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China: 3 hours of playing time max

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  • #16
    Re: Be Happy! Youre In America!

    This thread was originally about the government controlling what people do in their spare time. And you say they are "barely" communist?!?

    If you need me, I will playing computer games for MORE than 3 straight hours, just because I can. . .

    Isn't freedom great?


    • #17
      Re: Be Happy! Youre In America!

      Didnt you see the article about that guy murdering another one over an item in wow ? they might be "eliminating freedom" but mmorpgs is a pretty serious addiction in china and thats their way, retarded as it may be to fight it, but you know what? america isent very free either, didnt you see that thread about the legal rave party crashed by the us army and kids being tear gassed and beaten the crap out of ? oh right, it got locked and deleted by big brother luckily we dont have any chinese big brother moderators in here so this can exist.

      thedude, when you finish 8th grade come back, the things that define a communist county bearly exist in china anymore and just because says its communist doesnt mean its like it was in 1950, the world is in shades of grey not just black and white.


      • #18
        Re: Be Happy! Youre In America!

        "Be Happy! Youre In America!"

        Believe it or not, I hear that SOME people on this forum arn't from US?!

        Ignorant ..


        • #19
          Re: Be Happy! Youre In America!

          Hey munchies, about your sig......yes, the russians did use a pencil, but they had a pretty bad problem of powdered graphite floating around their spacecraft.

          That's the reason the U.S. used a don't want to breath in powdered graphite cuz it's some pretty nasty stuff, and they also tend to clog up the c02 scrubbers.....possibly causing a toxic atmosphere and lack of oxygen. I'm sure the Russians have moved on to using a pen, now that they see NASA's logic.


          • #20
            Re: Be Happy! Youre In America!

            But they didnt spend millions of dollars on a ****ing pen did they


            • #21
              Re: China: 3 hours of playing time max

              Can they play BF2 as the PRC?:laugh:


              • #22
                Re: China: 3 hours of playing time max

                The price of virtual gold/adena/isk will go up now that you don't have Chinese gold/adena/isk pharmers.


                • #23
                  Re: Be Happy! Youre In America!

                  Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
                  No, the US government has no right or power to do such a thing. Although, I wouldn't put it past Dubya to try. After all, we have the wonderful "Patriot" Act.
                  I would apreciate it if we wouldnt turn this into a democrat vs republican flame thread, because with this post, its exactly where your heading


                  • #24
                    Re: Be Happy! Youre In America!

                    Originally posted by TRIGRHAPPY
                    Hey munchies, about your sig......yes, the russians did use a pencil, but they had a pretty bad problem of powdered graphite floating around their spacecraft.

                    That's the reason the U.S. used a don't want to breath in powdered graphite cuz it's some pretty nasty stuff, and they also tend to clog up the c02 scrubbers.....possibly causing a toxic atmosphere and lack of oxygen. I'm sure the Russians have moved on to using a pen, now that they see NASA's logic.
                    Someone posted something about his sig, i believe it said that both US and Russia used a pencil on the first launch, and then a company volunteered to make a pen that would work in space, ill try to find link


                    • #25
                      Re: China: 3 hours of playing time max

                      No comments. I just want they to do what they want. The government has no right to restrict our people's interests of playing online games although I am a chinese.


                      • #26
                        Re: China: 3 hours of playing time max

                        Originally posted by Bloodi
                        No comments. I just want they to do what they want. The government has no right to restrict our people's interests of playing online games although I am a chinese.
                        Its a communist country. By definition they oppress the people for "the benefactor"...

                        All I'm saying is that the price of online virtual items will go up...that's all.


                        • #27
                          Re: China: 3 hours of playing time max

                          its a joke.. I know a guy from Hong Kong that says its untrue, and hong kong has free press, so bujah!


                          • #28
                            Re: China: 3 hours of playing time max

                            I'm totally for the action of putting a limiter on Online games, remember that Korean guy that died for playing Battlefield 2 for 3 days straight? Heart attack or something... That stuff ain't cool. Plus it's incentive to hang out with the girlfriend for the 5 hours you cannot play.

