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Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

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  • #16
    Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

    Edit: Ill join up with any that wants to. Hit me up on Xfire as blackguy 32 or find me through this if you dont have xfire


    • #17
      Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

      Hello all. I find it real hard to find a good working team. I try to give my 150% each round even if it means getting myself blown up. When I join a team I do my best to follow orders even if they put me is some crazy place with little action. I'd love to be on a fine oiled team.

      Just my 2 cents



      • #18
        Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

        It all comes down to the squad leader. If he's doing his job, giving orders, communicating, and staying alive as a spawn point then the squad will do well. Even the worst players become team players when the leader is giving them the perfect spawn point and the medics are extending their lives 10 fold. We all want the awesome squad that works together and plays like the game is supposed to be played but finding one is almost impossible. You have to MAKE one.


        • #19
          Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

          if the squad leaders dont follow the commander's orders... its like a lost game.. lost many games when i was commadner due to disobedient squad leaders who do whatever they want and the orders are not passed down to the squad members so they are like lost or somethin...


          • #20
            Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

            Alot of SL's don't give a waypoint. I know it's annoying to have to keep updating it, but it really doesn't take that much effort. I feel that it gives the squad a focus to have a waypoint on the map, and then you can identify those who don't follow and kick them. MUHAHAH.


            • #21
              Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

              Once I get a good team together.. I try to get AIM names ... so I can add them to my BF2 buddylist... it has worked out well for me .


              • #22
                Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

                Higher ticket bleed to teams with less then 50% of the flags...
                25% bonus for all players on winning team...
                25% penalty for players on losing team...



                • #23
                  Re: Best Ways to encourage teamwork??

                  I think one of the best ways to encourage teamwork is to forgive all teamkills. If right off the bat you are killed accidentally by a teamate, either by being run over or shot, forgive that teamate and it will keep the morale of the team high. If however, you punish immediately without thinking, it will most likely enrage that teamate and cause him to draw further away from the team as a whole. I have experienced many team punishments for accidents and I know that my initial reaction, as is most people's, is anger and a desire to resist helping that teamate in the battle to come. Morale is the key to teamwork. Keep morale high and teamwork will hopefully ensue.

