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Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

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  • #16
    Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

    Originally posted by jnick
    Anytime you increase the resolution, images get sharper, finer, thus SMALLER to a certain extent. If you play 16x12 then 1024x768, you'll see a noticable difference in the size of everything on screen. In order to make images appear sharper, they have to have more pixels, thus making the image finer and smaller. Note that it's not becomming microscopic, but the sizes DO NOT remain the same. Think of it as a "Zoom".

    The higher resolution, the further away the zoom is, the lower the resolution the more "Zoomed In" the picture appears.
    Nah i don't agree with that. I run bf2 at 800x600 on my pc and my bro runs it at 1280x1024 and the size of stuff is EXACTLY THE SAME on his its just sharper.


    • #17
      Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

      i can see any enemy anywhere, so i dont need a giant screen with the highest res, i have to tell the pilot where the enemy is


      • #18
        Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

        Just some thought on gunnery skill:
        As a gunner, I always destroy enemy vehicles, TOWS, stingers/iglas (even if empty) when taking flags, or flying over a base. Just common sense: enemy may spawn and jump in and then you are in trouble.
        I always try to voip with my pilot, 4 eyes see more. When taking flags (especially with MEC chopper) I always shoot at spawn points, bushes, hiding places, (rooms, corners)
        if I see the "hit signal" I shoot a bit more there. (Mec chopper's gun have nice splash damage)
        When we are closing to an enemy flag, or a flag of ours that is being attacked, I used to shoot TV missile well before we got visual. It has a range about three times visual range.... and if I see a target, I try to hit it. Even if I don't hit it, I will know what's going on over there. (Think of it as a remote camera)
        I rarely see gunnery using TV guided for recon. I can't tell you how many times I shot enemy choppers after they left visual range.
        So I think it's not so hard to be a good gunner. I had gunners not shooting a single bullet while I made several kills. (even infantry) That gun is there to shoot with....

        my 2 cents.


        • #19
          Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

          If your gunner has geometry turned down and draw distance turned down..I can see the frustration

          I play with a friend who has a lower end machine and has to run on lower graphics settings and this drives me CRAZY! I'll spot all sorts of things and tell him about it over GameVoice and he'll say 'man...I never saw ANY of that'.

          The other thing to remember is...if the gunner is NOT looking straight ahead, he will not be seeing what you're seeing. The gunner has about 180 degrees of viewing..sometimes more.


          • #20
            Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

            guys, the problem isn't the resolution, it's fact that those "noobs" dont switch de camera and the cockpit is in the field of view (!).... Hit "C" once for a full-screen-view...


            • #21
              Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

              That was also a problem my friend had until I showed him the light. Makes a huge difference!


              • #22
                Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                I play at 1600x1200 and relatively good gunner but you have to understand that gunner himself cannot look both sides at same time...the best way is to get in same squad as your gunner/pilot and tell him about targets using a mic.


                • #23
                  Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                  Originally posted by =[AOD]=Ken
                  Also it’s hard to determine friend or foe while in TV mode; I often have to look at them in normal view to make sure I don’t TK.
                  Boxes with an 'X' are friendly. Empty boxes are enemy.


                  • #24
                    Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                    1280 by 1024 is the God of all resolutions (21" TFT).


                    • #25
                      Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                      Anytime you increase the resolution, images get sharper, finer, thus SMALLER to a certain extent. If you play 16x12 then 1024x768, you'll see a noticable difference in the size of everything on screen. In order to make images appear sharper, they have to have more pixels, thus making the image finer and smaller. Note that it's not becomming microscopic, but the sizes DO NOT remain the same. Think of it as a "Zoom".

                      The higher resolution, the further away the zoom is, the lower the resolution the more "Zoomed In" the picture appears.

                      i mean

                      if youre going to rant at least have your facts correct

                      nothing in that post was correct.. nothing


                      • #26
                        Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                        I rarely see gunnery using TV guided for recon. I can't tell you how many times I shot enemy choppers after they left visual range.
                        Yes that is good, I love doing that very satisfying kill... Op Clean Sweep is good for that .... just as you lift off you can get a tv missle to the first base for a few cheap kills :P



                        • #27
                          Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                          I play 1680 x 1050 on a widescreen LCD with all graphics cranked.... I see all!

                          But I know the frustration, gunners don't seem to see near as much as I do when I'm piloting most of the time, so I fly for myself launching rockets at ground vehicles. Usually the gunner will pick up on it and let a TV missle fly and finish the target off if I don't.

                          I really need to get a mic though, I could see where it would be handy in a flight situation.



                          • #28
                            Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                            Originally posted by triple

                            i mean

                            if youre going to rant at least have your facts correct

                            nothing in that post was correct.. nothing

                  's like he's saying that we should all play at 640x480


                            • #29
                              Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                              Originally posted by [TOILET]Metal_Storm
                              Wow crap post of the year award!
                              You say you are getting tired of people who cant see 50% of the targets..... LOL!
                              "LOL". What are you, AOL user?

                              Maybe you should like....create your own Nerd Server, for people who like only see 100% of the people, then you being the admin can kick/ban them forever when they miss someone that you saw run into a building and have screamed through VoIP that they were running "that way over there" without actually being able to point at anything because you are the one facing forward then when you fly directly over them you can tell your gunners to like look under the chopper and shoot them there :/
                              Everyone seems to be an expert these days.
                              I certainly wish to understand what value your post has.

                              If you've actually read what I wrote, you'd see word "position", which means I'm positioning chopper so that gunner can hit targets, which means that I am very well aware of the 'box' thingie and the directions gunner is looking.

                              So nice to see that you know how I fly and what I do. Younger people are, more mind reading capabilities they have, it seems...


                              • #30
                                Re: Chopper gunners w/ 1600x1200?

                                You have to get the correct balance between setting up for the gunner, and using your own rockets. Some targets are just easier with your own rockets, while you can let the gunner "snipe" targets such as AA, a hovering chopper, vehicle, etc with their TV rocket. That way you have a much lower mortality rate. Anyways I play 1600x1200 on a 20 inch screen, and I have no problems seeing anything. Sometimes gunners are tied down somewhere else, and they don't notice the AT guy pointing a rocket at your chopper, that's where Voip and good communication makes all the difference.

