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  • Why

    i'v noticed this comunity has a real prob with ALOT of people having a negative attitude to everything and every one. come on guys liven up and stop trashing everyone and moaning. EA and DICE cant be perfect like some are asking for.. i think some of you just need to chill out and smoke a nice fat hooter and laugh your ass off..

    peace out dudes

    PS. stop worrying about stats as its only a game and you should be playing for fun, thats what games are for arnt they?

  • #2
    Re: Why

    I couldn't agree more.

    I should post less than I do...but sometimes people just make me so angry with their ignorance and attitudes.

    I will try and lighten up


    • #3
      Re: Why

      You better put on your flame retardent clothing soon... I sense a disturbance in the force.


      • #4
        Re: Why

        its a forum. ppl have different opinions. unfortunately a large part of any internet forum is made up of mentally deficient sociopaths.

        trying to civilly help them or answer their questions usually results in them becoming confused and w/ you being abused in return. there is now known way to to get through the deadzone in their brains that results from years of petrol sniffing and parental abuse so its best to talk to those that can understand you and ignore those that cant.

        unless you are bored at work in which case p1ssing off the morons can be an easy way to kill time.


        • #5
          Re: Why

          Originally posted by Blackburn
          i'v noticed this comunity has a real prob with ALOT of people having a negative attitude to everything and every one. come on guys liven up and stop trashing everyone and moaning. EA and DICE cant be perfect like some are asking for.. i think some of you just need to chill out and smoke a nice fat hooter and laugh your ass off..

          peace out dudes

          PS. stop worrying about stats as its only a game and you should be playing for fun, thats what games are for arnt they?
          People should complain somewhat because if there's a big issue (or many small ones), EA won't do anything because they haven't been told. It's the people you complain to that matter. You pay for the game, it should work at least.


          • #6
            Re: Why

            Yes. Possibly because a lot of people who play war games like BF2 are total nerds with no social skills and major self esteem problems. Hiding behind the interwebs apparent anonymity and trashing people on forums makes them feel like real (12 year old) men...

            get yoost 2 it u fcukin n00b hipee

            (joke) :laugh:


            • #7
              Re: Why

              <= enters the dark side of the force...



              • #8
                Re: Why

                EA/dice , we don't expect them to be perfect, but EA is a money machine and with BF2 they wanted to much and put the game on the market full of bugs!! It's normal that when a game comes out, there are bugs in it, but not as many as in BF2 .

                And we are not alone in this opinion, big hardware/software review site such as tomshardware, theinquirer, .... have posted articles about BF2 and colums that weren't to nice and they sable down the game due to it's bugs.

                About gameplay, I never complain, I think it's great, I am not one of the many guys whining about tanks, apc's, BH, C4, caping flags, ......


                • #9
                  Re: Why

                  Originally posted by Blackburn
                  i'v noticed this comunity has a real prob with ALOT of people having a negative attitude to everything and every one. come on guys liven up and stop trashing everyone and moaning. EA and DICE cant be perfect like some are asking for.. i think some of you just need to chill out and smoke a nice fat hooter and laugh your ass off..

                  peace out dudes

                  PS. stop worrying about stats as its only a game and you should be playing for fun, thats what games are for arnt they?

                  Ya, relax, why does everyone think they have to have bigger balls than anyone. Everyone has to be an internet tuff guy right? Its kinda pathetic. People would get alot more accomplished if everyone calmed down....hmmm....something to think about......:hmm:


                  • #10
                    Re: Why

                    The only reason it had so many bugs in it when it was put out, was too many people were complaining about "when is it was coming out" or, "why isn't it out yet". They post-poned the shipping date three times, and that made people even angrier. So it's kinda the publics fault it came out with som many bugs. So stop complaining, let them fix there problems, and don't worry about the stats updating everytime you kill someone.


                    • #11
                      Re: Why

                      Originally posted by Cpt. Ford
                      The only reason it had so many bugs in it when it was put out, was too many people were complaining about "when is it was coming out" or, "why isn't it out yet". They post-poned the shipping date three times, and that made people even angrier. So it's kinda the publics fault it came out with som many bugs. So stop complaining, let them fix there problems, and don't worry about the stats updating everytime you kill someone.

                      ever heard of half life ??
                      people whined for three years when it would come out


                      • #12
                        Re: Why

                        *Sigh* I can't wait to get back into the Call of Duty 2 community. (No offense) in UO, most people use a lot of teamwork, and are mature. Although, many of them are elitists who blindly hate anyone younger than them. So I guess it all evens out! :laugh:


                        • #13
                          Re: Why

                          Its because forusm are the best place to share your opinions and other people will care about them (most of the time).


                          • #14
                            Re: Why

                            Originally posted by Blackburn
                            i'v noticed this comunity has a real prob with ALOT of people having a negative attitude to everything and every one. come on guys liven up and stop trashing everyone and moaning. EA and DICE cant be perfect like some are asking for.. i think some of you just need to chill out and smoke a nice fat hooter and laugh your ass off..

                            peace out dudes

                            PS. stop worrying about stats as its only a game and you should be playing for fun, thats what games are for arnt they?
                            fair enough.. but next time tell EA/DICE to beta test their product
                            before making us all paying beta testers..

                            I have nearly every game on the store shelves worth having..been
                            there for major releases in every major title in the last 5 years..never
                            have I seen a product so 'unfinished' as BF2..

                            I mean, no favorite server list? Its 2005 for Christ sake.. what the hell
                            were they thinking ? EA is the worst publisher there is, bar none.


                            • #15
                              Re: Why

                              Originally posted by SpeedyGonzales
                              fair enough.. but next time tell EA/DICE to beta test their product
                              before making us all paying beta testers..

                              I have nearly every game on the store shelves worth having..been
                              there for major releases in every major title in the last 5 years..never
                              have I seen a product so 'unfinished' as BF2..

                              I mean, no favorite server list? Its 2005 for Christ sake.. what the hell
                              were they thinking ? EA is the worst publisher there is, bar none.
                              my point to.

                              Also before the patch was out, the ingame browser was like (there aren't any words for)

