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ultra high sound for everyone

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  • #31
    okay fine....i said i heard a difference... MAYBE i was imagining it...gez, the whole point of this was to see others results, guess i was wrong.... but okay then....


    • #32
      its the fact u asumed without trying, if u tried and said it didnt work... thas fine.... its like if u told me to go buy this car that u saw for a great price, n im like... bs, u didnt see anything........ .........okay **** this example..but u get the point..


      • #33
        Originally posted by Chubz
        :laugh: Yeah, I'm the retard here, I don't know anything. I always assume things are wrong when they are right. I'm not smart.
        not sure what this means...but ok!!! i was saying that your post was funny.


        • #34
          Originally posted by storlied
          okay fine....i said i heard a difference... MAYBE i was imagining it...gez, the whole point of this was to see others results, guess i was wrong.... but okay then....
          Like I said, unless your audio card magically morphed into a Creative X-Fi-compatible audio card, it won't do anything.

          Sure, like you said, video and audio are two different things, but it's the same concept. Example? You can't run the game on a Geforce4 Ti4200 - and if you try, it crashes. Hell, there hasn't even been a SINGLE effective solution to this yet... well, besides that one solution where every texture looks poopy-induced, but lets not get into that.

          You get what I'm saying, now stop pushing this on me.

          Originally posted by Cotizi
          not sure what this means...but ok!!! i was saying that your post was funny.
          I was replying to the guy calling me a retard before-hand and saying that what I was assuming "wasn't right", when it was so obvious it wouldn't do anything.


          • #35
            sorry, bad habit lol..but anyways...okay fine, i was wrong....someone kill this thread :|

