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Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

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  • #16
    Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

    Russia would be cool to have some snowy maps and Moscow,Europe would be very nice with some big cities various other things,USA would be cool too.


    • #17
      Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

      i can see lady liberty being destroyed by artillery now...


      • #18
        Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

        I voted for USA, the mexicans invade to reclaim Texas!


        • #19
          Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

          Originally posted by Psycho
          They won't put it in america, because all the retarded americans will complain.
          lol yea.......


          • #20
            Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

            Originally posted by SemperFi
            Shoot out in Time Square, oh yeah ! :laugh: Awesome map that would be. Or Assault on Central Park:laugh: Chinese Night Assault on LA ! Or the Cubans attack Florida over night !
            No don't attack florida


            • #21
              Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

              Yeah... it would be nice to kill some americans on their own soil, very nice


              • #22
                Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                ^^^^ Tru-dat Mah Homie ^^^^^^


                • #23
                  Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                  Since I live here I'm kinda biased but a Chinese attack on San Diego would be awesome. FYI San Diego is a major Naval base with several carriers here at any one time. Maybe have the Coronado bidge in it also.. sweet.


                  • #24
                    Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                    Originally posted by FsN|Acqui0
                    yeah, they'd go through canada :P
                    If you are trying to make some sort of 9/11 comment, it has been proven and stated by your President and other officials that the people who did that did not come threw Canada. If that was not a 9/11 comment then I'm sorry but I am sick to death of people saying "Oh your from Canada, you let all of the terrorists in our country". That’s bullsh*t.

                    P.S. If you are going to talk about my country, please show a little respect and capitalize the name


                    • #25
                      Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                      urban combat in the yards of the white house,,, omfg krrazy! with k and double r! KRRAZY


                      • #26
                        Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                        Russia would be cool to have some snowy maps
                        Hell ya! I've been wanting a snow map for so long now. Screw this urban jungle crap, I want snow!


                        • #27
                          Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                          I voted US; we have done all the rest!...where would the fights take place I wonder? I really cant see the US 'thing' happening; Too much pollitical controversy involved imo. Unless they have a Arizona/Area 52 map(Desert map) or something...:|: Still a good ol' firefight on the lawns of the Whitehouse really would be a treat

                          Cmon' Europe, Russia...CoD1/2/3, DOD:S, BF mods...............


                          • #28
                            Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                            Originally posted by Nitemare
                            No don't attack florida
                            Why not?? Battle of Disneyworld...Brilliant!


                            • #29
                              Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                              Make it in Compton or LA.


                              • #30
                                Re: Intresting Poll On EA's BF Site..... (hmmmm..)

                                I think I speak for most america when I say-battle in the suburbs ftw. The usmc would be replaced by american insurgents armed with hunting shotguns. :laugh:

