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Zombie minimod

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  • Zombie minimod

    this was very fun in Counter-strike source, but hasnt been done in the BF series. in CSS, it basically was bots being on an opposite team with only knives, but the downside is there can only be 20 bots on a certain team, no more, i was wondering if you are interested in trying this out, getting around 50-64 people on the server at once, with around 5 or 6 people on one team in a squad, and the rest on the other team using knvies only.

    i have an idea for this to work, but requires the kits be altered. it could be a minimod with the edited kits, basically MEC be a zombie team where all of their kits have just a knife in it. the US team will have edited kits as well, so that not everyone will be wielding grenade launchers. US kits will be altered so that they will have limited weapons and have balanced kits. one class will have m16a2 with 2 grenades only, one will have the mp5 with 2 grenades and a sidearm, one will have a shotgun, and 2 claymores, one will have an mp5 and one c4, and one will have an m249 only. the grenade launchers shouldnt be in it at all as it is too cheap.

    if done on karkand, the team spawns should be flipped, so that the US side will spawn in the city, while mec spawns outside the city and plus, remove every single vehicle, but keep the LMG mounts.

    i made a post in the Sir forums about this, but more people will notice it here, a good map to do this will be karkand 32p, and basically all other infantry maps with 16 player format.

    this should be very interesting if someone can do this.

  • #2
    Re: Zombie minimod

    Cool idea. Making the kits work and changing the maps would be easy.

    OK now for some questions:
    1) How do you win?
    2) Would it be a deathmatch rather than a ticket based game? - If so someone would need to code a deathmatch in python.
    3) What happens when a player dies (zombie or normal player) do they just respawn as usual?
    4) Who would play? - bearing in mind that a mod with all the maps edited would be 120Mb+ - Are you sure enough people would want to play?

    As I said before coding the kits and modifying the stock maps would be easy.
    If you want a totally new gamemode someone with experience in coding python would need to code it.


    • #3
      Re: Zombie minimod

      it will be the same as normal, cap flags to win, but with 60+bots out there, it would be a bad idea for a small squad to go cap, so basically, its holding the flag. in karkand for example, US spawns in the city to hold the city flags while the "zombie" team will cap it.

      when you die, you just spawn in like normal

      it can be released as a minimod, map editting isnt VERY necessary, but it would be nice.

      its basically editing kits, thats all.


      • #4
        Re: Zombie minimod

        I looked into this and you can only have equal teams on single player.
        Meaning there would be an equal amount of bots with guns fighting the zombie bots.

        Vehicles - bots can be coded so they don't use them which is OK. (Vehicles will still be on the map)
        Crouching and going prone can both be stopped, so the bots just stand up so thats OK.
        Jumping and sprinting can all be removed for bots (I think) and walking speed can be limited. So they are slow.

        Switching the teams to different spawns on say Karkand 16 player map would mean including the map in the download. So it is possible, just wouldn't be a good idea to do it for all the maps.

        The basic singleplayer mod (with no modded maps) would be around 500Kb to download.
        Each map that has to be modded (to change the sides to different spawn points etc.) would add about 60 MB to the total.

        So far the only single player problems would be the equal teams.
        If it was to go multiplayer there would be problems with people proning and crouching as zombies, zombies using vehicles (modifying every map to stop this would make the download about 900MB) however this would fix the equal teams problem.

        Tell me what you think about the equal teams problem - the zombies would easily be out-gunned. It wouldn't be much fun...
        Anyways the basic single player mod can be finished in a couple of hours - If you think the equal teams isn't such a problem...
        Multiplayer can be working in a few days. Bearing in mind we'd need people to play (including zombies) and a decent server to run it from.


        • #5
          Re: Zombie minimod

          multiplayer can work, but is there a way to put bots in multiplayer on one side only? if not than it would just be multiplayer, but are you sure that removing vehicles from a map will make it 900mb? this was possible back in BF42 since ive been in servers with edited maps, but if it isnt, a moded map should be included with no vehicles, lets say, karkand, this map will kind of be a "taster" to see how this is played out. and the 16player map would be perfect, as it isnt too big, 32 player maps can work, but 64 players are too much.


          • #6
            Re: Zombie minimod

            No bots in multiplayer so it would be humans only.
            Each map included is about 60MB.

            I can do the 16 player sized Karkand as a taster - I'm not sure how successful it'll be... but it's worth a try
            We'd need to find some people to download it and play zombies or soldiers.
            Also we need a server to host it.

