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Negative points for deaths

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  • Negative points for deaths

    I really think score would tell a lot more about someone if they got -2 points for a death. It really bugs me how those who play aggressivley will often get more points than those who play carefully and tactically. Yes, they get lower kill death ratios, and this is the reason everyone puts such an emphasis on kill death ratios. If you got negative points for deaths, though, people probably would know enough about you looking at your score. And this way, if someone just stands around getting killed, causing their team to lose tickets, their score will make it clear they were a liability.

  • #2
    Re: Negative points for deaths

    Battlefield 2 would definitely be a lot better if everyone camped and no one tried to ever do anything.

    /not even remotely serious.


    • #3
      Re: Negative points for deaths

      I dont get killed much, im carefull with my virtual life most of the time, and i tend to be up there with the top players on the score list. 34/40 with 3 deaths or so, im so ****ing good..


      • #4
        Re: Negative points for deaths

        The problem with negative points for deaths is only half the people playing have a kill to death ratio greater than 1. If you loose an equal number of points for a death as the number of points you gain for a kill, only half the players playing would ever advance in ranks.

        Also, I don't think that the kill to death ratio is a good indicator of how good a team player you are or how careful you are with your soldier's virtual life. Someone could be an agressive camper and do great even if their team never captures a flag. The team getting camped, on the other hand, aren't even really playing. They are just getting a large negative score and possibly falling in the ranks, loosing unlocks maybe.....
        ...what happens if you consistently get a large negative score???

        I think a better solution would be longer times until respawn. If you had to wait 60 seconds before you could respawn, then people would guard their life as if it were their own. Of course, this won't work for a variety of reasons either.


        • #5
          Re: Negative points for deaths

          Originally posted by SupUnd
          The problem with negative points for deaths is only half the people playing have a kill to death ratio greater than 1. If you loose an equal number of points for a death as the number of points you gain for a kill, only half the players playing would ever advance in ranks.

          Also, I don't think that the kill to death ratio is a good indicator of how good a team player you are or how careful you are with your soldier's virtual life. Someone could be an agressive camper and do great even if their team never captures a flag. The team getting camped, on the other hand, aren't even really playing. They are just getting a large negative score and possibly falling in the ranks, loosing unlocks maybe.....
          ...what happens if you consistently get a large negative score???

          I think a better solution would be longer times until respawn. If you had to wait 60 seconds before you could respawn, then people would guard their life as if it were their own. Of course, this won't work for a variety of reasons either.
          You never loose your points, dont worry.. only the positive points influence your points. Points.. what a funny word..


          • #6
            Re: Negative points for deaths

            Battlefield 2 would definitely be a lot better if everyone camped and no one tried to ever do anything.

            /not even remotely serious.
            You get negative points for teamkills, does that mean no one ever fires their weapon because they are afriad of tks?


            • #7
              Re: Negative points for deaths

              Originally posted by puglous
              I really think score would tell a lot more about someone if they got -2 points for a death. It really bugs me how those who play aggressivley will often get more points than those who play carefully and tactically. Yes, they get lower kill death ratios, and this is the reason everyone puts such an emphasis on kill death ratios. If you got negative points for deaths, though, people probably would know enough about you looking at your score. And this way, if someone just stands around getting killed, causing their team to lose tickets, their score will make it clear they were a liability.
              Upon first read that sounded just silly, but now that I've thought about it, its actually a really good idea. That way there would be less incidences of people doing really silly things and still getting points for it (suicide choppers, C4 on vehicles) and people would be forced to stop and think about what theyre doing for a minute and work as teams.

              I cant see it increasing sniping or people not moving to levels higher than it is currently. Ranking issue can be easily solved by having even lower requirements. That way people that complain that "the n00bs can level up too easy now" could be satisfied that only really good players acheive points in the first place.


              • #8
                Re: Negative points for deaths

                Whenever Im looking around at all the post and someone has their stats below the post. Im looking at their K/D ratio. Ill tend to actually click on their stats to see more info about them if their K/D is close to 2. I have no respect for guys who are running around just trying to get some points and are dying every 30 seconds.


