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GET BF2:SF now!!!!

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  • #46
    Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

    Pfft, screw the pre-loading, I already got the game pre-ordered on Gamestop.


    • #47
      Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

      Originally posted by HYP3R
      I guess thats why there are tons and tons of full servers. Thats cool though. Thats your opinion. BTW, just curious as to why you go to forums and post in the floppy game section? Not flaming. Just asking.
      just to see what going on. just because I dont like the game doesnt mean I cant go to the forum afterall.

      really I think the game could have been great

      BF2 - EA =


      • #48
        Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

        Originally posted by Reko

        download it now! but can i ask hows it going to know what the date is? so it will let you install it?

        When you will try to run the game, it's going to connect to EA servers and veryfy the date and time. Don't expect to change your computer time to run the game earlier than planned it won't work.


        • #49
          Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

          Originally posted by HYP3R
          ???? nice speech, however your little spill is not gonna keep people from buying it. BTW, how can you cast judgement on a game yet to be released? BTW, there is not one other game out there that even comes close to BF:2 with Multiplayer + vehicles. So, I would have to disagree with you that BF:2 is a flop and full of 'major bugs'. Either your computer sux or you are the pickiest person on the net.
          1. I'm not trying to dissuade people from buying it. I'm merely showing them the abysmal performance and reputation of a BF game when it's in EA's hands. The most-played versions of BF are the mods created by non-EA groups.

          2. I can cast judgement when game A sucked and was fixed by a mod, game B sucked and was dropped by the community before a mod was even adopted, and game C sucked because the demo was misleading and stable compared to the final, triple-patched lagfest.

          3. Planetside, Joint-Ops, Soldner, Halo... maybe you've heard of these?

          4. Pentium 4 2.8GHz, 1GB PC3200 DDR400, Radeon 9800XT 256MB vid card, 250GB HDD, 5MB/s cable connection, 19" LCD monitor, CDRW and DVDRW drives. Yeah, my rig blows... /sarcasm

          Lets not pontificate from our laptops while on the can. Some of your sh*t might get into these forums.


          • #50
            Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

            Planetside, Joint-Ops, Soldner, Halo... maybe you've heard of these

            Soldner? You mean the game with about 20 American player and a bankrupt dev team, and the new dev team would ban players constantly and act like morons?

            You mean the game that simply doesn't work? If you want to see bugs, go play soldner.


            • #51
              Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

              You are correct, but I simply made the reference because it is an honest example of a multiplayer game with vehicles that shoots down this guy's cynicism.


              • #52
                Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

                Pre-loading (ie. digital download) is a good idea. Lots of games are doing this now and it makes it easier for us who don't want to have to rely on the retailer for a game.

                I've had experience with digital downloads via EverQuest 2 and there were no problems with that. And say for example if you ever lose the serial / CD or have to format your computer, there's no problem because all you have to do is login again and you can re-download the software. Its also nice because if you actually live in another country that isn't the USA, you'd be well aware of the possibility of shipment delays.


                • #53
                  Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

                  hmm you can pay for the game now and then download it...but you will first be able to install it on the release date...thats how i understood it


                  • #54
                    Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

                    You buy the game now, and download it immediately. After it is done downloading it will go through an install process (sometimes it is hidden).

                    However, what happens is the files are most likely encrypted and are basically hidden from the BF2 client (that or it is needed from a patch file).

                    Launch day comes, patch gets released for the clients and the servers.

                    Servers run their patch and you run your patch -- files get unlocked and boom you're able to play in a Special Forces enabled server now. Saves the trouble of having to buy a CD from a retailer, then hope that CD doesn't have any defects.


                    • #55
                      Re: GET BF2:SF now!!!!

                      Originally posted by Muzzy
                      Yeah, what if your computer crashes?! That's happened many a time to me.
                      wow! guess what!!??!?! they have these cd and dvd drives that actually let you copy stuff onto them!!

                      crazy, i know!!

                      seriously, if i download something i burn it to cd or dvd right away, just in case something like that does happen.

