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X800xl Crash to desktop...

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  • #16
    Re: X800xl Crash to desktop...

    The only thing that I can think of otherwise, is the IRQ address is on the same thing as another card or something that may cause it to crash. ATI cards are picky about having their own IRQ address.


    • #17
      Re: X800xl Crash to desktop...

      I solved this problem, it was my RAM timing in the BIOS. It was set a little too aggressive for the game (even though it was within spec for the RAM and everything else) so if you have a board that can do it, try turning down your RAM timings a little bit.

      By the way, if you can play other games just fine, chances are, it's not an IRQ conflict with the video card and it's not a bad installation of Windows. If you can't fix the problem by using different AGP/chipset/video drivers and have reinstalled/repatched the game, your system might need to be underclocked just a bit to let the game run. It was rushed out the door and it has absolutely ZERO fault taulerance for hardware failure, even the subtle kind you probably don't notice because better software (like Half-Life 2) can work around it.

