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blackhawk whoring question....

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  • blackhawk whoring question....

    Is it stat padding, cause i was on a server that both teams were doining it and everone had ove 300 points. Now is that stat padding or just using the assests? There were other people in the server saying that it was bad.

  • #2
    Re: blackhawk whoring question....

    Theres really nothing wrong with BH whoring, and it certainly isnt stat padding. Dont get me wrong, I never fly the BH and I never play the Americans at all, but think about it, every side has this "whoring" weapon. The Americans have the BH, the MEC have the AK101 and the Chinese have the J10, all of which are far superior than others of the same kind, you can say I am "jet whoring" when I single handly stoped every single person from leaving the American carrier in Dalian with my J10, and gets 20kills in 5 minutes, different vehicles work for different enviroments.

    Of course, they dont speak much for EA balancing.


    • #3
      Re: blackhawk whoring question....

      I agree, i totally agree, but when u are in the BH and u keep spamming granads and C4 and mines. thats Stat padding for the guy that is support


      • #4
        Re: blackhawk whoring question....

        Originally posted by [STO] Killer Dragon
        I agree, i totally agree, but when u are in the BH and u keep spamming granads and C4 and mines. thats Stat padding for the guy that is support
        One can argue that it isn't because they're throwing them at enemies or areas where enemies are likely to be, unlike someone just throwing ammo bags on the carrier and people lobbing grenades into the water.


        • #5
          Re: blackhawk whoring question....

          Of course it's padding. I just finished a game on Daqing Oilfields where we got beat 118-0. We got our butts kicked. There was twelve of us on the ground fighting our asses off - taking flags and holding them - real good battles. Meanwhile, four of our "teammates" were flying a blackhawk from flag to flag. Maddmax was our leading scorer with 120 pts and 3 kills. Ironically, he is awarded with high score under "teamwork" Meanwhile, I have 57 combat points and 27 kills. What did our blackhawk friends accomplish? Absolutely jack sh*t. They got a bunch of points but did nothing to help our team to win. They were warm bodies taking up space that could have been used by a fighting squad to take and hold flags. It sucks. I hate being beat that badly when I know four of our guys are zooming around in a BH, not caring whether or not the flag they just capped gets taken 15 seconds later. It's BS.
          They are free to play the game that way, but it's not teamwork, it's getting as many points for their stats as they can. Period.


          • #6
            Re: blackhawk whoring question....

            No, it's not stat padding unless both sides wre literally doing nothing but cap flags in turn on purpose, I could see THAT as padding, but otherwise no. Saying a person that's in a blackhawk as support is stat padding is like saying people who throw out all their ammo packs in areas they know people will be are stat padding. The reason people get in there as support is because they know the people are going to need ammunition. The pilot might as well be padding for getting points too, it's just a harsh accusation.

            Originally posted by glcm1961
            Of course it's padding. I just finished a game on Daqing Oilfields where we got beat 118-0. We got our butts kicked.
            No it's not, you're just mad because you lost. Besides, the Chinese didn't have a J-10 pilot that could use a little critical thinking and down the Blackhawk it seems. Trust me, those things are just as easy to get points off of as they are to get points in. The more in it the merrier I say, even more points for me when I shoot it.


            • #7
              Re: blackhawk whoring question....

              no, blackhawks are not quite as easy to get points off of than to get points in. true, its a lot of points taking one down, but before you can even fire enough bullets/missiles/whatever else you have at it, it will have capped 3 flags, killed 10 people, and scored a dozen and a half repair points for the guys inside. the things are flying pointmakers, and weither you're fighting against one or fighting with one, they never fail to be annoying. i cant tell you how many times ive seen glcm's scenario played out. they're great for getting points, not so great for the team.


              • #8
                Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                not at all


                • #9
                  Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                  medics are whoring because they revive people and get points for it! *gasp*
                  support players are whoring because they give ammo to people! (The shamelessness!)
                  assaults are whoring the noob tubes! (bleh)
                  engineers are whoring because they repair stuff! (jada jada)
                  spec-ops are whoring desert buggys Jihad Jeeps. (boom biddy bye bye)
                  snipers.. well.. they're just whores

                  I only went along on a capping spree in a blackhawk two times so far and basically bored myself to death but if someone else gets his kicks this way.. as long as they don't have a server rule saying 'shooting the helicopter will result in a kick/ban' it's not padding.. when they can do it with impunity through bent rules that's another matter entirely


                  • #10
                    Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                    I admit the people in the Blackhawks are rarely helpful to the team. You do occasionally get a squad that actually remembers there's teammates down there they need to help, although most people, sadly, are in it for the points. Was in a squad the other night and a guy joined our squad and our pilot on Ventrilo with us was swerving like mad to avoid AA and ground fire from a base, and the guy starts cursing him to pieces saying "FLY STRAIGHT AND CAP SOME FLAGS @$&@!#$!&! GET ME SOME @#$&#@!$ POINTS!" It's sad people degrade to that, but that's what the Blackhawk does to most. We had a good laugh out of him though.

