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This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

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  • #16
    Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

    The reason people hate jets is because they can't handle the fact they can't fly and it has a learning curve of like 2 days which they are to lazy to achieve.

    That is the only reason.

    It the same with tank whores except there is no learning curve and the only reason is that they are to stupid to get a tank.


    • #17
      Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

      It's indeed possible...if the jets are fighting eachother, your team has the better pilot, your team has lost of spawn points so the jets aren't always bombing you, or there are no jets. So yes, most games are fun, but those that don't meet the conditions stated are never fun (for most non-jet pilots). I feel the same about helis but that's a different subject...

      The problem arises A LOT in maps with a linear style like Cleansweep. All of your team is likely to be spawning at one outpost if even they have all but one and will get spawn killed relentlessly.

      The reason people hate jets is because they can't handle the fact they can't fly and it has a learning curve of like 2 days which they are to lazy to achieve.

      That is the only reason.

      It the same with tank whores except there is no learning curve and the only reason is that they are to stupid to get a tank.
      That's BS and you know it. But anytime I try to explain a relativley simple thing to drooling selfish morons like you it goes in one ear and out the other because you don't want to believe it. Infact, I just explained exactly why that wasn't true in THIS THREAD. Only 2 posts above you. And I didn't even mention the fact that if the only way to survive is to get in a jet this game it's better off being called a flight simulator.


      • #18
        Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

        Tanks get a fare share of noob-attack just like jets, just less because more noobs know how to drive a tank than a jet.

        If you dont know how to drive a tank, anti-tank kits are just as ineffective and you will get shot by tank just as much. The problem is most people do not think getting your own tank to kill enemy tank much of a problem, but it does not apply with jets since nobody can fly on your team.

        And perhaps, after you die 100 times from that tank, you think to yourself "hey its not that bad, i just have to respawn in specOps again and hope on the 101th try i plant a c4 on him. whereby with jets they gets ****ed off because they cant even see who killed him.


        • #19
          Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

          Originally posted by TheWatcher
          "im so sick of airpower ruining this game"

          "im SO SICK OF TANK WHORES"



          Have any of you noticed Theres a Counter for everything???

          If theres a Tank on one side theres, a Tank on the other take the other tank out....

          same for Jets....Jets can always be taken down by another Jet......

          Ground Defense is a counter for Air defense...

          Well lets say....what if one guy is tank whoring and the tank on my team isnt doing anything about it........whos fault is that.......i see a proper teamkill or a kick ban in the mix????


          If you cant Handle it, GTFO of bf2

          Have a nice day
          Aah music to mine ears!!!!

          Enough with the whining already. Just get on and play. Cheating, sure expose them. But whining about powerful weapons in war is so stupid. Its war FFS!!!!!!!!!

          Now anyone here wanna take a pledge to stop whining about this game?...Anyone?.....No?...


          • #20
            Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

            i gotta throw this into it. haha

            why isnt there an APC for the MEC on 32player Karkand?

            its 1 Tank and 1 APC vs 1 Tank on 32Player Karkand.


            • #21
              Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

              true, but also its like 10 flags to one??


              • #22
                Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                The thread starter is stupid, I can't believe so many people can miss the basic concept of paper, rock,'s a game as old as time but it's the basis (or at least it should be) of a good game.

                but what this guy is saying is that rock should fight rock and paper should fight paper and that's it, wow cmon try to use more than dozen brain cells.

                lets take a tank for instance

                tank is rock, tanks can fight other tanks but you also got AT & Spec Ops that can take out tanks
                AT & Spec Ops are paper
                Ground TOWs are scissors

                all of these can be killed by the other but then they are limited in their ability to attack other types of vehicles/infantry.

                tanks suck at killing helicopters, mobile AA are good at killing helicopters but mobile AA sucks at killing tanks.

                it's all supposed to be about balance but the reason everyone bitches about jets is because well ummmmmm there obviously isn't a paper or a scissors to a good bomber yet, so you're just saying that rock should fight rock and that's it, brilliant.

                I've got 15 hours in Air Defense and I can tell you I haven't killed no more than 20 jets and at least half of those kills I died with the bomber as he dropped his bombs and I shot my missiles and we both blew up, that happens more often than getting a clean heat seeker kill. If the pilot doesn't have a 2nd man using the LGBs then you have...I'd say about a 20% chance of killing a jet when it comes in to bomb you BUT if he does have a co-pilot you can kiss your sorry ass goodbye...there is not a counter for the LGB and your mobile AA will get blown to **** in half a second. It's so unbalanced it's ridiculous.


                • #23
                  Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                  Originally posted by puglous
                  And I didn't even mention the fact that if the only way to survive is to get in a jet this game it's better off being called a flight simulator.
                  if that happens, it only means the ground force sucks.

