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The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

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  • #16
    Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

    I was riding along in an attack chopper with my clan m8(unfortunately all the admins were on the other team) and i had like 50 kills. 3 tickets until the round ended it said

    KICKING!!!!!!!! [BSF] Nexar for team killing and disrespecing the admins
    KICKING!!!!!!!! [BSF] VeNg3nCe^ for team killing and disrespecing the admins


    • #17
      Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

      Ive been kicked for stealing an enemy plane.. some people are so immature


      • #18
        Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

        I got kicked for 1 mysterious teamkill. I was defending the arty on Oman with a tank. A chopper swoops in and practically lands on me. One shot from the tank took it out. I look up to see 1 kill and 1 tk. I have no idea where the TK came from. The next thing I know I was kicked for excessive teamkilling. To be honest, it's that kind of moronic filtering/decision making that ruins this game. I swear if the person responsible for that had been present I would have ripped his face off right then and there. I was defending our assets, something a lot of people don't want to do because they don't get huge points for it. All the pointwhores were flying jets and choppers, but I get kicked for one mysterious teamkill. It was so weak and I'm still very bitter about it.


        • #19
          Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

          i got kciked for high ping..and i have T1...


          • #20
            Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

            I was playing in a server with a retarted language filter. I cursed a couple times just to **** it off. Then I stop so I dont get kicked and take a jet. I start owning everyone and i was 74 for 1 when some guy asks me if i fly with a mouse. I stupidly reply "F__k no" and get banned.


            • #21
              Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

              Was playing MEC on 64-player version of Karkand. The round had just started and I took the tank to the bridge and setup in a defensive position. If you let the USMC onto the island in Karkand64, you are screwed as MEC.

              A player with admin powers kept telling me to move. I explained to him what I was doing. I was then kicked for "tank whoring".

              Whatever. :/


              • #22
                Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                Originally posted by Talus
                I got kicked and banned from a Christian server for no apparent reason (didnt' realize the server was Christian until I saw the server message).

                I never spoke in chat once.

                Ah well.
                were they all medics by any chance.....shame their is not a chaplain option :laugh:


                • #23
                  Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                  I was playing on this server with a friend and we were camping on top of crane in sharqi. Anyways, I had to go afk for like 15 minutes or so and I come back and just when I come back I notice a little ting and puff of dust beside me on a bar. I spin around, look through scope see a admin (he had an [ADMIN] tag) on top of roof beside that spawn with tow and AA. Bang, headshot. Next thing I know kicked. My friend later told me that the admin has been trying to kill me for the past like 13 minutes and was watching with great amusement as bullets were missing left and right. Kinda found it funny.


                  • #24
                    Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                    I was banned from a clan server for trying to boot a clan player who teamkilled me. Then he starts going on how he's the admin and how he is god then I see on top Banning Epyon700 for trying to boot an admin DUMB ASS.

                    I swear that is what the dude said.


                    • #25
                      Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                      Originally posted by Talus
                      I got kicked and banned from a Christian server for no apparent reason (didnt' realize the server was Christian until I saw the server message).
                      I think that I know the server you're talking about, Kentucky Fried Server, I was banned from there today because of my account name, JonesOneOneFourOne. The admin thought that I should use numbers instead of letters; i.e. Jones1141. Apparently I should just give up my Master Sergeant account and start a new one with a name he likes better. I got kicked twice before I realized exactly what he was talking about; when I tried to get back in the third time and reason with him I found that I was banned.


                      • #26
                        Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                        I got kicked for having a "bad attitude" after my clan mate got kicked for TK'ing and I said "this server is a joke anyways".



                        • #27
                          Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                          I'm sad that I can't say this happened to me, but it happened to one of my BF2 addict friends. He was playing on a server and the round ended, and he had one of the higher scores. He and an admin had tied for third place in overall score, but my friend was awarded the bronze. The admin kicked my friend for it!

                          Grow up, seriously. Are you that concerned about your 'e-p*nis'?


                          • #28
                            Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                            You poor unfortunate souls. You can see why I play on company owned servers only :P. This one was entirely my fault, but hey, its funny; in a sad and convoluted way. Anyhoo,

                            As commander I am on wake, playing as the US, we have caught the north base or beach or whatever (i hate the map personally, only played on it because its in the map rotation), anyway, the northwest flag was ours. Most of the enemy team had mobilised to destroy our dudes (joined late, were losing like 50 - 210 (explains the lack of a comm)).

                            I had the audacity to drop some artillary on an increasingly more juicy target at the bridge, the eastern side of it to be specific. on the uav there must have been something near 25 enemy (i and my bro counted for the insane fun of the anticipation). i still dont know how it happened.

                            Our team gained some momentum, before you know it, 2/3rds + of the US shore troops are on the east side of that bridge, and then it starts raining the explosive 'expletives'. with only 1 man left to defend that flag, it got taken over. i wasnt immediately kicked for the arty. everyone agreed it was fault on both sides.... i got kicked about 10 seconds later from an admin for asking him why he didnt bathe in the explosive death like myself and everyone else..

                            and by the way, no speech filters on our servers. the F word and many others are read frequently alright, you betcha.

                            good times.. goooood times.


                            • #29
                              Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                              Got kicked for calling someone a "Dolt" Must of been a long "bad" word list!


                              • #30
                                Re: The silliest kick/ban you've ever received

                                shot down enemy blackhawk that fell on bunch of friendlies, 4 TK's

