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Network Data Corruption Error

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  • Network Data Corruption Error

    Can any one help me it happens each time the next map load's.I have this pb error all so on most servers(THIS PB SERVER REQIRES(A1360 C1.199)-ERROR LOADING PBAG)i have updated pb but still same thing happens going to reinstall bf2 for the 4th

  • #2
    Re: Network Data Corruption Error

    Do you have full admin access to your PC? You need it to install PB.


    • #3
      Re: Network Data Corruption Error

      thanks man but this is my first pc so i will need a little more inf on how to install pb


      • #4
        Re: Network Data Corruption Error

        Wait. You said in your first post that you already installed PB ?

        Download the update tool and put it in your /pb/ folder in the BF2 install...

        run it and it'll download the latest pb files.


        • #5
          Re: Network Data Corruption Error

          nope same thing but the warning pb running old version dose not come up any more when im on the server.i still get kicked for this (THIS PB SERVER REQIRES(A1360 C1.199)-ERROR LOADING PBCL)


          • #6
            Re: Network Data Corruption Error

            I'd re-install PunkBuster altogether.


            • #7
              Re: Network Data Corruption Error

              Talus is right !

              Open up the PB folder and delete everything in it except the pbweb.exe I asked you to installed earlier.

              Run the pbweb and it'll download the files needed.

              Normally now you can connect to a server running punkbuster so do so and as soon as you are connected, bring up the console window via the ~ key and type this :

              pb_sv_update and hit ENTER


              • #8
                Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                thank's ill give it a go.


                • #9
                  Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                  Originally posted by ptegan
                  Talus is right !
                  I HOPE so...but don't put any money on it yet


                  • #10
                    Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                    [11.04.2005 14:41:43] PBWEB v2.2
                    [11.04.2005 14:41:43] This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

                    [11.04.2005 14:41:43] pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
                    If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.

                    [11.04.2005 14:41:43] If you experience a problem with this program, please visit our support center

                    [11.04.2005 14:41:43] Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
                    [11.04.2005 14:41:43]
                    **ERROR: No PunkBuster files found at path C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\pb

                    this is what happens


                    • #11
                      Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                      By 'reinstalling PunkBuster', I meant installing it from your original CD/DVD.

                      I'm not sure if there is a way of re-installing PunkBuster another way.


                      • #12
                        Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                        You get that even when you run the pbweb file from the empty pb folder in the BF2 install directory ?

                        Try this new setup probram from PB. It's only a beta but can't cause any harm. It's got a graphical interface so easier to use.


                        • #13
                          Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                          I think I found another way:

                          Go here:

                          And download the security and client htm files to your pb subdirectory.


                          • #14
                            Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                            how do i do that


                            • #15
                              Re: Network Data Corruption Error

                              The instructions are given right on the page.

