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Best Jet in your opinion

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  • Best Jet in your opinion

    Bomber -- F15
    Fighter -- J3 (is that right)

    i suck at dogfighting but pretty decent at bombing (clean sweep)
    but i fly only with keyboard and release bombs and missiles with mouse -- i think i am the only one that does this

  • #2
    Re: Best Jet in your opinion

    you are not the ony one!


    • #3
      Re: Best Jet in your opinion

      Originally posted by Krypp596
      you are not the ony one!
      whew... i though i was


      • #4
        Re: Best Jet in your opinion

        J-10 is the chinese fighter, and yes, it's arguably the best


        • #5
          Re: Best Jet in your opinion

          f15 is not best bomber


          • #6
            Re: Best Jet in your opinion

            SU-30 is best bomber and J-10 is best fighter

            Which means: Chinses forces have best jets.


            • #7
              Re: Best Jet in your opinion

              Originally posted by Kidney Blocker 2000
              f15 is not best bomber
              and do you have your own opinion on which one is?


              • #8
                Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                Originally posted by DezemoDova
                and do you have your own opinion on which one is?
                IN GAME: SU35

                IN LIFE: SU35


                • #9
                  Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                  bomber is defo the su30 is just so maneouvarable (hope i spelt that right )
                  best fighter is prob the j110 but i still really like the jsf cos the j10 has that annoying wobble and in the f35 u can jus go straight to hover if being chased

                  in real life though the f15 would probably be on top...who knows about f35 and j10 really...eurofighter typhhon woood pwn em all...


                  • #10
                    Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                    Originally posted by Fall0ut
                    IN GAME: SU35

                    IN LIFE: SU35
                    I'd love to see that in game.

                    I'd like to see the MEC and PLA have a map against each other so the MiG and J-10 could be effectively compared to each other. I've had some good times in the MiG as well. The J-10 is hands down a speed demon, but I think the MiG has it's strong points in handling, but we don't have the chance to fly them side by side. =/

                    I say Su-30 for bomber though, then Su-34. As far as bombing accuracy, I can hit something with all 3 about the same, but the F-15 is just like a flying crate compared to the other two.


                    • #11
                      Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                      The F-35 looks like the real-life F-22 Raptor. In which case it's still a prototype jet and is only in the game because BF2 takes place in the near future.

                      I love flying the J-10 though. It's impossible to get away from somebody flying a J-10 unless they really suck.


                      • #12
                        Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                        Originally posted by Sovetskeey
                        The F-35 looks like the real-life F-22 Raptor. In which case it's still a prototype jet and is only in the game because BF2 takes place in the near future.

                        I love flying the J-10 though. It's impossible to get away from somebody flying a J-10 unless they really suck.
                        the f35 is a real life fighter which is soon to come into service it was designed as a replacement for the harrier jumpjet...both usa and the uk put money into this project as they both rely on the harriers abilities that is why it is called the JOINT strike fighter...

                        the reason it resembles the f22 is because the f35 was designed and built by lockheed martin who built the f22 it made sense to base it on the f22 as it was already a very high performance plane etc etc etc


                        • #13
                          Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                          Originally posted by Fall0ut
                          IN GAME: SU35

                          IN LIFE: SU35
                          dont you think the su is a little heavy and sluggish compared to the f15?


                          • #14
                            Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                            It's got a better turning radius, even if it is a little bit slower.


                            • #15
                              Re: Best Jet in your opinion

                              best jet(s) in BF2 are the ones that stay on the ground, or are non-existent by virtue of a server setting toggle (set sv_jets 0 ) that we may have access to in the future.

                              no one but lone-wolf score whores would miss them! :laugh:

