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I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

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  • I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

    I am one of the people that have no problems with choppers caping flags, just part of the game.

    But for all the people who whine about it I hope patch 1.03 will change it, no more caping flags with the BH.

    Then like on mashtuur city (big isue for some)
    The BH will hoover over a point or near a point, not capturing it but just shooting everybody who spawns at it for the whole dam time, your guys problem will be even bigger, haha.

    Another thing, all those whiners say you need to get out and this would cause more teamwork and stuff, funy part is, you actualy need teamwork to take the blackhawk down, but almost nowbody does this, they just want something else because it would be good for teamwork

    BH down ? 1 AT + 1 guy after machine gun in vehivle = BH down in less then 2 sec

  • #2
    Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

    I don't give a rats ass if you whiners get the BH nerfed so it can't cap flags. i'll just fly around in circles on your precious bases and mow down countles MECs and get just as many points as if I were flag hopping.


    • #3
      Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

      Will the 1.03 patch turn the Blackhawk/choppers into the least used vehicles? if they take out flag capping with them they will.

      I have a feeling the "patch" will bleed a lot of fun out of the game.

      spec-ops falling over themselves to take out commander assets will mean more lone-wolf type players spawn killing at the enemy base. Nobody around to repair anything = no point in being a commander (I think they plan on taking out the repair ability of the supply crate)

      If they do something too drastic about the bunny hopping it'll ruin the speed of the game and perhaps the ability to jump over a simple railing.

      Mess around with any of the weapons = endless arguments and flames on this board.

      I sure hope they take their time and really test it before they release it.


      • #4
        Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

        Originally posted by Dangerdog
        I sure hope they take their time and really test it before they release it.
        Problem is they're not using the right kind of testers. You need testers who will bends the rules and then they'll see if the changes work or not.


        • #5
          Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

          I agree that if a BH can't cap a flag, it will just hover over the flag and the gunners will just mow down everyone and the end result is more points. There are too many crybabies on here. They want everything changed to suit thier playing style, when will they learn that they need to change their playing style to suit the situation? I wish all the noobs crying over everything would just go back to PacMan or something, it's getting annoying.


          • #6
            Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

            Originally posted by rymaples
            I agree that if a BH can't cap a flag, it will just hover over the flag and the gunners will just mow down everyone and the end result is more points. There are too many crybabies on here. They want everything changed to suit thier playing style, when will they learn that they need to change their playing style to suit the situation? I wish all the noobs crying over everything would just go back to PacMan or something, it's getting annoying.
            That wouldn't bother me one bit, as most CP's have somewhere where you spawn behind some object from view at least giving the defenders a chance to spawn with AT and take a shot or two. At present it's get mown down ... try to spawn as AT ohnoes your spawn point is neutralised and taken in 2 seconds ... then onto another flag they go.

            Only reason I dislike it .. becuase it's not really a fun thing to do for either side, it's just a good way to gain points.. yes I've done it and after 5 mins i jumped out because i find going face to face or even in ground transport is way more fun.

            Some people just concentrate too much on points scores and ranks that they will do anything to get those 100+ scores per round.


            • #7
              Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

              I always manage to get high scores when I'm not trying. This whole crying about BH whoring and whatnot really has got to stop. You should be able to use every single thing possible to your advantage to win. If you don't, your opponent will. Just leave the game like it is. Well the only thing I think should change is the accuracy of the M249. That was my primary weapon in the Army and it was accurate past 300M. Hell, in my qualifing test, I hit all 6 300M targets with it. It is a very accurate weapon when you just shoot 3-4 round burst, which is a quick squeeze. Other than that, don't touch a thing.


              • #8
                Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                but then you can get 5 people in an apc and cap a flag just as fast, mind you that they are much easier to kill. and there are like 3 apcs for each tank at most points...

                still mowing people in bh will be fun


                • #9
                  Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                  It dosn't matter how much EA improve this game, there will always be people moaning about something. Why can't you just accept life can't be perfect?


                  • #10
                    Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                    Yeah, it will be a pity if they nerf it. I tend not to use Black Hawks myself because I constantly seem to be shot off the gunner position when I do but by the same token I have no problem killing Black Hawk gunners from the ground. There are so many ways to deal with them.

                    You can kill the gunners with rifle fire or noob tube to the inside of the helicopter. An AT round to the windscreen (which isn't that hard if they are hovering low) will kill the pilot. And of course there's the recently discovered 'achiles wheel', which seemed to work for me a couple of nights ago.

