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New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

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  • #16
    Re: New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

    For one, I hope you guys don't get that annoying time thing showing up that often. If THAT'S ingame, it'll be a pest.

    Other than that, all I see is something called teamwork, which you only see in pre-planned movies of gameplay, such as this. It doesn't happen in-game, and it won't happen in SF. Not to mention, I can't wait to hear the forums after the release:

    "Player so and so is light hacking, he can see me in the dark."
    "I can't see, tweak the moon to be brighter!"
    "Player so and so killed me with a flashbang. No, it wasn't a grenade, it was dark but I know he threw a flashbang"


    • #17
      Re: New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

      Originally posted by Jesse
      all I see is something called teamwork, which you only see in pre-planned movies of gameplay, such as this. It doesn't happen in-game, and it won't happen in SF.
      Ya ain't playin wit da right peoples!

      Either that, or you aren't taking it upon yourself to do good teamwork.

      The other day, myself and 3 buddies were playing and all hookd up on the Battle Coms. We were sticking together and moving well. Before long, other people were joining our squad and taking note of what we were doing. We became the dominant force on the map.
      "Check that corner!"
      "Roger, moving up... clear!"
      "Moving now"
      "Wait! Movement!"
      "Nail 'em!"
      "He's down"
      "Moving up, keep it together!"
      "I need cover!"
      "Got your back, move!"

      That's just a sample of the kind of communication we had going. It was hella fun! You should hear us yappin in a Blackhawk!
      "Targets coimg up leftside!"
      "Got it... hosing 'em!"
      "RIGHT SIDE! AA!!"
      "No prob, he's toast"
      "Come around left! I see targets!"
      "Coming around"
      "We're hit! Man left gun, I'm making repairs."
      "There's a tank below us. Can you mine him?"
      "Yeah... move back a bit. Perfect!"
      "Looks clear down there, coming down on the flag. Hop out for the capture!"
      "Flag secure, coming down in the square. Mount back up!"

      The game is what you make of it.


      • #18
        Re: New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

        Originally posted by Wargimp
        Ya ain't playin wit da right peoples!

        Either that, or you aren't taking it upon yourself to do good teamwork.

        The other day, myself and 3 buddies were playing and all hookd up on the Battle Coms. We were sticking together and moving well. Before long, other people were joining our squad and taking note of what we were doing. We became the dominant force on the map.
        "Check that corner!"
        "Roger, moving up... clear!"
        "Moving now"
        "Wait! Movement!"
        "Nail 'em!"
        "He's down"
        "Moving up, keep it together!"
        "I need cover!"
        "Got your back, move!"

        That's just a sample of the kind of communication we had going. It was hella fun! You should hear us yappin in a Blackhawk!
        "Targets coimg up leftside!"
        "Got it... hosing 'em!"
        "RIGHT SIDE! AA!!"
        "No prob, he's toast"
        "Come around left! I see targets!"
        "Coming around"
        "We're hit! Man left gun, I'm making repairs."
        "There's a tank below us. Can you mine him?"
        "Yeah... move back a bit. Perfect!"
        "Looks clear down there, coming down on the flag. Hop out for the capture!"
        "Flag secure, coming down in the square. Mount back up!"

        The game is what you make of it.
        Sweet, when you do this again, count me in, havent played like that since the old days of my americas army clan, now that was teamwork. How about it bud?


        • #19
          Re: New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

          i bet thats going to be the opening intro for BF2:SF


          • #20
            Re: New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

            Originally posted by Sir. Side
            Sweet, when you do this again, count me in, havent played like that since the old days of my americas army clan, now that was teamwork. How about it bud?
            Hehe, well I never really know when or where we're goning to be playing. Usually it just comes together after a phone call starting with "Hey, wanna do some BF2?". It's rare that we can all hook up at the same time and find a good server with functional coms that also has space to accomidate us all.

            The good news is that I've had stuff like this go off in public servers when my buds aren't around. Generally, if you set a good example and chew on your squad mates a bit, things will fall in line.

            "GUYS! YOU WANNA WIN OR WHAT?"
            "Er, Gimp... we're trying"
            "Start spawning on the SL! Start talkin, start spottin, 'n let's start winnin!"

            This usually results in either a STFU (at which point I leave the squad) or teamwork begins to take place.

            I'll challange EVERYONE here to start doing this. Spawn on and stick with your SL. Talk to your squads. Get 'em to work together. Er... this is off topic. New thread time!


            • #21
              Re: New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

              Yeah its just like the opening intro for BF2, it looks cool, but never happens in game (Sssshh Wargimp!!!!).


              • #22
                Re: New BF2:Special Forces Trailer at

                Originally posted by Apocalypse †
                Yeah its just like the opening intro for BF2, it looks cool, but never happens in game (Sssshh Wargimp!!!!).

                Yeah, they make it look like it has objectives in it. You seem to be able to open a gate and the timed explosives that go off in the end seem to have an artillery-like effect, blowing the building up.

                btw Haven't seen this mentioned: <GamersHell> has the high res version online. Makes a lot more sense, and seems a lot less dark. It's a bit darker than Clean Sweep.

