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  • #16
    Re: Why

    Originally posted by Blackburn
    i'v noticed this comunity has a real prob with ALOT of people having a negative attitude to everything and every one.
    Interesting. No wait, the other thing: tedious.
    - Bender:Futurama


    • #17
      Re: Why

      Originally posted by rombaft
      my point to.

      Also before the patch was out, the ingame browser was like (there aren't any words for)
      I still get nightmares. How that was able to make it to final release, I have no idea.

      The server browser is still broken too. When you hit refresh, it breaks the server browser and it doesn't work until you reset BF2. Not good. I feel like they are halfassing everything.


      • #18
        Re: Why

        Originally posted by bam23
        The server browser is still broken too. When you hit refresh, it breaks the server browser and it doesn't work until you reset BF2. Not good. I feel like they are halfassing everything.
        everytime i hit refresh, it refreshes the same servers minus one or two.
        remedy: dont use refresh, use update server list.


        • #19
          Re: Why

          Some people feel they need to insult others to feel better about themselves, and to make them look better - when all it does it show their low self-esteem and how much they're struggling with their own life. As a member, it's best to turn a blind eye. Just as if you build it, they will come - if you don't build it, they won't come.

          Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.

