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Would you buy new maps from EA?

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  • Would you buy new maps from EA?

    well, actually, EA wants it to be where we have to pay for new maps for BF2. When you first install BF2, and get an e-mail after registering the product. The e-mail asks if you'd like to help them by completing a survey. In the Survey most of the questions are how much would you spend on new maps and things. I saw prices even up to $4.99 for like a couple maps. Which is absurd. I will never pay for maps, and I don't think anyone else should either.
    I think it would destroy the community. Because you as a gamer have to wait till the people who have servers buy the extra maps to enjoy the new maps. If the server admins don't buy them then you can't use the new maps. Which then divides the amount of free ranked servers you can join into a bunch of fractions. Some servers will only have a couple new maps and not all that came in a package. And EA official servers will have most likely all the new ones. SO those who don't buy get alienated.
    I will never buy products that depend on other peoples purchase decisions to allow me to play what I bought.

    Your thoughts?

  • #2
    Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

    It didn't work for Everquest and I don't think it'll work here.

    Besides why would you buy new maps if we can make them ourselves? Check out the TotalBF2 mappack...plenty of new maps.

    Paying $5 for additional ranked maps...*shrug*


    • #3
      Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

      Yes thats true, but Dice made the map editor themselves. They know the ins-and -outs. There maps, can't say for sure, but maybe of higher quality or better polished, who knows. But just the fact that they would ask to pay for them. It would be a struggle too. Many are older teens, and may not have credit cards to just purchase them. who would go to all the trouble to buy them?

      But I have this feeling they may still try to, after the 1.03 patch up date.
      and stating at under Wake Island...

      "The new Wake Island map comes to you free of charge thanks to Fileplanet’s new Battlefield 2 Channel. Visit it at Fileplanet’s new Battlefield 2 Channel "


      • #4
        Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

        Originally posted by PanzerGhost
        "The new Wake Island map comes to you free of charge thanks to Fileplanet’s new Battlefield 2 Channel. Visit it at Fileplanet’s new Battlefield 2 Channel "
        When they say, "free of charge" are they talking about you don't have to pay for a Fileplanet account OR what I think you're suggesting that they originally planned to charge $5 for the map???

        BTW, I would pay $5 for a new infantry map like Strike at Karkand, but I wouldn't pay for a plane map like Wake Island even if it was the most popular map in BF:1942.

        The reason it was so fun also was because they had battleships and artillery batteries, which they don't have in BF2....


        • #5
          Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

          Yes. If they WEREN'T Urban maps lik Karkand and Sharki.


          • #6
            Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

            yeah, but how many of your friends would buy them? or clan mates? would your favorite servers get them? That’s the problem I have. Too many variables, unreliable. spend $5 to play the map only sometimes.
            having it free almost guarantees that everyone can enjoy them.
            I'm just angry lol


            • #7
              Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

              This sounds like Halo2, make it free after like 4 months or something


              • #8
                Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

                I can't see them not following the Halo2 model. You add new maps to have people continue to play your game and thus buy the NEXT game in your franchise.

                If you have XBox Live! you can download the map pack for free (of course you have to pay for an XBox Live! account first...), or you can buy the boxed CD from the store.

                In our case you could buy the CD (with nice color maps and stuff, maybe a trailer or two), with cash OR download just the map online.

                A new map is NOT a "mini-expansion". BF2:SF is a real expansion that's worth $20+ bucks.


                • #9
                  Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?


                  All these amature mod teams crank out quality after quality maps for free, EA/Dice could too, but why offer something for free to 50.000 people if you can get 500 others to pay for it and make a profit? exacly!


                  • #10
                    Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

                    mostly no


                    • #11
                      Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

                      To some it up in one word


                      Was annoyed enough having to but the game.


                      • #12
                        Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

                        Love DIce, but EA is on my last nerve. I'd pay for expansion packs too. but not for maps. new maps, for the most part, are given when keeping your online game a float.


                        • #13
                          Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?

                          Never! Not when there is lots of people making free maps. I could make one for myself if I really wanted

                          It is certainly not something EA is really considering for bf2. They would never have released a map editor if they wanted to charge people for maps. Thats not EAs style since all they want is to make money. They wouldn't allow free maps if they wanted to charge us for them.
                          (Don't get modding and the expansion confused either - EA is going further than mods by tweaking things in the hard coding which is something a mod can never do, which is how they can get away with charging the extra for an expansion)

                          Charging for maps may be something they're considering for future products like bf3 or they're just evaluating their options to make more money.


                          • #14
                            Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?



                            • #15
                              Re: Would you buy new maps from EA?


