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For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

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  • #16
    Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

    Originally posted by Billen
    kamenjar : I think you fail to see the point, if you have already rerouted the TMP/TEMP variables via your system settings, doing the same in a CMD window is a waste of time.

    Monitoring the Setup.exe process also shows that it checks for space on %systemdrive%, no matter what your variables are set to, and no matter what way you chose to set them.
    If you set them in the command prompt, you are only doing it for processes you run in it - until you close the command prompt. That way you will not get windows junk shoulg up in that X:\temp. So that makes it easier. That way you dont have to set them, run the patch, and then remembewr what they were set to so you can restore the vars.

    Well I have 1G tops on my C drive and it still installed for me. I am not making this up dude.


    • #17
      Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

      The point was that if you have already set your variables to "X:", there is no need to set it at any other place.

      Feel free to check your available space at your systemdrive.


      • #18
        Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

        Originally posted by Hazzard
        Yeah man i have over 10GB free space on my D:/ drive where btw BF2 is installed too.
        Post a copy of text in your command window please so I can take a look. XP or no?


        • #19
          Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

          Originally posted by Billen
          kamenjar : I think you fail to see the point, if you have already rerouted the TMP/TEMP variables via your system settings, doing the same in a CMD window is a waste of time.

          Monitoring the Setup.exe process also shows that it checks for space on %systemdrive%, no matter what your variables are set to, and no matter what way you chose to set them.
          Take the TEMP discussin to PM please. You are flooding this thread. Are you even having the problem or are you just trying to help here? Aparently we are not understanding each oter.
          As I said, setting the vars in the command window DOES NOT change the sttings for user and system TEMP/TMP values. The point is not to change them premantnely, but only for this patch. If I was gonna change them permanently, I would have to reset them back to what they were.
          Volume in drive C has no label.
          Volume Serial Number is 9C1B-2309
          8 Dir(s) 1,424,355,328 bytes free

          EDIT: took your advice on using X:\ root for temporary files.


          • #20
            Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

            Damn so how come its working for some with not enough space and for some with not enough space not at all ? This really makes me confused either this should work 100% or not work at all.

            Kamenjar, text of what post ?


            • #21
              Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

              To the people offering advice or others saying that their method simply must work please bear in mind that there is a fundamental issue with this patch.

              It doesn't matter where you TMP folder is located, the installer is hard coded to check your system drive and if it finds less than 1600MB there, it will abort the installation. Plain and simple.

              I have had the issue and have extracted the files manually from the InstallShield package as it creates them before clicking on the error popup - as soon as you acknowledge that popup the temporary files are deleted so you need to copy them before clicking on it.

              The problem is that even though I have copied the 12 files to my BF2 directory and run the patch.exe which itself runs through and seems to patch okay, when I start the game, after the initial splash screen, it drops back to the desktop.


              • #22
                Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                Something i noticed now, i tryied to run BF2 with +fullscreen 0 after the numeroous times trying manually patching it i see that its not 1.3 it says 1.25510 sounds real broken too me.


                • #23
                  Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                  Originally posted by Magic Man
                  To the people offering advice or others saying that their method simply must work please bear in mind that there is a fundamental issue with this patch.

                  It doesn't matter where you TMP folder is located, the installer is hard coded to check your system drive and if it finds less than 1600MB there, it will abort the installation. Plain and simple.

                  I have had the issue and have extracted the files manually from the InstallShield package as it creates them before clicking on the error popup - as soon as you acknowledge that popup the temporary files are deleted so you need to copy them before clicking on it.

                  The problem is that even though I have copied the 12 files to my BF2 directory and run the patch.exe which itself runs through and seems to patch okay, when I start the game, after the initial splash screen, it drops back to the desktop.
                  Let me try to explain. BEFORE I set the temporary directories, my patch wouldn't install because it would complain about insufficient disk space. Take a look at this post and you will see that I have only 1.4G free on my SYSTEM drive.

                  I tried the msame method that burried you. I copied the files before clicking OK and I got the same black screen. Then I reinstalled the game fully, set temp dorectories and it didn't complain about disk space, nor anything.

                  This patch is aparently NOT the same as 1.02. 1.02 took hardcoded paths aparently and you could not override them. The way was to manually copy the files as you suggested. The 1.03 is different, aparently.


                  • #24
                    Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                    I had the same problem. 1.1 GB free out of 6GB on C:\ . Game on D:\. Took a deep breath and cleaned up my C drive aiming for the magical 1600MB mark. After much cleaning the victorious program revomal went to my digicam software (easy to reinstall, doesn't matter for BF2). 2.3GB free

                    My pagefile.sys (virtual memory) is on another drive but if yours happens to be on C:\ you could probably gain a GB or more moving it temporarily. System properties>Advanced>Performance (settings button)>Advanced>Virtual memory (change button).


                    • #25
                      Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                      Originally posted by fungi
                      I had the same problem. 1.1 GB free out of 6GB on C:\ . Game on D:\. Took a deep breath and cleaned up my C drive aiming for the magical 1600MB mark. After much cleaning the victorious program revomal went to my digicam software (easy to reinstall, doesn't matter for BF2). 2.3GB free

                      My pagefile.sys (virtual memory) is on another drive but if yours happens to be on C:\ you could probably gain a GB or more moving it temporarily. System properties>Advanced>Performance (settings button)>Advanced>Virtual memory (change button).
                      Good point. I think I actually installed the previous patch like that. I just temporarily disabled the swap file, rebooted, installed and then enabled it again. Make sure to hit the SET button, and not APPLY only when making swap file changes


                      • #26
                        Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                        Yeah, i tried and i can't install the patch drives are all ea and dice for yet again, crappily supporting a game..this is really dissapointing me.


                        • #27
                          Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                          I moved all the InstallShield files out (C:\Program files\... hidden) which gave about 600MB for me, I also temporarily disabled system restore (my pagefile is already on another drive).

                          Ended up with about 1.65GB spare...


                          • #28
                            Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                            Didn't move that one myself (wasn't sure what it did) but gained about 800MB moving $NTuninstall*** . I'm pretty sure that's the back up for bad windows updates. Don't want to steer anyone wrong though.


                            • #29
                              Re: For you with split partitions that are having problems with 1.03 installation

                              my buddy had the same problem, his C drive dident have the 1600MB that the patch requires, but his d drive did, I remote desktoped to him, resized his c drive biger, and now works fine

