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5700 screenshots

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  • #31
    Re: 5700 screenshots


    This is from my 6800GT all high settings 4xAA 16xAF. (to compare)


    • #32
      Re: 5700 screenshots

      Originally posted by -(PK)-DarkIllusion
      you're confusing it with PCI-E which is Epress at 16X AGP runs at 8X n regular PCI dunno...
      That's what i have, pci-e

      oh and to the top poster, nice way of saying '' wow your computer sucks ''

      btw- thanks i can't afford anything better right now, as i've said.


      • #33
        Re: 5700 screenshots

        Originally posted by alecs36
        That's what i have, pci-e

        oh and to the top poster, nice way of saying '' wow your computer sucks ''

        btw- thanks i can't afford anything better right now, as i've said.
        You have a PCI-E and you bought that crap card :shakehead you should have just saved up a couple of more $ for a better card.


        • #34
          Re: 5700 screenshots

          As for performance i have the same card 1 gig and AMD 2.8 ì run everything on medium @ 50-60 FPS (no AA though)


          • #35
            Re: 5700 screenshots



            • #36
              Re: 5700 screenshots

              I think everybody is getting confused here.

              Let me try and get this straight:

              The original poster only has a regular old PCI slot (ancient motherboard) and does NOT have an AGP slot. You cannot buy a 5700 in PCI-e so he is simply getting PCI and PCI-e confused. Common occurence these days. I don't know WHY on earth they chose that gawdaweful name...

              PCI-e > AGP > PCI

              I'm also guessing that he's probably young and does not have all of the technical savvy or the MONEY that some of us might have. Soooo...he's trying to get a slight performance increase while at the same time allowing both him and his brother to have their own computer to play games on instead of sharing one.

              Sure...there are TONS better cards out there...but NOT for ancient old PCI!!! If he had the money to buy a whole new AGP or PCI-e based system, he would have said so

              I think things will work out fine


              • #37
                Re: 5700 screenshots

                Originally posted by Talus
                I think everybody is getting confused here.

                Let me try and get this straight:

                The original poster only has a regular old PCI slot (ancient motherboard) and does NOT have an AGP slot. You cannot buy a 5700 in PCI-e so he is simply getting PCI and PCI-e confused. Common occurence these days. I don't know WHY on earth they chose that gawdaweful name...

                PCI-e > AGP > PCI

                I'm also guessing that he's probably young and does not have all of the technical savvy or the MONEY that some of us might have. Soooo...he's trying to get a slight performance increase while at the same time allowing both him and his brother to have their own computer to play games on instead of sharing one.

                Sure...there are TONS better cards out there...but NOT for ancient old PCI!!! If he had the money to buy a whole new AGP or PCI-e based system, he would have said so

                I think things will work out fine

                yea, i'm broke now lol. I only get 10 bucks for mowing lawns, so i do my dad's/mom's and neighbors... that's like 30 bucks for 2 weeks, not much but atleast i'm doing somthing.

                How do i check if i have a pci-e slot though? when i go to display propeties > settings should it say Express?


                • #38
                  Re: 5700 screenshots

                  Poor kid, having to buy a 5700 LOL. Sometimes it's good being 28 and married, at least you can afford expensive toys.


                  • #39
                    Re: 5700 screenshots

                    Look if your going to post screen shots showing the image quality you also need to show the framerate. A 5200 can run the game at 1600x1200 with 4xaa and 6xAA but it will do it at 1 fps (frame per second). However from the screenshot we will have no idea of that, it will just look georgeous.

                    So if your taking a screen shot with your settings also have the FPS counter on screen. Type this:

                    renderer.drawfps 1

                    in the console to have the FPS displayed. Then take your screen shot and post it. That way we have some idea of the image quality as well as the performance of the card.


                    • #40
                      Re: 5700 screenshots

                      I have the AGP8 5700LE, Everything is on LOW, and no AA or anything esle too. Im going to buy a 6800GT, maybe i'll get one for xmas instead, and it was nice to see a screenshot with that card being used, very impressive compared to how it is now.


                      • #41
                        Re: 5700 screenshots

                        Ok so somone clear this up for me, i bought this

                        Newegg is proud to offer United States the best prices, fast shipping and top-rated customer service for Computer Parts, Laptops, Electronics and more!

                        For a PCI slot. So if i had a pci-E slot, it wouldn't work??

                        Somone tell me how to find out if i have a pci-e slot please.


                        • #42
                          Re: 5700 screenshots

                          Originally posted by alecs36
                          Ok so somone clear this up for me, i bought this

                          For a PCI slot. So if i had a pci-E slot, it wouldn't work??

                          Somone tell me how to find out if i have a pci-e slot please.
                          If your computer is over a year old, you probably dont have one.


                          • #43
                            Re: 5700 screenshots

                            I got it in june. I need to know because if i do, i can't even run the card i ordered.. wich would suck alot.


                            • #44
                              Re: 5700 screenshots

                              Every MOBO has some PCI slots so your fine. I used to take care of little kids and pick them up from school and made $200 a week you should try that instead of doing lawns.

