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whats with karkand?

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  • #16
    Re: whats with karkand?

    Yes, me to. Airplane whoring is the way to go! Gets your K/D ratio WAAAY up. Only problem is that if you see an enemy tank, and decide to bomb it, some noob SF guy who wanted to get the kill with his C4 will punish you.

    No really, i understand, its really a ****off if you are about to kill a whole tank with 2 small bags and it bombs the hell out of you.

    I think forgive should not give you any negative points and punish would be -2


    • #17
      Re: whats with karkand?

      i agree, karkand ticks me off. i play on a server that plays only karkand and sharqi, and on sharqui, therse people use normal guns and tactics, but when it changes to karkand they all go n00b tube! i just stay a ways away and spray them with my PKM. it works


      • #18
        Re: whats with karkand?

        bla bla, quick wining and kill some people. You just have to get use to the map how do i say learn the ropes i guess


        • #19
          Re: whats with karkand?

          Boring is an under statement. Karkand is fun map with the right people. This game is going in the trash A.S.A.P. (maybe a week or so)


          • #20
            Re: whats with karkand?

            ya i think karkand isnt as fun after the new patch..not really sure why.


            • #21
              Re: whats with karkand?

              I don't see why there are so many crybaby's over grenade launchers, you see the same people crying their eyes out when they get killed by a grenade launcher, asking for the people to be banned! (HAHAHA), next minute their in a tank, killing every spawning enemy player, and think what their doing is fine.

              Also you get spec ops, that throw c4 all over the place, no one is crying and moaning over this...People use the grenade launcher, cause its a highly effective weapon, both medium and long range, close combat I use the AK.

              I have most of the weapons and choose whichever weapon is the most effective at the time, at the start of karkand, I like to use a combination of engineer to lay mines, and then I'm in with the AK with grenade launcher...I get plenty of kills and it ****es off all the crybaby's..You hear people moaning about a lack of skill, to use the grenade launcher well does require skill, no more or no less than any of the other weapons.

              I think Karkand is still great, its the closest combat map in the whole game, requiring the fastest reflexes.


              • #22
                Re: whats with karkand?

                Wonder why they haven't tied the jumping and getting up from prone into your 'sprint /energy bar' yet. It'd fix that whole thing of bunny hoppers and prone hoppers, plus its very realistic. Not to mention an easy fix.


                • #23
                  Re: whats with karkand?

                  Stay close to walls. Walls to shield you from scrapel.


                  • #24
                    Re: whats with karkand?

                    Originally posted by Ashmire
                    Dont try and take the closest flag when the game starts and you will be fine. If you keep tryin to take the first flag your team will lose and youll prolly die alot. Problem is if your american and you actually cap a flag people dont usally spawn at it and you lose it right away.
                    Well, that's just the opposite of the karkand games I played last night(and many other times). We took the first flag after some back and forth, then pounded the second and the hill. It was all downhill for MEC from there. And it was superfun. MEC wasn't just rolling over on us either. They put up a pretty good fight, but we completely had them on the defensive once we took and held the first 2 cp's.

                    Agreed, though, that it is always a good idea to have some teammates going long at the beginning of the round, while the rest keep MEC busy at the first flag.

                    PS: Always spawn at a capturable CP if you have one.


                    • #25
                      Re: whats with karkand?

                      Well man deal with it. You cant stop them and DICE isnt gonna make another patch for awhile. Discover new tactics, example instead of going into the heat of the action take a back spawn and be careful gaining ground. Always stop to look around if you let the bunny hoppers/nade ppl get too close youll die almost everytime. But honestly its part of the game no game is perfect i dont mind nade lauchers or bunny hoping. Nade lauchers are in real life and if they ever make spring loaded combat boots theyll bunny hop too.


                      • #26
                        Re: whats with karkand?

                        you know the old saying "If you can't beat 'em , join 'em" comes into power here bunny hop and noob tube their sorry ass


                        • #27
                          Re: whats with karkand?

                          Originally posted by SL4Y3R
                          you know the old saying "If you can't beat 'em , join 'em" comes into power here bunny hop and noob tube their sorry ass
                          Yeah I do that. Funny sh-it!:laugh: That is the only way. Sad but true...

