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I hate Kubra dam

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  • I hate Kubra dam

    Whenever i play on a server and I see Kubra dam come up, i automatically leave. I dont mind the server if its 16 player map, but i dont play that small. I just think the map is nothing but vehicles and i get tired of it. I also have a hard time getting any type of decent score. Ususally I can get 20pts and thats about it. The only time i played it in the last month was to fly a jet to get a badge for 15 mins in the plane or whatever.

    Anyone else feel the same?
    Anyone have some tips on how to make this map more enjoyable? Or reasons why its one of your favorite maps?

  • #2
    Re: I hate Kubra dam

    I was playing it with a really good squad the other day and it was a lot of fun.

    Our squad leader was piloting a BH and we would parachute outside of a flag and rush in and take it ... he would pick us up and we would repeat at the next enemy held flag.

    Made it a lot of fun.


    • #3
      Re: I hate Kubra dam

      just get in a tank and drive around killing allot of people thats fun to me


      • #4
        Re: I hate Kubra dam

        Boooo, I also hate the "DAM" level



        • #5
          Re: I hate Kubra dam

          not my favorite either, but ironically one of my top maps in terms of hrs played...

          I've noticed this map is one that takes forever usually to end, sometimes even the time limit coming into effect b4 the tickets run down. It looks nice, but is impossible to traverse on foot. Even getting around with vehicles is a pain... Since I've been obsessed with flying attack helos, the map has become more playable, particularly the 64 man version with the extra vehicles around...


          • #6
            Re: I hate Kubra dam

            I think this is a well-rounded map. You have every vehicle with the exception of the Essex. Yes, it does take a little longer to walk from flag to flag than a map like Karkand, but that just offers more options on how to approach a flag, from where, and in/on what.


            • #7
              Re: I hate Kubra dam

              But why in gods is the MEC main base capturable, that makes the map IMO biased vs the americans. Ad yes I do know that you have almost all of the flags on teh start of teh match, but so what that why the USMC gets more starting points. I know most people would rather have the MEC main base uncapterable, while to make up for that, all the other flags neutral.


              • #8
                Re: I hate Kubra dam

                i'd prefer more balance in all maps by seeing 2 uncappable flags.... If the USMC is smart, they take the damn position, grab a 2nd attack helo, then work over the MEC base for their air power as well...once you get air superiority its over..I've seen 3 attack helos, all belonging to the USMC in the air @ once on that map ....


                • #9
                  Re: I hate Kubra dam

                  Originally posted by The_Misfit
                  If the USMC is smart, they take the damn position,
                  Which position are you talking about, and why don't you like it?


                  • #10
                    Re: I hate Kubra dam

                    Look, if fools refuse to protect their main base, then they's that simple. Kubra is a tough map for all. It's hard on infantry because there are a ton of vehicles. It's tough on armor because of the jets and choppers. It's tough on aircraft because there are AA vehicles, stingers, and a ton of obnoxious towers and cranes to smack your aircraft into. Many of the maps favor one skill set over another but this one is hard on all of them. It's a good map because it's hard. Leaving the map because you can't master it is pretty sad. I love when I figure out new tactics that put me on the winning team.


                    • #11
                      Re: I hate Kubra dam

                      I also hate Kubra Dam. For the longest time it was the map I'd played the most time on, and also the map where I got the highest score.

                      It's a lame, lame vehicle map. 32 person version is too small for flying, too.


                      • #12
                        Re: I hate Kubra dam

                        I hate Kubra as well. If your not flying something your points are probably going to be minimal.
                        i'd prefer more balance in all maps by seeing 2 uncappable flags....
                        Maybe EA had an idea that it would force people into defending a base. If your playing on the MEC side your object is to defend the bases. For me personally it is hard to do because I tend to be a more aggressive player. But if you lose that main base as a MEC player it is goingot be real hard to come back and win.


                        • #13
                          Re: I hate Kubra dam

                          Originally posted by Sackwack
                          Maybe EA had an idea that it would force people into defending a base.
                          ...or DICE... whoever.


                          • #14
                            Re: I hate Kubra dam

                            Kubra Dam can be fun for 1 or 2 rounds but each round takes like an hour on the 32 man version


                            • #15
                              Re: I hate Kubra dam

                              Originally posted by Strike|Danny
                              Kubra Dam can be fun for 1 or 2 rounds but each round takes like an hour on the 32 man version
                              I think that's the biggest issue. One round I can handle - two drives me nuts.

