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I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

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  • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

    I fail to see how the BH requires massive amounts of teamwork and killing it requires the same? All the BH requires is 6 self interested point craving people, taking it down requires roughly 2 people with jeeps waiting to ambush a flag. Now since we are all talking PUBLIC servers here, you can throw teamwork right out of the equation. There is no teamwork on public servers for the sake of teamwork. If you didn't get any points for throwing medical bags or ammo bags, NO ONE WOULD EVER DO IT. People are in this game for themselves, and so to make people do something, you must properly bait them to do it.

    As it stands, it's rediculously easy to get 6 people to man a blackhawk. Maybe when the game was first getting started did people not realize they could easily amass 100+ points just by flying around shooting people and capping flags. I played on Negative Approach yesterday and witnessed the clan members get over 100 points per crew member and the pilot had 200. This was with a squad of admins using it non-stop, but on maps like Mashtuur, you regularly see random groups of people with 50+ points just because they are using the BH.

    Compare that to shooting it down. To hold a single flag against a fairly incompetant BH crew, you need atleast 2 vodniks or several AT people to hold a flag and drive the BH off before he can cap it. That assumes that he's willing to take a bit of damage and then fly off before dying. Now take a group of experienced players who knows roughly where the spawns are, have engineers and stay high enough avoid C4 around the flag area. On Mashtuur, you're going to have that BH take every flag except the MEC starting flags by the time the MEC even get to the power station.

    I think the BH is pretty good as it is. The MI-17 needs to be made better, especially in the armaments department. In fact, I'd go so far to say the only real problem is that the flag capping area is too big. If they were to simply make it so you had to decend below the top of the flag pole to capture the flag, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Atleast flag defence would atleast be a proposition that doesn't require half the team. That's the real issue after all, it's not that there arn't enough players, but the fact is that to mount an effective flag defence you have to assign atleast double the number of players just to stop a single 6 man vehicle. The armor is a bit rediculous as well, should it really take two shots to kill this HELICOPTER?

    Everyone who says that the BH shouldn't be nerfed is completely correct. It must be tweaked, but nerfing it would be rediculous. You could go a long way to solving the problems with a few simple changes, the flag zones, a little less armor and maybe more AA turrets on some maps. Now that I think about it, the only real problem map is Mashtuur anyway. Huh.


    • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

      Originally posted by [SAJ]Sentinel
      I was playing Zatar Wetlands few days ago. MEC (we) got the middle CP. Everyone moved to other CPs (usual mistake). I saw BH in the distance and jumped into the attack chopper (my favourite tool for taking BHs down).

      Man, was I shocked when few seconds later BH stopped some 20-30m above the CP and 5 (five) guys parachuted out.

      BH quickly turned around and went towards its base, while I didn't know what to do. No gunner, no other friendly soldiers at the CP and I had 5 guys in vicinity.

      I stay in the chopper (as gunner) on the ground - AT missiles are coming my way. I get out of the chopper, 5 of them will slaughter me in a second.

      They captured the base quickly and killed me in the chopper (guy went straight to the AA on the top of the house) while I tried to give them some missiles from the flying attack chopper. Granted, I could've stayed as gunner in the chopper on the ground and pound them with gun for next 5 minutes, but it's such a crap. No gameplay in gunning one point for 5 minutes.

      I was *impressed* by the squad, and I think THIS is the way Black Hawk SHOULD be used. This was WAY more efficient than hovering w/ BH and trying to cap the flag. They actually took the flag quickly (5 of them), killed the resistance, and CP was in their possesion. If they hovered, I'd kill them in 5 secs. But they played clever.

      Wish I could see more of this.
      QFT. Using the BH in this manner is much more realistic than flag capping.

      That said, though, I really like to BH whore as a gunner or engineer (not good enough as a pilot to fly one yet). With a good pilot, that's a sure recipe for lotsa kills or lotsa points.

      When you get into a balanced helicopter squad with good communication (preferably voice) and a sense of purpose, there are few gaming experiences to equal BF2. When it works well, the teamwork involved makes it pretty damned satisfying. A good pilot, two door gunners (preferably one of them a support soldier), two engineers (to fix all but the most devastating damage to the aircraft) and a medic (to heal squad members who get hot by ground fire), all working in concert, makes the BH into the Terminator of BF2.

      Whining about it does no good. If you don't like it, don't squeal like a little girl; get in a .50cal-equipped vehicle or behind the sights of an AT and take the fokker down. It can be done pretty easily if you know what you're doing, and it's becoming more common day by day (especially with the wheel-kill vulnerability). Good players' tactics are slowly but surely reducing the BH's effectiveness ... we don't need some stinking patch to throw a monkey-wrench into the works.

      It's evolution, man. Let it take its natural course.


      • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

        Originally posted by Al3x
        Also its armor is ridiculous. If one shot, from AT or from a TANK, can't bring down a chopper thats ridiculous.

        Its a transport chopper, for transport of troops from one location to another, not a flying fortress.
        I do agree that it needs to be made more susceptible to large bore shots, including tank and AT. That'd shut 75% of the little girls up right there.


        • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

          Originally posted by The_Misfit
          I'm a vote for NOT nerfing the takes an element of teamwork to keep it up, just as it does to take it down -- try 'teamwork' over whining....

          In all honesty though, the guns could use some minor work to keep it fair (splash damage perhaps).....
          There you go ... exactly my sentiment. What I get for responding before reading the whole 15 freaking pages of the thread.


          • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

            Originally posted by bustacaptx
            I do agree that it needs to be made more susceptible to large bore shots, including tank and AT. That'd shut 75% of the little girls up right there.
            I agree. A tank shell should wipe out a helicopter. I'm not so sure about an AT round since they're guided now. I think the AT rockets and TOWs should put the BH in critical health where it's on fire unless you hit like....the base of the rotor or something. But tank shells, definately. I do think the other helicopters should get something extra, maybe a couple extra gun placements and keep the 3 people in the back, so they hold more people, have more guns, but the guns are less powerful. I think that'd be a fair trade.

            Of course, if AA weapons worked well the Blackhawks would be even easier to take out than they are now. :P I think those need tweaked too, but that's another story.


            • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

              Bh is great, I love whoring. And I have every right to love it! Ooooohhh sorry it doesn't fit into your opinion of what the game should be. Guess that means it's wrong then huh?

              Leave it alone.. I like flying it, I like gunning, I like fixing it, and I reallly like shooting it down.


              • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                BH flag capture is a brilliant use of team work. Having said that, please note that BH flag capture is easily countered by one guy hiding out at the base. As soon as the BH leaves the base will revert. The best tactic in this game is to utilize the imagination and team work. For every tactic there is a counter which has nothing to do with whining. As someone pointed out in this thread, team work is enough to defeat the so called BH whoring. Jets bug me. It seems the only way to defeat a jet is with another jet. We need stinger man-packs.


                • Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                  BH Flag Capture isnt that easy. I mean if you still have a few guys of the Base's team at the Base, they can easily take down the gunners in the plane, and the Anti-Tanks can take down the BH, although it will probally leave anyway