                    Of course I do get killed a lot in return but its all fun and its fun and its tremendously satisfying to end a black hawk crews reign of terror.

                    As for the flag capping apect, sure they cap flags quickly but they don't stick around to defend them do they?


                    • #11
                      Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                      You guys that are saying it wont matter that the BH cant take flags are forgetting that your BH wont be as powerful either so you wont sit there mowing down MEC


                      • #12
                        Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                        I don't mind Black Hawks capping flags. Choppers capping flags has been in all BF games. Give me something to kill them with though.

                        The only thing that touches them are the machine guns on top of transport- How stupid is that? Tank shell? no, APC Cannon? no, RPG? no, pi$$y machine gun? A little but not enough for a full-health BH before the gun overheats & it flys off.

                        In the end it doesn't wind me up that much, but the rounds become too short on many (especially Chinese) maps because of the mobility & effectiveness of the BHs. I wouldn't mind even if their weapon effectiveness is not touched, it is just that there should be something that they are afraid of, and currently there is not


                        • #13
                          Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                          Originally posted by Ghiest

                          Only reason I dislike it .. becuase it's not really a fun thing to do for either side, it's just a good way to gain points.. yes I've done it and after 5 mins i jumped out because i find going face to face or even in ground transport is way more fun.

                          Some people just concentrate too much on points scores and ranks that they will do anything to get those 100+ scores per round.
                          exactly, m8. i've done the same thing too. flown around with a bh crew capping flags. mindless drone, flying, flag to flag to flag. Like, you, i too will bail after a few short minutes of this. I want in your face, attack a flag, thats well gaurded action.
                          Some people here have stated that if they make the BH so it cant cap a flag in air, that it will end up being a spam machine mindlessly floating at or near a flag, basically being a spam/spawn killingmachine. They say, that this will be more fun, when in fact its even more lame. However, ihate to burst your bubbles. Do you really think DICE isnt gonna touch the damage model of the helo? How many times you see the MEC chopper being used for long periods? Not very. In fact Rarely. Why? A breath willl knock it out of the air. I cant help but to think how naive some people are to think that DICE is gonna let the BH, still be able to take 3 direct hits with a smaw, without it flinching. Trust me on this. You aint gonna hover above a flag, and lame it up. Perhaps tactifully, from a distance. But not like some here assume they will be able to.
                          Regardless what some think, a blackhawk team going fromflag to flag toflag, isnt very fun. All it makes me do, as a defender, is leave, recap it. It actually helps my points too. However boring that is, though. 90% of all BH teams rarely even shoot. They fly to the flag, and as soon as capped, run off. How that is "team" play is beyond me. Especiall when the flag is re capped within 20 seconds. I'd say it was for points. Period.
                          And that my, is boring....and really kinda lame.


                          • #14
                            Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                            Originally posted by fvbyfv
                            You guys that are saying it wont matter that the BH cant take flags are forgetting that your BH wont be as powerful either so you wont sit there mowing down MEC
                            exactly. gonna be lots of point farmers here upset. And whine that they are taking the fun out of the game. When in fact, they are trying to put the team back into the game. Which is ultimately the fun part.
                            Even if im on the marine team, when i see my team mates mindless go from flag to flag, without any rhyme or reason, it urks me just as much as if i were on mecs/chinese.
                            Usually, i'll need some support. I'll have 4 or so guys getting ready to pummel me. I'll call out to the BH team above me to help, and spot the enemies. Guess what? The really, so called skilled, very team orriented blackhawk team, avoids my pleas. And you guessed it.....goes to some remote flag, that in the end helps no one........while me and my squad fall waste.
                            Points. If your against the bh nerfing....and wont play the game as me onthis, no one will miss you. As most want, a pleasurable, good time, no lamming game.


                            • #15
                              Re: I hope it will become impossible to cape flags with the BH

                              I don't really have a problem with helis being able to cap flags. After all they are sitting still next to the flag for a few seconds, long enough for a decent AT player to convince them to move on.

                              The only issues that need to be addressed is the miniguns and the fact the engineers can repair while in flight. In my opinion, the BH has the most lethal weapon in game. That minigun(s) chews up APC faster than my AT rockets. And the BH can repair while in flight. I don't know what powergaming idiot thought up that scheme for a transport vehicle, but they should be fired. It is so imbalanced, its not even funny.

                              I do hope 1.03 leaves the ability to cap flags in a heli, transport choppers are my best means for points, since I play mostly AT. They just need to tone down the godlike ability of the BH.

