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Sniping in Oman

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  • #16
    Re: Sniping in Oman

    I dont want to sound like a total noob but could you guys help me out with sniping in Karkland?


    • #17
      Re: Sniping in Oman

      Originally posted by Dlab37
      I dont want to sound like a total noob but could you guys help me out with sniping in Karkland?
      unless ur a really good sniper...dont...rack up kills with teh nade launcher if u want points...
      sniping in karkland is so much harder cuz its all close up action and everyone is up and running and the map is like a big dust strom so visiblity is low and makes it harder to snipe..but for me..

      u can try sniping on the hill that is up ahead from the right US 1st spawn point..and aim at that lil fence opening..but a nade will get u more kills


      • #18
        Re: Sniping in Oman

        Originally posted by Dlab37
        I dont want to sound like a total noob but could you guys help me out with sniping in Karkland?
        You should practise in singleplayer. Try and find various sniping spots that overlook each flag point. Be sure to use your claymores and plant them in narrow alley ways that the ememy soliders use quite often. Like I said before, the best thing to do is just practise against veteran bots untill you have mastered them. Practise makes pefrect.


        • #19
          Re: Sniping in Oman

          What i'm about to tell you isn't reccomended, but we (some friends and myself) attempted it and get some very nice results from doing so. I jumped in the pilot's seat and some friends jumped in with their M24's and we were off. We leveled off between the two left spawn points on Oman and I hovered us, while yes, we were AA bait, but our gunners were watching the two closely. As for aircraft, well I don't have an answer for that other than dropping your flares and using E&E (Escape and Evasion). Again, not reccomended, but pretty fun if you can get a pilot that doesn't crash after flying for 3 seconds... or 4 for that matter.


          • #20
            Re: Sniping in Oman

            Originally posted by Dlab37
            I dont want to sound like a total noob but could you guys help me out with sniping in Karkland?
            USMC: spawn on the right spawn, after you spawned head right up on the hill, and when you dont see any MEC run down the hill and go to the second or first alley, lay a claymore down infront of the one your going to snipe from, and most are easy kills

            MEC: from hotel go left down the alley, [watch for grenades] [you can lay a claymore if you wish at the end of the alley] and in the middle of the road theres a bush, most of the time it provides decent cover


            • #21
              Re: Sniping in Oman

              Yeh along the train tracks are my fave, from there you can get good shots at 1 flag on the beach, 2 if your good, cover any silly snipers that may get on the crane/buildings at construction site and pop off the hotel roof campers too.

              As i recall i got my expert snipes badge on this map by camping the train tracks with my L9


              • #22
                Re: Sniping in Oman

                On Oman, in the middle of the map there is this walled of place, the wall closest to the sea has a little shack by it, you can get up onto its roof and you have a clear view of the flag infront of you, not a great distance, then theres the flag to your right, the one with the US arty, long shots but possible shot. And can also see up to the flag to the left of the one infront of you, can pick guys off as they try and take the flag infront. Been up there a few times and never got detected, usually killed looking for ammo....

                As for the train, if you hop up into the sections between each carrage you can see more of the flags, the top of the carrages is a dodgy place to be...

                Another one, down the end of the MEC runway and snipe the guys waiting for the jets....


                • #23
                  Re: Sniping in Oman

                  hmm the "all the way to the right" spawn on that mountain is a pretty good play, just dont "skyline" or w.e its called

                  another place is when your on usmc is go [all the way to the left spawn] and go to that big building, theres stairs and sometimes ppl never check there at all

                  ill post more as i think :P


                  • #24
                    Re: Sniping in Oman

                    this should be in the war tales section the tips and tricks section.

