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Sink the carrier?

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  • Sink the carrier?

    Just a suggestion…

    What do you guys think about being able to sink the carrier like in BF1942? I know that it is not capable by the enemy but they could make it reappear after 2 minutes or so.

    • It could take 10 C4 packs to sink in 2 separate locations (5 x 2)
    • Engineers could repair the damage
    • Planes would not be able to re-supply while it is down

    The reason why I bring this up is that people only go to the carrier to wait for planes. On land, the MEC can get tanks / APC’s (I think) at their airport. So it has more significance.


    I’ve seen pilots take out the AA gun then have a party at the enemy airfield with NO resistance at all.

  • #2
    Re: Sink the carrier?

    If this was to be enabled - you would have to allow the carrier to be driven and have more than an aa gun on it...just like the old days. Or allow the hangers to be blown up as well.


    • #3
      Re: Sink the carrier?

      I miss naval battles...


      • #4
        Re: Sink the carrier?

        Well, moving carriers equals smacktards beaching it, equals lag. Unless they figure out a way to not let stupid people drive it I don't see it as a good idea. DC had movable ships and every naval type map had someone beach at least one ship, made them completely unplayable.


        • #5
          Re: Sink the carrier?

          IQ test before allowing a player at the helm?


          • #6
            Re: Sink the carrier?

            hehehe, "Scanning your Neural are incapable of steering this ship. Try a RIB first."

            I loved naval battles, but they kinda got annoying. If you can blow up the enemy ship, either they should have a ship of their own, or you should be able to blow up runways (wtf) or other stuff.

            Maybe, the commander assets are IN the ship, and can't be damaged? just blow up the ship?


            • #7
              Re: Sink the carrier?

              10 C4 packs?? hmm maybe they can add some torpedos on bombers instead of bombs


              • #8
                Re: Sink the carrier?

                More like 20 C4 Packs, 5 at each corner of the ship.


                • #9
                  Re: Sink the carrier?

                  Originally posted by Scoobing
                  IQ test before allowing a player at the helm?
                  Damn i wish that was true. just to give a player a cd key i reckon you should have to do an IQ test. Would solve a whole lot of grief


                  • #10
                    Re: Sink the carrier?

                    Beaching was bad, but what I really hated was when they'd take if off the map. But even with that in mind, I'd love to see the ship sinkable/movable. I miss Midway.


                    • #11
                      Re: Sink the carrier?

                      Originally posted by Scoobing
                      IQ test before allowing a player at the helm?
                      If that were the case they'd be just as mobile as they are now.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sink the carrier?

                        I miss the naval battles, and flags in the middle of the ocean, but having a carrier listed 20 degrees to one side 'cause some smacktard beached it wasn't much fun...

                        trying to get a plane off of that was useless, not to mention trying to walk on it while it was going full steam lol..


                        • #13
                          Re: Sink the carrier?

                          * Insert BF2 CD
                          * Welcome to the Valdez driving school. You are now behind the helm of this boat - you have 2 choices - sail into open, safe, clean water, or run into land and kill lots of animals stuff with the oil from the boat and essentially TK your whole team
                          *Choose: option 2
                          * Thank you for your cooperation - you are now banned from driving anything larger than a moped and you will not be allowed to have passengers, you have lost your sprint privaledges, and you are restricted to using a bitchslap for the next month. You are not even smart enough to use a knife just yet. 5000 pts and your first rank you can unlock safety scissors and we will allow you to run. Thank you for playing.


                          • #14
                            Re: Sink the carrier?

                            What if there was an island, like Wake or Midway, and the carrier moved but on a pre-programmed track around the island, automatically, at a steady speed.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sink the carrier?

                              Originally posted by Scoobing
                              What if there was an island, like Wake or Midway, and the carrier moved but on a pre-programmed track around the island, automatically, at a steady speed.
                              I could go for that. Would make life a little more crazy for pilots trying to get away to safety - but that would just make them have to be more aware of the mini map and friendly locs.

