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First Sergant Cheap Way Help

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  • #31
    Re: First Sergant Cheap Way Help

    Originally posted by raceacontari
    Anyway, just make sure you don't have already 50 global pistol kills, because if you do, you will not get the basic pistol badge but the veteran, and then you will be screwed like the many other hundreds of players that got the veteran badge before the basic badge (which all you need to do is get 50 pistol kills before getting 5 or 7 in one round, whatever it is now, and you will get veteran instead of basic).

    Not possible. You need the basic badge to be awarded the veteran badge. You may get them both at once, but you get the basic first.
    well since u get them both ... the server only records the veteran badge for some reason... it suks... how do i kno? i'm one of the ppl who got screwed by the basicbadge glitch... i had bout 90 pistol kils... but never got nough in a round to get basic.. till one day i got 7(b4 the patch) n viola... automatically vet badge... but no basic... (same wit knife )


    • #32
      Re: First Sergant Cheap Way Help

      Originally posted by raceacontari
      Anyway, just make sure you don't have already 50 global pistol kills, because if you do, you will not get the basic pistol badge but the veteran, and then you will be screwed like the many other hundreds of players that got the veteran badge before the basic badge (which all you need to do is get 50 pistol kills before getting 5 or 7 in one round, whatever it is now, and you will get veteran instead of basic).

      Not possible. You need the basic badge to be awarded the veteran badge. You may get them both at once, but you get the basic first.
      well since u get them both ... the server only records the veteran badge for some reason... it suks... how do i kno? i'm one of the ppl who got screwed by the basicbadge glitch... i had bout 90 pistol kils... but never got nough in a round to get basic.. till one day i got 7(b4 the patch) n viola... automatically vet badge... but no basic... (same wit knife )


      • #33
        Re: First Sergant Cheap Way Help

        I got my knife badge first try no worries on sharqi. Infact I ended up with like 10 knife kills by the end of it but I accidently teamkilled someone and revived them and they went and punished me so I killed them again and got banned so I had to get it again LOL. Got it on mustur no problem.

        I found the knife one way easier than the pistol for some reason, mostly probably because I wasn't trying to be sneaky with the pistol.

        Anyone here is some tips:

        -Always go medic so you can heal after a fight or during. Drop some health packs at your feet and go knifing. Also has lots of sprint which is esential.

        -ALways match thier stance. If they are standing stand. If they are prone go prone. (especially important to go prone vs prone).

        -Hang around spawn points. Especially ones where you know people will spawn and camp there sniping. (eg mustur city on top the by building by the mosk. I usually hide in that little room down the stairs and they spawn in there. It's a little cheap but it works LOL.

        -Stand hidden in a well traveled road way wait till someone runs past you then chase and knife.

        -NEVER use your sprint unless chasing someone as you want their sprint to run out before yours does.

        -Think of your knife more like a spear and you stab with it ... even though it looks more like a slash. Only when the knife gets to the max point of your thrust will it "hit" so time your running at them so the knife is a max extention and make sure the crosshair is on them.

        -Snipers and support are your best friends. If you spot a sniper or support just wait for him to prone and you cant lose.

        -Allow medics to revive if you see it. As you can run in as they are reviving .. knife the medic and then knife the other confused guy.

        -You can't stab if you are sprinting. Be sure to stop sprinting before you try to stab. Very anoynig.

        Some notes: ALWAYS have your knife out because most players get confused and don't even shoot at you until you have had a swing at them. They think you are on their team way to often. In one round a medic revived a squad leader and I knifed the medic two other players spawned instantly and I knifed the squad leader who was on the ground confused I got another member but the last guy got me.

