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The funiest situation you've ever created/seen in BF2

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  • #31
    Re: The funiest situation you've ever created/seen in BF2

    Got a couple of stories actually. Some with C4, some without.

    Was flying around on Kubra dam (I think) in the Hind, trying to find the American choppers and try to shoot them down. I find one, and immediately head over to meet him with rockets. He fires back, and all of the rockets miss me. Instead, they hit ANOTHER chopper that was trying to flank me. While it was still in the air, the chopper behind me dives forward and so do I. I hit the other chopper just in time - the ensuing explosion took out the chopper following me. Had to be there for it, but the VOIP curses they let out got two of them kicked.

    In Mashtuur city, I loaded up a BH with all the C4 I could. I fly it out (alone) and land it square in the middle of the backyard with half their team opening up on me. I manage to get away and hide in a building, and I'm clutching the detonator, thinking I still had one C4 left. Soon as I pull it out I click it without thinking, and boom, the backyard is suddenly very quiet. I was still laughing by the time they respawned and capped me.

    One time, playing on the Gulf of Oman, I grab a jet as a sniper and go around the map. Not suprisingly (I can't fly jets too well), I get down to one bar of armor left and I bail out. I hit my parachute key, but it didn't open. I end up flying at the same speed as the crashing jet towards the crane, have the jet ram into an APC and me land smack dab ON one of the MEC snipers. Took out the APC, killed the sniper and died from the impact, and then they kick me off the server thinking I'm hacking.

    Ever have a supply crate land ON you? That sucked. I was critically injured once in Karkand, and a medic comes over and defibs me. I'm in the process of thanking him when the shadow of a supply crate envelops both of us and we both die.


    • #32
      Re: The funiest situation you've ever created/seen in BF2

      Yep hilarity ensues from dropping supply crates on people and killing them. It's espescially funny when you drop them on the enemy commander and crush him.


      • #33
        Re: The funiest situation you've ever created/seen in BF2

        I once spawned on Dragon Valley airstrip to the sound of my m8 shouting "Watch out" over Teamspeak. Bang, am hit by a jeep that some Medic dude bailed out of, he then proceeds to revive me. Then he jumps in the jeep and tries it again, I just hold down the enter button and get in the jeep.

        So a couple more times of him trying to do this I start to drive off in the jeep, and he manages to jump in the gunner seat. I then proceed to wh0re it down the runway, right to the end of it and bail. Imagine my satisfaction watching him just sit in the jeep as it sinks into the sea. Needless to say, he didnt try it again.


        • #34
          Re: The funiest situation you've ever created/seen in BF2

          Karkand....... i had the noob tube.
          Killed one guy. Ducked around the corner. Heard the, hang on its charging from around the corner.....

          Peeked back around, 4 guys standing at the corpse. One revives him. THats 5 guys now right there occupying one little space. I shot the nade..... 5 guys fall. lol.
          I pretty much laughed about that for a bit on that map/round.


          • #35
            Re: The funiest situation you've ever created/seen in BF2

            oxy. in your avatar.............

            that is one hot, looking a$$.