                    Some things the BH pilots need to take note of are if they have a good squad (got a medic, support, and engineers in the helo), is that if the way is clear to hover over some nearby infantry, or at least make a pass over the commander's assets when repairing at their base or picking up a couple extra people. If people just had some common sense the Blackhawks would be the ultimate difference in the teamwork field (and I don't mean the teamwork column on the scoreboard).


                    • #11
                      Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                      Arent they meant to be "transport" heli's ? So isnt it just plain unfair you can load up and cap flags with one.
                      Ok I can see capping a flag with a tank, car etc. they can be dealt with. But we all knwo what happens when you actaully have a weapon able to take a BH out, it zooms off..mostly 8-9 out 10 times it flys off smoking, if your lucky to have a weapon around or person able to do considerable damage.

                      I find this more reasonable.
                      BH gets to a base, some gusy have to hop out and cap flag, sure it can staick aroudn and provide cover fire and pick them back up but in no way should it be able to cap a flag.
                      I can argue the ability for other vehicles to cap flags...they dont fly...meanign they cant cap all the flags in under 2 min. You shoot a tank with a At rocket, it doesnt disapear into the clouds while you reload.:laugh:

                      Plain in simple its a known exploit. And Ill use it, casue everyone else does:evil: . Its dirty, cheap and not really that hard to do. Make the game boring..IMO yes, but most maps that have the BH on them are usually boring anyhow And since EA wants you gain a bajillion points for unlocks, well thats what happens. If these people who were mega BH whores had full unlocks from the points they had already gotten do you think they'd fly around in a chopper or get out and screw around and fight.

                      I dont know..maybe in some weird way it makes since, just not to me. I mean its so bad watch the BH pad when a round starts..its like crack to people.
                      I mean I just watched 2 guys on mashturr BH whore into 166 points each, next highest behind them was 70ish points...thats insane. Ever start a Mashurr map and before it loads (you have little ram liek me) all flags are your telling me by 6 guys in a Heli flying over a flag my team is denied one spawn point..did they fight for, they used a known exploit.


                      • #12
                        Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                        Originally posted by glcm1961
                        Of course it's padding. I just finished a game on Daqing Oilfields where we got beat 118-0. We got our butts kicked. There was twelve of us on the ground fighting our asses off - taking flags and holding them - real good battles. Meanwhile, four of our "teammates" were flying a blackhawk from flag to flag. Maddmax was our leading scorer with 120 pts and 3 kills. Ironically, he is awarded with high score under "teamwork" Meanwhile, I have 57 combat points and 27 kills. What did our blackhawk friends accomplish? Absolutely jack sh*t. They got a bunch of points but did nothing to help our team to win. They were warm bodies taking up space that could have been used by a fighting squad to take and hold flags. It sucks. I hate being beat that badly when I know four of our guys are zooming around in a BH, not caring whether or not the flag they just capped gets taken 15 seconds later. It's BS.
                        They are free to play the game that way, but it's not teamwork, it's getting as many points for their stats as they can. Period.
                        or it could be seen as another place to respawn at and get armor for your team, do what you feel is right ingame and have fun doing it, they obviously had fun so what was your problem with them having fun and you erm... having fun, the way you make it sound is like you had a straight 48 hour shift in some coalmines, if you dont like going flag to flag on foot like you say you do then why the hell are you playing battlefield 2? oh yeah for FUN



                        • #13
                          Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                          I don't think it's stat padding. But I do think BHW is unfair for other players. It takes fun out the game for many NON BHW ppl I believe.


                          • #14
                            Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                            What's the big deal? Do you know how much teamwork it takes to keep a blackhawk flying? You need the engineers to turn the wrenches, the gunners to shoot enemy AA, and a smart pilot who won't hover next to enemy tanks. IF you can somehow assemble a good crew who'll work together like that, why SHOULDN'T they make loads of teamwork points? What ****es me off are people who are assault class or sniper and jump onto a BH just so they can get some points. They just sit there and don't do crap.

                            If you're on the non-American team, just hop into your own chopper and ram that blackhawk down. Simple.


                            • #15
                              Re: blackhawk whoring question....

                              There's only one time the blackhawk is fun. That's when the map is Shonghwa or Mastuur and you're in it!

                              It's definately an exploit hence why it is having its whoring capabilities removed in the next patch.