                  To the ppl who are complaining about it, the enemy's jets cant bomb your whole team constantly if you have at least 3 spawn points. even if you only have one CP, is it really that hard to get a car or a boat to get out of the base? the only reason that some of you guys keep getting bombed and being sick of it is that actually some of yourselves are jet/tank whores, maybe next time you should try not to crowd and let pilots bomb u or let commander arty u.


                  • #24
                    Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                    ok some people dont like the jets because they just are boring! I am a decent pilot, I know how to fly, but I would rather not. And when I do, its to shoot the enemy jet out of the air because the AA sucks. People are going to whine no matter what, and for whatever reason. I state I don't like the jets just because there is not very many ways to counter them...this is especially true and your team is indeed screwed when the enemy steals your teams jet. I really wish they would have made it so you can't steal enemy aircraft, especially if there is only one jet per side. But get used to it, people whine and complain. The other day some guy was calling my cannot repeat really anything he said....but it was very insulting and...actually quite comical (we were in the chopper, he was in the other chopper. He never got a gunner, so he was screwed there, and boy did this guy just suck at flying lol...crashed into...well everything. Sometimes we didn't even kill him because he would crash into a mountain)


                    • #25
                      Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                      Originally posted by puglous
                      It's indeed possible...if the jets are fighting eachother, your team has the better pilot, your team has lost of spawn points so the jets aren't always bombing you, or there are no jets. So yes, most games are fun, but those that don't meet the conditions stated are never fun (for most non-jet pilots). I feel the same about helis but that's a different subject...

                      The problem arises A LOT in maps with a linear style like Cleansweep. All of your team is likely to be spawning at one outpost if even they have all but one and will get spawn killed relentlessly.

                      That's BS and you know it. But anytime I try to explain a relativley simple thing to drooling selfish morons like you it goes in one ear and out the other because you don't want to believe it. Infact, I just explained exactly why that wasn't true in THIS THREAD. Only 2 posts above you. And I didn't even mention the fact that if the only way to survive is to get in a jet this game it's better off being called a flight simulator.

                      Actually all of your posts in this thread are BS.

                      Your first post doesnt even make sense, except for trying to put the guy down, but all you did was make yourself look like more of an asshat.

                      Are you even old enough to buy this game ?


                      • #26
                        Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                        Actually all of your posts in this thread are BS.

                        Your first post doesnt even make sense, except for trying to put the guy down, but all you did was make yourself look like more of an asshat.

                        Are you even old enough to buy this game ?
                        Your flaunting the fact that you're too stupid to understand what I say AND defending a guy who insults someone despite that he totally ignores what they say?

                        ...leave it to the BF2 community...


                        • #27
                          Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                          Haha. I don't even find jets to be all that upsetting, or any other factors that people 'whine' about on these forums. I just jump into these head first because I can't stand the ignorance of people like the starter of this thread. Two people in this thread have brought up some fine points already.

                          Having to hop into a jet to counter another jet, especially given how many people camp the jet spawns, is RIDICULOUS.

                          Even if it doesn't bother me, and I encourage just dealing with it and playing it out, I can't believe you people. Someone said 'It's war FFS!' I hope to god for the sake of humanity that was a jab at humour. It's a game, sweetie, and games are played for fun. The AA needs touching up, admit it now or you're going to hell.

                          If bitching threads **** you off, then don't open them. When lots of people bitch about a problem it usually gets solved. Why do you think Special Forces is focusing on infantry combat when BF was originally aimed towards vehicles? I'll tell you why- Because infantry combat is what lots of bf players are playing for these days.

                          Go play a fxcking flight simulator.


                          • #28
                            Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                            no comment...


                            • #29
                              Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                              Originally posted by bitvomit
                              unfortunately, there is no counter for nubs, idiots, flopcakes, tkers etc. thus the game is not fair.
                              On a server i was on last night, there was someone on the other team with a -350 score. I must say, seeing that person shoot his own teammates before i could, and then reading their responses was pretty hilarious.


                              • #30
                                Re: This Post Should End All The Bitching About It:....

                                Originally posted by TheWatcher
                                "im so sick of airpower ruining this game"

                                "im SO SICK OF TANK WHORES"

                                "TANKS RUIN THIS GAME its SO CHEAP"


                                Have any of you noticed Theres a Counter for everything???

                                If theres a Tank on one side theres, a Tank on the other take the other tank out....

                                same for Jets....Jets can always be taken down by another Jet......

                                Ground Defense is a counter for Air defense...

                                Well lets say....what if one guy is tank whoring and the tank on my team isnt doing anything about it........whos fault is that.......i see a proper teamkill or a kick ban in the mix????

                                **NEWSFLASH: THIS GAME IS FAIR

                                If you cant Handle it, GTFO of bf2

                                Have a nice day
                                What if it was a map with only one airfield? Don't give people BS because they can post if they want, if you don't want to see them... DONT LOOK AT THEM, god...

