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Weirdest way you have killed

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  • #46
    Re: Weirdest way you have killed

    Originally posted by (BG)patton
    i once shot a guy, and a medic proned on him to revive, so i unloaded on him with my PPKM, i thought it was just him, but he must have laid puerfectly on the dead body, overlapping him, so that i did not see he revived him. any way, i blasted the first guy, and he flopped away to reveal the revived soldir directly under him. i mowed his ass soon after.
    lol yeah had a LOOOOOT of kills like that in Karkand.:laugh:


    • #47
      Re: Weirdest way you have killed

      Originally posted by MackTheKnifeAU
      I've crated a blackhawk taking off. God those are sweet.

      Weirdest I'VE been killed.

      I was with some mates in a unranked bookable server, doing some stunt type stuff, and a mate goes up the giant tower in dalin plant, c4's himself off it, parachutes on a set of 4 huge silo type things, slipps off, parachutes again, and then proceeds to "float" down and land on my head.
      25.91 MB

      I was frapsing it at the time, so it's caught on tape.
      can u put it on putfile plz?


      • #48
        Re: Weirdest way you have killed

        Weirdest 3 kills I ever got.

        I'm a little PO'ed b/c a guy basically keeps taking the jet and dying. I couldn't get a turn, I generally do very well with a jet in gulf of Oman, top half generally sometimes 1,2,3...

        So I strap about 3-4 C4's to the nose and contempated TK'ing him, but I don't and step back and jump in the AA. About a minute later I get 3 kills with C4, I didn't detonate or anything??? I guess he was ramming and I got the kills?

        Very weird wish I knew what happened.


        • #49
          Re: Weirdest way you have killed

          The weirdest way I died was on Daqing Oilfields, playing as Chinese.

          I was at one of the many CPs, and I saw this M1A2 driving at me. With little time to think, I went prone behind a very small hill, and started crawling forward. The front of the tank hit the hill, lifted off the ground, and drove over me, leaving me between either tread, basically directly beneath the tank. Alive. Turns out the very front and very rear of a tank are low enough to run you over, but you're safe in the middle.

          I sat there for a bit (I couldn't really do anything), listening to the tank kill my teammates, slightly awed at the whole situation. The tanker got bored and accelerated, and the rear bumper turned me into a splat on the ground.


          • #50
            Re: Weirdest way you have killed

            I wonder if you would have been able to stand-up, it's possible that they didn't think anyone could get below the tank in such a way,

            Too bad you weren't a Special OP could have been a nice kill/selfkill.


            • #51
              Re: Weirdest way you have killed

              i saw the enemy comander and drop some supplies on his ass


              • #52
                Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                I was a sniper in FuShe Pass and i'd run out of ammo for both my guns so i decided to parachute down to a crate below me (i was in one of the 3 smokestacks in the middle of the map) and i pull out my parachute and glide into a friendly helicopter, the helicopter explodes killing me and i get punished for 5 teamkills...


                • #53
                  Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                  Hehe, I just saw this one the other day. The MEC commander was sitting in a RIB just off the coast of the southern base. The US commander did a scan and saw him sitting there, not moving. He goes over VOIP, "Hey guys, watch the sinking ship", spots it on the map, and drops some supplies on the RIB. it sank the boat and killed the commander. That was the first time I ever saw the supplies sink a freaking boat.


                  • #54
                    Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                    Originally posted by JoeJJohnsonII
                    Hehe, I just saw this one the other day. The MEC commander was sitting in a RIB just off the coast of the southern base. The US commander did a scan and saw him sitting there, not moving. He goes over VOIP, "Hey guys, watch the sinking ship", spots it on the map, and drops some supplies on the RIB. it sank the boat and killed the commander. That was the first time I ever saw the supplies sink a freaking boat.
                    that one is good


                    • #55
                      Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                      I got in a jet but accidently had my throttle going backwards and ran over 2 people. I just couldn't stop laughing.


                      • #56
                        Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                        i was lobbing grenades up in the air cuz i was bored but a low jet passed by(smoking) and my grenade exploded and blew up the plne.....i was really suprised


                        • #57
                          Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                          I once fell from the crane hit somones cockpit killed em boom ohyea got a free ride.


                          • #58
                            Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                            Was walking along once with my M95 out on Gulf of Oman. A friendly tank opens fire on a chopper, and the chopper flees, smoking. I think "Ah, what the hell" and pull my scope up and fire off a shot. A few seconds later, the chopper finishes flaming and explodes and I get awarded with the kill. Second after that, the guy in the tank is yelling at me for stealing his kill. :nerr:

                            On the new Wake Island 2007 map, I found a half-sunken Japanese plane in the ocean that you can stand on. I actually sniped a few people from there on the US's artillery island with the QBZ-97 - 'til they respawned, realized where I was, and shot me. :dead:


                            • #59
                              Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                              Originally posted by 64K1
                              Was walking along once with my M95 out on Gulf of Oman. A friendly tank opens fire on a chopper, and the chopper flees, smoking. I think "Ah, what the hell" and pull my scope up and fire off a shot. A few seconds later, the chopper finishes flaming and explodes and I get awarded with the kill. Second after that, the guy in the tank is yelling at me for stealing his kill.
                              I do this all the time, If I see anything in flames and about to explode I just fire a few rounds from my fifle at it. Since you were the last person to land a hit you get the kill heh.


                              • #60
                                Re: Weirdest way you have killed

                                I was on Karkand at the train crash as a sniper an lying in the grass, when I noticed, that two guys were approaching in a humvee. So it shot the driver of the humvee with my M95, which made the car stop. When the gunner noticed his friend was dead, he took over the driver's seat and I put a bullet trough his head, too.
                                Some seconds later another two guys are trying to drive around in the humvee and I proceeded as before. This kept going on all round long and I bet I shot more than 12 people this way. And they still wouldn't get it.