            I can code everything, if you can find a server and some people to play on it.
            I'll leave the number of players on each team up to you as well.

            It can be ready for a first test in a few days.


            • #7
              Re: Zombie minimod

              OK it's almost done.
              Just one problem remains - the zombies are still allowed to pick up the normal soldier kits.
              I'm done for the night but i'll hopefully be able to fix it tomorrow so the zombies can't pick up kits.

              More detailed post about changes and the setup to follow.


              • #8
                Re: Zombie minimod

                what about another class with the supply bag and only a pistol or SMG?


                • #9
                  Re: Zombie minimod

                  i'm scared of zombies


                  • #10
                    Re: Zombie minimod

                    nice progress NoBeerForYou


                    • #11
                      Re: Zombie minimod

                      anyone who is an avid Halo 2 player should have heard of the Zombies gametype, if we did that on this it would be good.

                      One player on MEC, everyone else on USMC with all the weapons and stuff you said above. Once anyone dies from a MEC zombie, they must swap teams to MEC and become a zombie. pretty darn fun on Halo 2, why not BF2 eh?


                      • #12
                        Re: Zombie minimod

                        I would definitly play, it woiuld work for urban maps only really though, it would be like land of the dead.


                        • #13
                          Re: Zombie minimod

                          OK here's a changelog for the progress so far:
                          Artillery and Scan removed - UAV remains for now.

                          The tester map is Karkand 16 player. Mec and US teams have switched spawns so US (non-zombies) control the city and defend it from the zombies.
                          Vehicles have been removed - stationary guns still remain in place.
                          Zombies currently have 2.5 times as much health as normal.
                          Sprinting for zombies is removed.
                          Jumping for both teams will be limited (to about 1/2 the usual height)
                          Ideally jumping for zombies would be removed but thats not an immediate priority.

                          Classes are as follows:
                          Mec (zombies) - one class only with a knife.
                          US (non-zombies) - 6 classes all with limited ammo and weapons.
                          1) M16A2 + 2 nades
                          2) M249SAW + no nades.
                          3) US Shotgun + 2 claymores
                          4) MP5 + 2 C4
                          5) MP5 + ammo kit
                          6) M16A2 + medikit
                          Note: Ammo kit and medikit both operate at about 1/2 the normal speed so healing and supplying are much slower. Also a limit on medikits and ammokits dropped on the floor of 4 of each overall (not per person).
                          Ammo clips are limited as well.

                          Although the zombies are outgunned, there will be a lot more zombies than normal soldiers and they take a lot more damage.

                          The dropped kit problem remains and I can't see a way to stop it...
                          (Zombies will be able to pick up non-zombie kits - I'm trying to find a workaround)

                          The initial map will just be a taster to see if the zombies idea works properly and to see if people like it.
                          I'm not gonna release until the dropped kits are fixed, everything else is finished.
                          Comments and ideas are welcomed...


                          • #14
                            Re: Zombie minimod

                            look, if you make it nonbots, and the zombies are players, then you won't have to worry about kits. as long as all players are playing properly, they shouldn't pick it up. but if you can turn it off, turn it off for the USMC too, they shouldn't be able to pick up each others kits - "It could be infected..."

                            This is gonna rock so much.

                            "Any zombies out there?"
                            "Don't say that!"
                            "That! the.. Z word!"
                            "alright... are there any out there though?"
                            "hmm, not sure, i can't see any... oh wait, there they are."

                            EDIT: Watch this excellent film, you won't regret it if you are a fan of Shaun of the Dead... us Sirs should do it in BF2...

                            EDIT2: nob33r4u, you MUST turn off UAV, it will add to the suspense. maybe replace it with SCAN?
                            I think Mashtuur would also be a good map, with lots of MEC spawns surrounding 1-3 USMC spawns?

                            I'll be happy to help any way i can on this, ie backgrounds or something.

                            Also, while im here, a little while ago i wrote a article on how Zombies Ruin Games, but i don't think theres a danger of that happening here (LINK)


                            • #15
                              Re: Zombie minimod

                              i think the zombies should still have sprint, and possibly even more sprint (dawn of the dead running zombies). and to make it more deadly, the range for the knife should also be increased by a bit so that it would be impossible to run through a crowd untouched (you would know what im talking about if you ever tried to knife a moving player before).

                              after its done, there should be a game scheduled for this, people might come if told ahead of time.

