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****** knife badge

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  • #16
    Re: ****** knife badge

    Originally posted by mark128
    1.Go on karkand as mec
    2.only use your knife
    3.US soldiers always go in to allyways that overlook you spawn (couldnt explain any better, lol) Thes people are knife fodder
    4. look for groups off people that have been killed, and medic are reviving them, jump into the middle off it all and knife away
    5. Have luck on your side
    ^any tips for basic explosive badge?
    I like your tips thanks


    • #17
      Re: ****** knife badge

      Originally posted by mark128
      I have tried this tactic but couldnt get it too work (its really fun though)
      If you kill someone with C4 and you die in the explosion does that not count, because i got about 20 kills with C4 and claymores but died in most of the explosions. (i never got the badge)
      Heck yeah it's fun. It gives a whole new angle to the game. But the kills do count when you die. I die in all of my explosions. It wouldn't be Jihad Jeep if I didn't die in the process! Dying with the explosion is part of the whole experience. It's all a constant quest for that packed-full APC...


      • #18
        Re: ****** knife badge

        its funyn when people think its just a jeep coming at them, but low and behold its the "KamaKaze Jihad Jeep"


        • #19
          Re: ****** knife badge



          • #20
            Re: ****** knife badge

            Originally posted by WesleyS
            its funyn when people think its just a jeep coming at them, but low and behold its the "KamaKaze Jihad Jeep"
            Ok, how does that get you a knife badge


            • #21
              Re: ****** knife badge

              Originally posted by mark128
              I have tried this tactic but couldnt get it too work (its really fun though)
              If you kill someone with C4 and you die in the explosion does that not count, because i got about 20 kills with C4 and claymores but died in most of the explosions. (i never got the badge)
              They DO count . . . you obviously did something wrong.


              • #22
                Re: ****** knife badge

                I got my knife badge on Mashtuur. I was playing MEC. US had taken the mosque and we held all the points on the other side of the river. I went across and hid behind the pillars down the side of the mosque. US troops were running up to the wall and machine gun posts then exchanging fire with MEC on the bridges, I'd pop out from my hiding place and stab them from behind. Got the badge in no time.


                • #23
                  Re: ****** knife badge

                  Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
                  Two words... Jihad Jeep. Not only can you get your badge with this technique, it also provides for an alternate playing experience and thus extending the playability.

                  jihad all the way i tryed for hours to get that badge first try with jihad jeep got it


                  • #24
                    Re: ****** knife badge

                    you think basic is hard... wait till expert

