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Repeated firing sound bug.

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  • Repeated firing sound bug.

    Some times, it doesn't matter what map, or how many players, but, somebodies gun will fire repeatedly, obviously not firing, but the sound just plays in a huge loop, it lasts untill they die. I have noticed this more with the PKM, and once with the G36. It's not just me, my friend has also noticed it with the PKM. We both have completely different computer specs, so I doubt it's our machines.

  • #2
    Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

    I have noticed the same bug many times, I think it's when you are killed that you respawn and the last thing you heard is repeated ad-infinitum. I have noticed it when players in my squad are the culprits, their firing is the one that continues and you respawn right next to them and you hear it again, over and over. Stops when they go out of earshot or are killed.

    Athlon 3200XP
    1.5 Gbit 3200 memory
    80 Gb SATA drive, 80 GB EIDE drive
    MSI Motherboard
    Nvidia 6800 128Mb video card
    16X DVD RWR drive


    • #3
      Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

      this bug was still present in bf1942. it also happens when you kill som1 n some teamate picks up their kit, for some odd reason...


      • #4
        Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

        Originally posted by -(PK)-DarkIllusion
        this bug was still present in bf1942. it also happens when you kill som1 n some teamate picks up their kit, for some odd reason...
        It was also in BFV, the infamous Napalm sound bug.

        I've noticed it from the support class (all 4 weapons) and the occasional Vodnik.


        • #5
          Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

          Has happened to me too :/


          • #6
            Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

            Doesn't seem to matter what class, although I have not heard a shotgun doing it. If you can talk to your squad mate, have him switch to pistol and back to primary weapon, this stops it as well.

            There is also a sound bug when a gunner is in your tank and you get locked up by AT or airplane, the gunner will continue to think you are being locked up even when the threat is gone. The solution for him is to get out of the tank and back in again.

            That second bug happens with the attack heli's as well.


            • #7
              Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

              have seen or rather heard this bug to for several times in the game, not realy a but that makes the game crap, but it's ....


              • #8
                Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                I've only had it happen to me while playing support...but it has happened a lot.

                I can hear it happening sometimes to other players around me.

                Also, sometimes I hear a repeating sound like a chopper coming from a very specific location when the chopper is nowhere in sight.

                Hopefully these are on the 140+ list of fixes.


                • #9
                  Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                  that bug drives me nuts. -.- i had it the other day were i killed a medic picked up his kit tossed down a healingbag picked mine back up and carryed on and for some strange reason i could keep hearing the healing sound. on the plus side for some strange reason it was also healing me. eavin when i should have died i lived the server was rlly lagy thu


                  • #10
                    Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                    i get the same thing mostly with the spec ops gun. i also get it sometimes whenever im getting healed that healing sound just keeps looping and doesnt end until the fricking round ends


                    • #11
                      Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                      Yup i get it too, but ususaly when i die it goes away


                      • #12
                        Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                        Obviously this bug is no more frequent after the patch. I had this bug just few games after the patch. I believe it became worse (if it wre there!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                          This had never happend to me before patch 1.21-1.22 .... now I'l either hear someone fireing constanly or get the clicking of an ammo or heal pack point?

                          I was on a server lastnight and hit squad one and couln't leave out of squad one .... I died and changed sides so that when I died again I could switch over ..... once on the other side I was automatically put and locked in squad one???? I died again switching to my origanl team and I'll be dam ned if I wasn't auto put and locked in to sqaud one????

                          FYI: Red tag glitch is still around!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                            You know how I fix this problem, Being a medic and all.. I kill the guy and revive him..

                            Reason, If i can hear it I am sure the enemy can also, so I fix the issue so the enemy dont know we are coming from 1000 miles away.


                            • #15
                              Re: Repeated firing sound bug.

                              it happens with everything.. any gun. Its Clientside bug, not a serverside bug.

