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Help/Tips for using the PKM ???

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  • #31
    Re: Help/Tips for using the PKM ???

    It's a machine gun, instructions for use are:
    1) Find enemy
    2) Go prone
    3) Point at enemy
    4) Fire
    5) 50/50 chance of hitting enemy
    6) Run away/get shot


    • #32
      Re: Help/Tips for using the PKM ???

      I'm 1st place on Light Machine Gun so read carefully, pretty simple...

      if possible set up where you can fire on the enemy as they advance and...
      1. go prone
      2. wait 2 seconds for the crosshair to close in
      3. fire in 2 round bursts as fast as you can till they are dead
      4. rinse lather repeat

      and ALWAYS put the sights directly on the enemy, you'll have to feather the mouse down as the recoil kicks in but fortunately I think the PKMs greatest strength isn't the stopping power but the flash from the PKM firing is alot smaller than that of the SAW or the RPK and you won't have to squint or glue your eyes to the screen to see through it thus making it easier to tell where your sights are going when you get recoil

      when you go prone DO NOT move your WASD keys, don't even tap them because you'll waste time, going from prone to standing to crouch to prone etc etc has no effect on recticle bloom so long as you don't touch the movement keys so you can do that if you like but stay prone to get the best accuracy

      bullet speed on the PKM and all the other LMGs is half the speed of all the other infantry weapons so telegraph your shots ahead of enemies running across your view

