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Will the expansion pack make this game too different?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by big_sammy_b
    Yes it is a crappy game. Spacey unskilled jumping around trash.
    by saying that u have insulted my feelings k? I DEMAND THIS C*UNT TO BE BANNED. Now seriously, Quake is not a crappy game k?

    On topic: I would love to see more infantry action in BF2. And actually some stealth elements


    • #17
      Originally posted by big_sammy_b
      Yes it is a crappy game. Spacey unskilled jumping around trash.
      Hah, you go play vs a good player and start jumping I am sure you will lose to him.


      • #18
        Originally posted by crashtest
        The big battlefields are already not my cup of tea, so with all of this covert and "special" weapon abilities coming in the expack, I don't know if I will like the game as much. Especially with Quake 4 coming out at the same time!

        Although more city maps may be better, I like infantry battles the most. But I hope the game doesn't become too complex in terms of the system of fighting, no fps needs that!
        Nobody is forcing you to buy and install the expansion pack.


        • #19
          Originally posted by big_sammy_b
          Yes it does if you like crappy games like quake then BF2 isn't for you.
          Funny-- I've liked quake for years--- but also like games like BF2. I dont' think either is 'crappy' just different.


          • #20
            Originally posted by timothye
            why on earth would you say something like this . if he likes it then its OK just because you dont you shouldnt say something like that .. FFS grow up .
            most likely you have a copy . or maybe you werent born yet .

            I once bought quake areana and yes it was crap and i was gutted i had spent the money on it to be honest.

            I also had quake the original which had a 'story' mode if your in any doubt as to my age.

            My point was if your in to tactical fps like BF2 or americas Army then your probably not going to like games like quake or unreal even though yes Americas Army is built using the unreal engine its still drastically different.

            Of course each to his own but in my view Quake is a terrible game.


            • #21
              Originally posted by big_sammy_b
              Yes it is a crappy game. Spacey unskilled jumping around trash.
              As opposed to modern day unskilled jumping around trash, eh?

              Anyway... They are going to mess it up. Minds as well just get a mod team together and do it the right way. IMO, the way special forces should be played, is infantry orientated, but object realted goals, not flags. It should mirror Enemy Territory gameplay.

              For example, a Seal Team is sent into destroy assest of the MEC. Instead of having flags, there should be objectives like the radar, anti-air assests, maybe a bridge or three... everything that is already in game, and quite doable. When all assests are destroyed, the game ends. Basically one team attacks, the other defends, not this ring around the rosey garbage.

              That would be my vision of Special Forces. If the explansion is not going to offer anything new other than a few weapons and ziplines... oh, and night vision..woo.. hoo.../sarcasm, why not just release it in a patch? That doesn't justify $30 from me, especially after how the community was welcomed with the state of the vanilla game.

              But to answer the topic, no I don't feel it will change the "gameplay" of this game. Not in one bit. Bottom line is, its going to be the same thing, just with a few nightmaps, and a variety of new weapons. Not holding my breath or pulling out the credit card anytime soon.


              • #22
                this is why i liked mohaa more than bf1942 ...

