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Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

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  • #16
    Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

    Well, I've got, um... 124/163. At this rate, I'll probably end up with an even worse KD. The reason being that I like to play Engineer and Medic a lot, so I always get hammered while try to fix/heal someone while under heavy fire. But I'm still (obviously) a newbie, so my KD can still go either way. It'll probably get worse before it gets better, though. :laugh:


    • #17
      Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

      Originally posted by Zerstorer23
      You know, exactly half of the people who play this game have a KD ratio under 1, the other half have over 1. (I think)
      You are fogetting about medics. The total number of "kills" is higher than the total number of "deaths" because a lot of kills get revived. More than half of all players will have a ratio better than 1:1.


      • #18
        Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

        I have around a 1:3 Kill/Death Ratio. I play medic alot, so i guess that could be why, or because i suck.


        • #19
          Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

          Originally posted by Zerstorer23
          You know, exactly half of the people who play this game have a KD ratio under 1, the other half have over 1. (I think)

          So you are either a killer or a person who gets killed.

          I, myself, am a killer (look at my sig)

          Without vehicles, unfortunately, your ratio would be well below 1.0


          • #20
            Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

            9551 kills
            3780 deaths

            but as stated above without vehicles it would be significantly lower.


            • #21
              Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

              I've been having horrible kill to death ratios since coming back to BF2 a couple days ago. Been playing too much Dungeon Siege 2 that it crippled my FPS playing ability. I've also been primarily playing as support though so that could be a reason.

              - N


              • #22
                Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                mine isnt anything amazing, but im happy with it


                • #23
                  Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                  (At the time of this posting) my KDR is 3.06 and I'd just like to thank all the sub 1.0s here for making it possible


                  • #24
                    Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                    Originally posted by phen0m
                    I am starting to play support more and more and loving it getting massive scores as well. Support guns really do rock. Treat them like shotguns, don't bother firing further than 20 yds away or you will lose.

                    Buddy, I wouldn't show my sig with best round over 400. Noone loves padders....


                    • #25
                      Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                      Originally posted by Thred
                      (At the time of this posting) my KDR is 3.06 and I'd just like to thank all the sub 1.0s here for making it possible
                      Lol, you too with Best Kill Streak(72). I suppose you are just that good.


                      • #26
                        Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                        One thing I wish the stats did was seperate your "KIT" stats from your vehicle stats. eg You play medic while bombing and all of your kills go towards your MEDIC stats... It gives a false estimate of what you're really doing on ground as a medic class. oh well


                        • #27
                          Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                          Just depends I guess.I am running a 1:3 right now,but I am sure that will drop down since I will go back to getting points for my next unlock and not worrying about deaths and such just points.

                          It was lower then that when all I cared about was points for getting my next unlock.Then I took a break from points to learn to fly and it jumped up fast just depends on what you shooting for I guess.


                          • #28
                            Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                            Mines a crappy 1.14.

                            Don't think it's ever been 2.0 or higher, but it has been better that it currently is.


                            • #29
                              Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                              eek mines 0.76 .. heheh mind u im not that bothered about it..., my explaination for it is, i seem to be a

                              "Take one for the team/squad" kinda guy lolol.

                              Usually im the first one in that everyone shoots.., but at the same time that gives away the enemies position for my team mates to finish off.


                              • #30
                                Re: Anybody's K/D ratio as bad as mine?

                                I'm sitting on 1.44 the now, but got a mate who has been stuck on .66 for agaes and cant get any better.

                                Was trying to do a new tactic while playing on the same server last night. He normally goes medic, and me support or whatever is needed. I decided to go medic as well, that way, the theory went, that we could revive each other and keep the deaths at a minimum. Worked all right in his favour, as I revivied him loads throughout the game. As for myself, I just got to shout at him through Teamspeak to ' Gonnae Phuckin revive me?' To get the standard reply of where are you? I thought after the amount of time he has played medic, he would no the wee icon with the flash through it on the minimap meant you were dead....oh well so I thought.

