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Realistic Wounds?

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  • #16
    Re: Realistic Wounds?

    Originally posted by Zagashi
    If there had been blood, it would automatically be M
    Incorrect. America's Army has blood and is rated T.


    • #17
      Re: Realistic Wounds?

      yeah it would be fun if you get shoted in the heart and u die 10sec after;
      get shoted in the chest, you cant breathe very well so u can sprint less longer;
      get shoted in the leg artery, you lose you health very slowly;
      get shoted in the head, instant death(not for armor);
      get shoted, u dont aim as usual for a shot period of time;
      get shoted in nuts, you scream!!!

      nah i dont think EA will modify the damage system cause it said: Battlefield is a semi-realistic shooter.its not and will not be like america's army.


      • #18
        Re: Realistic Wounds?

        Originally posted by pilote<tardif
        get shoted in nuts, you scream!!!
        50% bad english + 50% crotch humor = 100% hilarious :laugh:


        • #19
          Re: Realistic Wounds?

          Originally posted by pilote<tardif
          nah i dont think EA will modify the damage system
          I further predict EA won't change a single thing in BF2 ever.


          • #20
            Re: Realistic Wounds?

            Might as well play GTA :laugh:
            But anyways if a modder can get to that much realism he or she might as well just producing their own games.


            • #21
              Re: Realistic Wounds?

              What kind of power are we talking to get this realism?

              To track the bullets arc in 3 dimentions as it passes through the body, assessing damage based on where it hit and traveld through, assigning that damage, and taking into account the other vital areas of the body such as the Spine and major artieries... You're talking about intagrating a fully 3-D anatomical model of the Human spieces, then applying to it a computation of bullet trajectory, speed, deformation, and ricochets off bone, along with fragmentation and where those fragments go, along with tracking bullets that only pass through air and vehicles, movement of organs from when the bullet enters to when the bullet reaches them...

              All this amidst a 64 player frantic firefight would be too much!!


              • #22
                Re: Realistic Wounds?

                i though about that but i was sure someone better at english than me would say same lol. nicely sayed.


                • #23
                  Re: Realistic Wounds?

                  theres a mod for half life called firearms which i found to be really fun...if u get shot in the leg ur leg breaks and u walk slower until a medic "splints" ur leg. Also, if u get shot tehres bleeding, and when there is a wounded person, the medic can only "sustain patient life" so the person cant come back to life like in bf2 (mroe realistic)


                  • #24
                    Re: Realistic Wounds?

                    Originally posted by SaladFork
                    Shoot off the arms of the entire opposing teams so all they can do is run in circles like idiots. Sounds fun.

                    What? This? It but a flesh wound!


                    • #25
                      Re: Realistic Wounds?

                      Originally posted by ||ass||variable
                      50% bad english + 50% crotch humor = 100% hilarious :laugh:

                      Now that made me laugh. :laugh:

                      Good one!!!


                      • #26
                        Re: Realistic Wounds?

                        it would slow the game down so much... everyone would be laying around everywhere dieing... the round would never end..

                        some f****** blood would be cool though


                        • #27
                          Re: Realistic Wounds?

                          Originally posted by WheelCipher
                          If nothing else, make it where if a sniper shoots a * stationary * person in the head, it's a one-shot, one-kill. Anywhere else on the body is fair game. But a head shot on a person who was not moving around to begin with should be a no-brainer!
                          That's exactly how it works if you actually hit the head and the hit is registered properly (which it may not be; some people report a possible bug there). A headshot with any sniper rifle (or AK101/AK47/G3/PKM) does enough damage to kill an unwounded soldier.


                          • #28
                            Re: Realistic Wounds?

                            Yeah, thats true, I've even occasionaly gotten "registered" headshot hits with the pistols and M16A2 among others. The TRICK IS HAVING IT REGISTER PROPERLY WITH EA! It really seems that they have this little tiny-itsy-bitsy window of opportunity above peoples heads sometimes, and sometimes you get it and sometimes you don't, even though I take the same shot, the same way over and over and over again, it still comes up sometimes/sometimes-not for me.


                            • #29
                              Re: Realistic Wounds?

                              Originally posted by SaladFork
                              Shoot off the arms of the entire opposing teams so all they can do is run in circles like idiots. Sounds fun.

                              there would be a whole new level of game -- you can take the opposing teams commander and squad leader hostage and slowly cut off their limbs while their people trying to get them out so the you ambush them string up over a bridge like in falluja and dance around smacking your boots on corpses -- now that would be a game

