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whats with karkand?

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  • whats with karkand?

    I've been trying to play karkand the past few days and everytime I play everyone is always useing the nublauncher and bunny hoping and spaming nades, jeese I hate this map! point of the post is to get my anger out, btw has anyone stoped playing karkand because of this, I cant seem to find any maps I like now, game is gettinb booorinnng

  • #2
    Re: whats with karkand?

    Keep your distance and aim. You'll only ever have a problem against "bunny hoppers" when you're too close.

    Same with the nade spamming, just stay away from the high-density areas. There are a few places on the map where it's simply pretty dumb to walk into.

    I find games more enjoyable when I'm able to overcome an obstacle, not get angered over it. Learn how to destroy the "bunny hoppers" and improve your game, it'll make things much more entertaining.


    • #3
      Re: whats with karkand?

      The point of bunny hopping and nade launcher spam has been addressed many times on this board, the only advice I can give you is either use htis same tactic or get better with your gun. Shooting people in the head will stop them from being able to jump or nade launch.


      • #4
        Re: whats with karkand?

        or wait til insurgency comes out like me


        • #5
          Re: whats with karkand?

          I always play on Karkand. If people are being stupid with nade launchers I just
          A) Flank them
          B) Flank their spawn point
          C) Cap bases farther back
          D) Cap the island
          E) Blow them up from a distance
          Or my personbal favorite
          F) Grab a tank or APC and run them over as they hop into the street


          • #6
            Re: whats with karkand?

            To kill nebs just keep your distance from them and fire rockets. Works for me, and i'm gettin about 50 pts. a pop.


            • #7
              Re: whats with karkand?

              Dont try and take the closest flag when the game starts and you will be fine. If you keep tryin to take the first flag your team will lose and youll prolly die alot. Problem is if your american and you actually cap a flag people dont usally spawn at it and you lose it right away.


              • #8
                Re: whats with karkand?

                Originally posted by Wranger4400
                To kill nebs just keep your distance from them and fire rockets. Works for me, and i'm gettin about 50 pts. a pop.
                ^Whats wrong with this game.


                • #9
                  Re: whats with karkand?

                  Originally posted by Gabe
                  I've been trying to play karkand the past few days and everytime I play everyone is always useing the nublauncher and bunny hoping and spaming nades, jeese I hate this map! point of the post is to get my anger out, btw has anyone stoped playing karkand because of this, I cant seem to find any maps I like now, game is gettinb booorinnng
                  that does not happen here.
                  Join one of the Australian servers.
                  With no country code protection.


                  • #10
                    Re: whats with karkand?

                    Originally posted by Ashmire
                    Dont try and take the closest flag when the game starts and you will be fine. If you keep tryin to take the first flag your team will lose and youll prolly die alot. Problem is if your american and you actually cap a flag people dont usally spawn at it and you lose it right away.

                    Yes someone who knows the right tactic for this ap, that first flag is a death trap and US loses everytime they try and take it....split the forces and work from the back. then get MEC in a crossfire


                    • #11
                      Re: whats with karkand?

                      the cure for the bunnyhopping virus is a new serum called DAO-12


                      • #12
                        Re: whats with karkand?

                        when i get noob-tubed i just camp there spawn points....****es them of, just like they **** me of


                        • #13
                          Re: whats with karkand?

                          I like kurkland and i hate it its a great map but its annoying as hell ill be playing a different map then some arsehole will start a vote for kurkland and half the time the map ends up changing to kurkland . And if its not some arsehole starting a vote its the admin changing it to kurkland thats why im reduced to just playing on EA UK servers at the moement. Dont get me wrong its a great map but i like a bit of variety in my gameing not to just point whore the same map all the time.


                          • #14
                            Re: whats with karkand?

                            Originally posted by Annihilator
                            that does not happen here.
                            Join one of the Australian servers.
                            With no country code protection.
                            500+ ping
                            Originally posted by 18zulukiller
                            I like kurkland and i hate it its a great map but its annoying as hell ill be playing a different map then some arsehole will start a vote for kurkland and half the time the map ends up changing to kurkland . And if its not some arsehole starting a vote its the admin changing it to kurkland thats why im reduced to just playing on EA UK servers at the moement. Dont get me wrong its a great map but i like a bit of variety in my gameing not to just point whore the same map all the time.
                            What he said, and its not Kurkland, its Karkand, no L


                            • #15
                              Re: whats with karkand?

                              Its a game, deal with it. People can do whatever they want. If they want to bunny hop screw them let them hop just makes it easier for me to kill them. They can't sprint and they can't aim very well.

                              Karkland is a great map especially flanking and comming up behind them. I don't know why so many people insist on playing it though. I get an assload more points on other maps.

