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SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

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  • #16
    Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

    DEAR GOD!!! You're actually being serious???
    Indeed an amazingly thought-through tactic, how did you come up with it??? And the best thing is that it NEVER gets boring to stand in one place throwing nades for an entire game... After all, BF2 is all about scoring as much points as you can, and not about having fun or other trivial matters...


    • #17
      Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

      Maybe he works in a factory on assembly line and he can't kick off work habit.

      Repetition, repetition, repetition.

      Get a life and play for fun IDIOT.


      • #18
        Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

        In my experience everyone just runs off to the front lines whilst MEC captures the undefended rear bases immediately.


        Nice idea though, but I agree that constantly throwing grenades and having the grenader reloaded is statpadding, but only if you do it constantly. If you only do it when actually being attacked, that's fine.


        • #19
          Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

          Well he did say 16 player map size. So there would not be a helicopter. It definately is a boring tactic, although to an unorganized group of pub players it would be very effective. Another clan would defeat this strat.


          • #20
            Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

            this is another little tip that I some how pulled off. Lets say you are on the roof and the point goes nuetral. Instead of walking down the stairs just to get shot from the 3 guys taking the point, go over to the ledge where right below is the flag. jump on the ledge, pull out a grenade. Look straight ahead, and right click once. The grenade will fall straight down, landing right next to the flag. Killed 3 guys once doing this (honestly I was amazed i got 3 guys lol) but this can also work with c4 and such. I got a chopper who was taking the base this way with works!


            • #21
              Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

              The no-c4 on the flag rule is usually for Capture the Flag games...


              • #22
                Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                or you could hover a heli in front of the flag zone and annihilate everyone.


                • #23
                  Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                  You do that and the guy on the AA just below you will tear you a new one (You're also in range of the tank's cannon as well).

                  Claymores work really well because the proximity range on a claymore is greater than that of a grenade (meaning you can setup a claymore so that it will kill an opponent who goes near it, yet won't be taken out by a grenade because it'll be too far away).

                  Try practising with claymores to see how close a grenade has to land to take it out, yet how far away a claymore will detonate when a target passes in front of it. You will be surprised.


                  • #24
                    Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                    I find that a single spec ops with C4 can defend the flag pretty easily........keeping the MEChole in the chopper from hovering behind the building and wiping out your team as they spawn is a different question.


                    • #25
                      Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                      Originally posted by Second Gunman
                      I find that a single spec ops with C4 can defend the flag pretty easily........keeping the MEChole in the chopper from hovering behind the building and wiping out your team as they spawn is a different question.
                      Spec ops isn't the only class that can defend the TV station solo. I did it as Support yesterday.. or maybe the day before.

                      I'd just respawned at the TV Station in preperation for heading down to help recapture the Hotel (I can't stand spawning at the construction site. Being up high in a building with no walls makes me feel like I'm going to take a sniper bullet) when I heard a helo pass overhead. I checked the map and saw that the friendly helo was way across the map at the MEC artillery area for some reason. So I knew there was trouble.

                      Not wanting to get shot up, I hunkered down on the stairwell to wait for the helo to go away, when I looked down and 2 or 3 stories below I could see a MEC squad.. yes, an entire squad coming up. I started tossing grenades down the well and killed a couple while the rest backed off.

                      One tossed a grenade up at me, so I scurried to the balcony room. I threw down some ammo bags and started hurling grenades at the stairs as fast as I could. It was a good squad. They had either a medic, or they were respawning on their leader.

                      I heard someone on the ladder behind me, turned and sprayed down a MEC with my SAW. I turned back to the stairs and saw a couple heading past up to the roof. I threw more grenades, killed a couple more below me. I had MECs above and below me at this point. They started throwing grenades onto the balcony (I think from below. Could've been from above though) which forced me out onto the stairs again. I went down, found it was deserted below. I went out the back door and came around to the front just in time to see a pair of MECs climbing the ladder. I shot both of them down, then threw more grenades onto the balcony, which killed another.

                      I heard the helo on the roof start up, and knew I was the only one at the TV station at the time. So I ran over to the Stinger launcher, aimed up.. and shot them down as soon as they took off. But then a MEC guy got me from the machine gun on a HMMWV that just drove up.

                      All-in-all I had like 11 kills in a row, plus a chopper splash.. which on my personal scorecard counts as like.. 5 kills. =p


                      • #26
                        Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                        This is for all you non believers that didn't believe the full potential of the tactic I posted here when i started this thread.

                        I found this on


                        I am the Intermediate League admin at

                        Sharqi has been removed fro all league play because of a major map issue.

                        Any team on the USMC side can literally win the map without ever leaving the inside stairwell of the TV tower and covering the lower tower door.

                        They are totally immune from taking any damage what so ever, they do not bleed tickets because MEC has taken Construction Site and Office flags.

                        Matches where complete turtles on both sides. And this was quickly becoming the norm. Even with a time limit, this works even more to the turtling teams favor. They hide, arty the other team while they take 2 flags to stop the MEC bleed, and never have to come out.

                        This is NOT the map that should be the final round. You can argue you get great fights on this map.... ONLY if USMC side comes out and fights. And this had stopped happening once everyone figured out they could turtle, not be hit by arty, or anything else, and win, literally.

                        Stick Songhua in somewhere, move any map to replace Sharqi. Song is 10 times more balanced than most of the maps. But Sharqi, as its being played now by teams, is not a match, its a waiting period.

                        Back to top



                        • #27
                          Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                          Originally posted by MASH=potato
                          If a server kicks you for placing C4 on it. Then don't play in there. There is nothing wrong with it, you can place c4 anywhere you like. I never saw a rule that says you can't place it on a flag.
                          I agree about the claymores they are very usefull if theres ammo around. You can lay up to 5 claymores at any 1 time. Any more than five and they will start to dissappear.
                          Meh. I've been kicked from a server for using my F-35 at Oman to strafe the MEC runway and bomb the enemy jets as they respawned. The guy that kicked me complained that I was "raping an uncappable before your team has all the flags!1one!" when in reality, I was just targeting the AA site and the jets/helos. Casulties were a bonus. I pretty much laughed in the guy's face and asked him if he wanted me to wait until he got into his jet before I shot him to pieces. (I'd shot him down like 4 times that game.)


                          • #28
                            Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                            Sounds like your admin has given up -- hardly a map issue though. A map issue would be something along the lines of being able to hide in walls, plant proximity explosives IN DOORS (ie. places where they cannot be disarmed or destroyed). Remember there are 3 ways to get inside that building.

                            There are lots of ways to take out the TV station especially if everyone decides to turtle up inside. Geez easiest I can think of is to have 1 or 2 squads (2 being too much already) have their squad leader get up onto the roof -- or just wait outside. A medic or two, some noob tubers and a support and you're set.


                            • #29
                              Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                              All you guys that keep going on about "chopper this, chopper that" are missing the plot - he said 16 player Sharqi. There's no chopper on a 16 player Sharqi :P


                              • #30
                                Re: SHARQI TV STATION so easy to defend

                                ...he's talking about 16 player map, good luck finding a chopper.

