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jets, its not the skill its the ping

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  • #16
    Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

    silg, 1stly dont call me a noob,check leaderboard b4 calling me a noob, 2ndly ive tested it out, i used to have ping below 15 and i hot no problem with shooting down with missiles, they just hit! it was great, then went to 256dsl with ping 80, but when i say missiles miss i mean when the enemy aircraft is doing loops, tight turns, with good ping missiles hit, NOT WHEN THEY FLY STRAIGHT, so yeh and at my friends he has cable i played and wateva the enemy plane did, as soon as it was locked on him i shot and GOT HIM, even when he was doing tight turns, i didnt even see him on the screen n i shot him down.. the best way i guess is using the cannon i guess


    • #17
      Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

      Aspects of Aircraft : What is required to be proficient.

      Flying & Manuevers: Skill
      Vulcans: Skill + Ping
      Bombing: Skill
      Missiles: Luck


      • #18
        Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

        Ah someone finally came up with a new excuse for their lack of skill at flying.

        At first its I suck because I dont have money to buy a joystick, so its not my fault
        Now its I suck because I have high ping, its not my fault

        Get over it, with mouse+keyboard and a ping of 140 you can still get 30+ kills a round, just use your guns. IMO the missiles are useless in any case other than shooting noob level bombing jets.


        • #19
          Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

          It could be ping.. try flying helo's in singleplayer, those bots NEVER miss.


          • #20
            Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

            iewgnem, i get over 60 EACH round unless a good pilot is on my ass

            all im saying is, air to air u all u need is a good ping u dont even need a joystick, joystick is only for using the cannon, u can use the keyboard of missiles really easy, just make ur missile button "SPACE" and thats it


            • #21
              Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

              Its not the ping my friend, the missiles just suck, you hear the same complaint from LAN players just as 400ping players. Getting 100+ kill isnt hard, provided the round last long enough for you to get that score in the first place.

              Missiles do not somehow have better tracking because someone have low ping, some one killed you, hes good at either AA or jets, get used to it, dont blame it on ping, espically not someone with your skill of flying.


              • #22
                Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

                its much more than luck to hit missiles on target more than 50% of the timel


                • #23
                  Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

                  It's definitely not ping that determines how skilled the pilot is or how effective AA missiles are. I have over 200 ping in U.S. servers and I am still deadly effective in flying.

                  As I said before, the only thing that ping matters on aircraft is the vulcans.


                  • #24
                    Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

                    Originally posted by Sneakydave
                    Nah, he probs just lined his shots up better than yours , i doubt dice would be stupid enough to give such a huge advantage to people with low pings.

                    ...they give a huge advantage of finding it fun to join a game to people with much RAM.

                    Since I must really feel to play BF2 before I actually play it, I don't feel like waiting 5-10 minutes to join a server when they change map after 10 minutes anyway.

                    DICE should really really fix that goddamn "Verifying client data".


                    • #25
                      Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

                      hi i'm about number 200 or something in aviator top list.And i agree with Bird Killer . Missile works only when you fight against rookie pilot . but when you fight against veteran pilot who can do evasive manuever missile hit's chance is just pure luck.
                      So most of the time i would just lead pursuit and vulcan them down.

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                      • #26
                        Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

                        true!! but i FIGURED OUT THE BEST WAY EVA!!!!

                        sneak up behind them really fast with afterburner on.......
                        as soon ass u swich to missiles mod just START SHOOTING if the playe doesnt turn straight away AT least one missile will hit, i give u 90%
                        then when hiz smoking just cannon him

                        cannnon is simple the best for air - air, just gonna no the lead, and its now hard


                        • #27
                          Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

                          It's amazing how I was able to comprehend your post despite the junk you offered.


                          • #28
                            Re: jets, its not the skill its the ping

                            There are ping issues I've noticed. If flying a bomber and I have a copilot with a ping of maybe 80-150 then they don't hit much with the TV missiles no matter how much of a slow run in to target I provide them. A copilot with a low ping, or myself flying as copilot with my 19 ping on UK servers can hit every target the pilot provides.
                            As for surface to air missiles, I've not shot many planes down, but usually one missile hits, and that's enough to have the jet running off to repair.
                            Regarding air to air missles, I rarely use them unless it's an obvious n00b flying straight and level. Using guns whilst in air to ground mode is the best way to kill most pilots.

