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How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

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  • #16
    Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

    got my commander ribbon and commander veteran badge yesterday during the same round. answer = I joined a 64 player server that only had 8 or 10 guys in it and quickly went commander. the first half of the game went really slowly because people were just capping flags etc not killing each other so little to no ticket loss. By the time the game was 3/4 the way through the map was full of players but the new players low score didn't effect my average.

    SO I got the time requirements easily and about 60 command points before the x2.

    I never used arty at the beginning because the just sped up the ticket loss, but once I got my two awards I bombed the sh*t outta the enemy.


    • #17
      Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

      Originally posted by BurnTheWeed
      The commander does get points for getting kills with the Artillery, just not teamwork score.

      The comander does NOT get points for either kills or teamwork!
      He has the average point of his team. Example:
      There are tree people in his team, One has 100 points and one has 0 then if he applied for commader early in the game, he will automaticly have around 50 points.


      • #18
        Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

        I can suggest going commander, being a medic, not using arty, and rezzing your teammates as often as you can. That might help them keep their score up. Drop a lot of supplies to keep them alive, UAV alot, spot out snipers.. etc.

        A lot of it does depend on luck, and it really shouldn't. I think you should get points for arty.


        • #19
          Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

          Is it confirmed that it's your average TEAM score that is doubled when winning? Becouse I had a lot of cases where it was my own score that was doubled.

          For instance, I usual command while playing, supporting my team. If I get around 25 points and we win, I end up with just over 50 points, which might just come from artilery kills afterall.

          So is the commander system ever confirmed by anyone at Dice or EA?


          • #20
            Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

            i thought you got points when you put down a UAV and a teammate in that area killed an enemy in that area? but i guess not


            • #21
              Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

              omg.......... does anyone read the instruction book or listen to what the voice says when you first make an account??????


              • #22
                Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

                Originally posted by j4k3
                NEVER USE ARTILLERY!

                there's no point to using it now:

                1. it ends the round quickly 'cos you drain tickets with every arty hit
                2. you don't get credited for the kills anyway and you just speed up the round so why use it?

                remember, the longer the round goes the more points your team can score thus, the more points you'll get ('cos of your team's average)...
                Well killing the other team with arty and the subsequent ticket draw for them would fall under the 'it's better to win with 2X than lose and get half.'

                One would argue that a commander killing large numbers of bad guys with arty is something of a good thing.....intentionally drawing out the game for more points smacks of stat-padding.


                • #23
                  Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

                  Originally posted by j4k3
                  surprisingly, i find this to be true. earlier, i spent three straight rounds as commander in karkand doing nothing. i applied as commander, then proceeded to watch SportsCenter. every single time my team won (US) and i think the lowest score i got was in the 50s.

                  try it. karkand as commander then do nothing. no uav, no supply box, no nothing. mutiny will NEVER work 'cos it needs like 99999999 votes. and as long as you have a high rank (and global score), you'll almost always be the commander.

                  It may actually have been you today on Karkand in MFU and you're a smacktard for even suggesting this nonsense.

                  "Don't use arty, it just speeds up the game........"

                  Had a commander while we're losing big and he's simply just playing. No UAV, no supplies, no arty, no nothing. We're pushed as MEC to the river on a 64 and were watching supply crates falling out of the sky on the other side while we're getting pounded by arty.

                  People like you screw our scores; kills, w/l, ribbons awards, teampoints, etc...when we're cursed with selfish smacktards like yourself being boneheads. All for the perverse satisfaction of annoying others or the selfish wanting of your own personal stats.

                  Worse than a hack on the other team, you're a cancer on ours.



                  • #24
                    Re: How do you get BIG Commander Scores??

                    Originally posted by |^|BigBadBlair
                    Ive been trying to get bigger scores, and my ribbons for awhile. can someone clue me in on how to get 50 plus score with the commander, and what the point run down is example

                    kill= 1 point??

                    well, you could do what all the lame commanders I get do..

                    chose your favorite kit as usual....apply and get commander slot..
                    then do nothing all game long as commander, but yet fight like
                    hell with your kit.. then at the end you'll get your scored 2x.

                    sarcasm intended here, but its the truth.