                • #9
                  Re: Negative points for deaths

                  Originally posted by yoohoo313131
                  Whenever Im looking around at all the post and someone has their stats below the post. Im looking at their K/D ratio. Ill tend to actually click on their stats to see more info about them if their K/D is close to 2. I have no respect for guys who are running around just trying to get some points and are dying every 30 seconds.
                  My K/D ratio sucks, does that mean I'm a bad player? Bull. It just means I have different style of playing. It doesnt mean I dont cap flags, or distribute ammo, or defend flags, or get damage assists, or hundreds of other things I do to help my team. stats are for kids. Play the game, try to win, ignoe the numbers betweeen rounds and have a ball.


                  • #10
                    Re: Negative points for deaths

                    do you get -ve points if you suicide say in the middle of the sea eg. Im sure ther have been times when ive died and got -ve score for it!


                    • #11
                      Re: Negative points for deaths

                      yes, negative 2 points for a suicide I believe


                      • #12
                        Re: Negative points for deaths

                        Originally posted by puglous
                        I really think score would tell a lot more about someone if they got -2 points for a death. It really bugs me how those who play aggressivley will often get more points than those who play carefully and tactically. Yes, they get lower kill death ratios, and this is the reason everyone puts such an emphasis on kill death ratios. If you got negative points for deaths, though, people probably would know enough about you looking at your score. And this way, if someone just stands around getting killed, causing their team to lose tickets, their score will make it clear they were a liability.

                        I do not think that is great idea becuase many times you get killed by a tank instantly after spawning for example.... I can give you 10000000000 examples of situations were you get killed not because you are bad, but because you you had a bad luck or something out of your control.

                        also if you get killed, for example, and defend a flag then can you tell me how that might be bad for your team!?

                        getting killed alot does not mean you are bad. it means that you get in jets and helos and tanks more than the others (in most cases). You can rarely find someone who keeps running on his feet most of the time and have a good K/D ration.

                        I have a low K/D ratio and I can tell you that I am helpful to my team most of the time.


                        • #13
                          Re: Negative points for deaths

                          Originally posted by shafik
                          My K/D ratio sucks, does that mean I'm a bad player? Bull. It just means I have different style of playing.
                          Shafik, Yes it does mean you are a bad player. I looked at your stats. You have a total of 4 hours playing this dont even have enough time played to know that you are a bad player....right now. As you progress through the game, youll get better and inevitably.....hopefully, your K/D ratio will go up. Just because youre throwing those ammo bags down and then dying, does not help your team. When you revive someone in the middle of a street who just got killed by a tank, then you die......also not helping your team. You die 2 times for every kill you make, those are tickets against your team so that also doesnt help your team. Im sure youll come back with a reply about this being a game and youll do it your way and have fun.....and thats fine too. I dont have a problem with that. Just dont think that you arent a bad player.....stats dont lie. Its not just you, new players dont have great stats and they will die will get better


                          • #14
                            Re: Negative points for deaths

                            Originally posted by shafik
                            My K/D ratio sucks, does that mean I'm a bad player? Bull. It just means I have different style of playing. It doesnt mean I dont cap flags, or distribute ammo, or defend flags, or get damage assists, or hundreds of other things I do to help my team. stats are for kids. Play the game, try to win, ignoe the numbers betweeen rounds and have a ball.
                            nicely said! same feeling here!


                            • #15
                              Re: Negative points for deaths

                              Originally posted by yoohoo313131
                              Whenever Im looking around at all the post and someone has their stats below the post. Im looking at their K/D ratio. Ill tend to actually click on their stats to see more info about them if their K/D is close to 2. I have no respect for guys who are running around just trying to get some points and are dying every 30 seconds.

                              You remeber the days when you were six years old and your teacher put a star on your drawings because you did good? the scoring system and the badges and ribbons are exactly the same. they are for kids who enjoy getting "stars" because of the "nice drawings".

