has potential if DICE games and EA would get their heads out of the sand. BF2 is the #2 online game now right behind CS. (source: but i fear that if this crap continues to go on, the game will surely die. i know i won't be here next November if there's still idiots underneath my jet.

