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Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

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  • #31
    Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

    I voted for USA, the mexicans invade to reclaim Texas!
    Thats already happened n00b. Mexican already conqueredTexas, Arizona and New Mexico


    • #32
      Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

      Originally posted by idash
      I voted for USA, the mexicans invade to reclaim Texas!
      i could have sworn this already happen thats why Texas has 40% of illegal mexicans taken real citizens jobs :laugh:


      • #33
        Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

        i would like to fight in my town S.F.


        • #34
          Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

          Europe. And then America.


          • #35
            Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

            Here is an idea , the Canadians go crazy and try to invade the northern part of the US and the USMC has to stop them from comming across and taking over towns etc. The US also gets a Nuke :laugh:


            • #36
              Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

              fine but we get maple syrup and trained beavers ^^^^:nerr:

              havnt they alreay made USA maps for speciel forces? Oh and on the subject of white house skirmish, that would be awsome but thats way to politically incorrect. No it would have to be a made up place


              • #37
                Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                europe as a last map Amsterdam, in which the middle flag would give the team enough pot the let every soldier get stoned, and afterwards settle their problems haha :laugh: :laugh:


                • #38
                  Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                  Originally posted by Madmech
                  If you are trying to make some sort of 9/11 comment, it has been proven and stated by your President and other officials that the people who did that did not come threw Canada. If that was not a 9/11 comment then I'm sorry but I am sick to death of people saying "Oh your from Canada, you let all of the terrorists in our country". That’s bullsh*t.

                  P.S. If you are going to talk about my country, please show a little respect and capitalize the name

                  Cry us a river canadian! canada canada bla bla who cares I spell my own pos country with lowercase too, so whine some more about that, A?

                  btw I'm kidding =p


                  • #39
                    Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                    I want to see a Australian map.... but for this to happen id rather be on the defensive as an Australian troop rather than a US Soldier... better yet why cant they have the aussie forces in an expansion pack and fight it out in northern queensland or northern territory with the japanese invading...


                    • #40
                      Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                      Originally posted by NoRC
                      I want to see a Australian map.... but for this to happen id rather be on the defensive
                      It would be even better if the US of A invaded Australia and you guys tried to take Australia back:laugh: Since they are an island we could use cruise missles to attack em and Stealth Bombers. Bring out the Nuclear Subs ! And once you guys fail taking it back... the US of A now claims Australia to be another state, like Hawaii.


                      • #41
                        Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                        I would love to see a Paris map. Eiffel tower = The sniper über 1337 camping spot .

                        I wonder if we can make elevators work, anyone actually tried to take the stairs? It would take half of the round just to get up.

